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The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the Clean Fleets project. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European.

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Presentation on theme: "The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the Clean Fleets project. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European."— Presentation transcript:

1 The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the Clean Fleets project. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. MODULE 5: TRANSFERRING KNOWLEDGE TIPS FOR TRAINERS


3 Your country is special Concerning GPP in Europe there is a diverse level of awareness and, at the same time, national laws often show differences in how the CVD has been adopted and used. Take into account national particularities and the need for customisation (e.g. legislation, case studies) when replicating the training courses in your country. ADVANTAGES TO ORGANISE TRAINING AT NATIONAL LEVEL

4 Language as a barrier? In most of the European countries knowledge of English is still a barrier. The Clean Fleets training material is available on the website in multiple languages. ADVANTAGES TO ORGANISE TRAINING AT NATIONAL LEVEL

5 Convince people to participate Show them the advantages of buying clean vehicles: Increasingly possible - more technology options It can be beneficial to transport operators and public bodies The CVD has its weaknesses but it is flexible – and this flexibility should be used Many resources are available to assist procurers CONVINCE PEOPLE TO PARTICIPATE

6 Small groups Remember that trainers work well in small groups in which they feel more at ease. They tend to better share knowledge and experiences and discuss with the rest of the group. Also, participation and the skills gained are likely to be higher in comparison with a bigger group. HOW TO MANAGE YOUR TRAINING – TIPS FOR TRAINER

7 Think about your audience The audience could be very varied! If you have: transport operators  focus on business opportunities, fuel security, green marketing, passengers public authorities  emissions targets, contributions towards sustainable urban mobility HOW TO MANAGE YOUR TRAINING – TIPS FOR TRAINER

8 Keep it interesting To keep them involved you should use interactive elements and show best practises from other cities. Exercises and concrete procurement activities of public authorities and fleet operators let trainers learn from them and replicate these examples in their own cities. HOW TO MANAGE YOUR TRAINING – TIPS FOR TRAINER

9 Key points and style Keep it simple and work on activities that would be most effective for your audience. Reiterate key points, ask questions and ask for questions to keep them involved. HOW TO MANAGE YOUR TRAINING – TIPS FOR TRAINER

10 Suggestions for the agenda TIMEMODULEITEM 9.30 – 11.401 Purchasing clean vehicles Motivations and market availabilities 11.40 – 12.302 Legislative context The CVD and further EU legislation on clean vehicles 13.30 – 15.203 Approaches to clean vehicle procurement To buy, lease...or retrofit? 15.40 – 16.304 Life cycle costing LCC tools and methodologies HOW TO MANAGE YOUR TRAINING – TIPS FOR TRAINER

11 Ask to our Best Trainers! Cecilia, Grigore, Jose and Quirijn have already trained transport operators and public authorities delivering with success the Clean Fleets Training course. For any suggestion, guidance or inspiration do not hesitate to contact them! FURTHER HELP

12 You are not alone! Many resources are available to assist procurers: Clean Fleets website : best practices from other European countries: Clean Vehicle Portal: Civitas - Civinet networks: Polis: Covenant of Mayors: FURTHER HELP

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