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1 Grid Computing Middleware Thực hiện: - Tăng Thị Thúy Duyên - Trần Công Đời - Trần Công Thanh.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Grid Computing Middleware Thực hiện: - Tăng Thị Thúy Duyên - Trần Công Đời - Trần Công Thanh."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Grid Computing Middleware Thực hiện: - Tăng Thị Thúy Duyên - Trần Công Đời - Trần Công Thanh

2 2 Grid Computing Middleware  Introduction  Definitions & functions  Toolkit: Globus UNICORE gLite

3 3 Grid Computing Middleware  Introduction  Definitions & functions  Toolkit: Globus UNICORE gLite

4 4 Introduction Grid Characteristics: Large-scale Heterogeneity  Hardware, OS, network, software environments (languages, libraries, tools...) Complex …

5 5 Purposes of Middleware  Open, general-purpose and standard  Standard protocols Defines the contents and sequence of message exchanges used to request remote operation Important and essential to achieve the interoperability that Grid depends on  Standard APIs Interfaces to code libraries Facilitate construction of Grid components by allowing code components to be reused

6 6

7 7 Application layer  User’s applications

8 8 Grid Fabric  Protocols  Tookits  Components  resource (computers…

9 9 Sensor Networks and Grid Middleware for Laboratory  eScience: science on grid  School of Chemistry(University of Southampton)+IBM UK Laboratories

10 10 Sensor Networks and Grid Middleware for Laboratory

11 11 Introduction

12 12 GLORIAD 12

13 13 Purposes o  Open, general-purpose and standard  Standard protocols Defines the contents and sequence of message exchanges used to request remote operation Important and essential to achieve the interoperability that Grid depends on  Standard APIs Interfaces to code libraries Facilitate construction of Grid components by allowing code components to be reused

14 14 What is Grid middleware? System software between applications and operating system Provide services to application  Discovery, storage, execution, information, service integration, resource monitoring, failure detection and recovery,… Hide heterogeneous of the Grid environment Provide standardised interfaces to services.

15 15 Grid Middleware  Connectivity layer:protocols + services  secure message exchange, authentication,and authorization.  Resource layer: protocols  sercure access + monitoring  Collective layer: coordination of multiple resources+ defines collections of resources  Web services model

16 16 Grid Middleware software  shared, reused, and extended  paradigm  API + tools  Challenge : social challenge.

17 17 Grid Middleware software

18 18 Grid Middle Standardization  The Global Grid Forum (GGF)  documentation of “best practices” (technical specifications, user experiences, and implementation guidelines).  Open Grid forum (OGF)

19 19 Open Grid forum  Global Grid Forum+ Enterprise Grid Alliance  2006  3 meetings are/year:North America, Europe and East Asia  2010: OGF28 March 15-19 Munich, Germany OGF28 OGF29 June 20-22 Chicago, Illinois USA OGF29 OGF30 October 25-29 Brussels Belgium OGF30

20 20 Standards Produced by OGF  GLUE- Grid Laboratory Uniform Environment.  SAGA -The Simple API for Grid Application  OGSA - Open Grid Service Architecture  CDDLM- Configuration Description, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management .....

21 21 Grid Computing Middleware  Introduction  Definitions & functions  Toolkit: Globus UNICORE gLite

22 22 Globus  Open source software toolkit used to build computational grids and grid- based applications.  Developed by the Globus Alliance  Version Version 1.0 in 1998 Version 2.0 in 2002 … Version 5.0 in 1/2010

23 23 Globus Architecture

24 24 Globus - GSI Security Layer  Base on SSL PKI(public key infrastructure) X.509 certificate  Support Single sign-on Resource authentication through host certificates Data encryption Proxy certificate

25 25 Globus - GSI Security Layer

26 26 Globus - GSI Security Layer

27 27 Globus - Resource Management  Globus Resource Allocation Manager (GRAM) Functionality  Handles resource allocation, initiates and monitors the lifetime of jobs, reports status of job execution.  Resource management. Globus Resource Specification Language (RSL):  Minimum memory  Number of CPUs

28 28 Globus - Resource Management  Globus Access to Secondary Storage (GASS) A file-access mechanism Secure HTTP-based streams GSI _ enforce access permissions for both data and storage.

29 29 Globus - Information services  Properties of the nodes that are connected to the grid  Monitoring and Discovery Service (MDS) Publishing and querying of resource information Three tier:  Information providers (IPs) CPU type, OS version. number of processors, memory available,…  Grid Resource Information Service (GRIS)  Grid Information Index Service (GIIS)

30 30 Globus - Data management  Transmitting, storing, and managing massive datasets.  Two component: GridFTP  Secure, efficient, and reliable data movements in grid environments  GSI support for authenticated data transfer Replica Location and Management  Multiple locations for the same file throughout the grid  Replica location service (RLS)

31 31 Globus 

32 32 Grid Computing Middleware  Introduction  Definitions & functions  Toolkit: Globus UNICORE gLite

33 33 Unicore  A integrated grid computing environment.  Including client and server.  Conceived in 1997  Functionality Seamless, secure, and intuitive access to resources Solid authentication mechanisms Easy relocation of computer jobs to different platforms

34 34 Unicore Architecture

35 35 Unicore - Unicore client  Local workstation or PC  Two components: JPA (job preparation agent) JMC (job monitor component)

36 36 Unicore - Unicore gateway  Single entry point for all UNICORE connections into a Usite  Provides an Internet address and a port

37 37 Unicore - Unicore Vsite  Two components: NJS (network job supervisor) TSI (target system interface)

38 38 Grid Computing Middleware  Introduction  Definitions & functions  Toolkit: Globus UNICORE gLite

39 39 gLite  deloyed by The Enabling Grids for E- sciencE project (EGEE)   New version: gLite 3.2 Update 09 has been released on 24.03.2010  gLite is presently supporting Scientifc Linux 4 and 5, and also Debian 4

40 40 gLite (CEOSWGISS- 21,Budapest.May 8th 2006)

41 41 gLite  new information Number of Countries = 56 Number of Sites = 375 (with Logos = 146) Number of (monitored) Resource Brokers = 124 Number of Computing Elements = 601  In VietNam: Number of Sites: 2  Site: VN-IFI-PPS Longname: VN-IFI-PPS Latitude / Longitude: 20.0 / 120.0 Computing Element:  Site: VN-IOIT-HN Longname: VN-IOIT-HN Latitude / Longitude: 20.0 / 120.0 Computing Element: More information: http://gridportal- locations.xml

42 42 gLite  combines components developed in various related projects (Condor, Globus,..).  provides the user with high level services for scheduling and running computational jobs accessing and moving data obtaining information on the Grid infrastructure as well as Grid applications  all embedded into a consistent security framework.

43 43 gLite Architecture  A layer between services and resources  gLite follows a Service Oriented Architecture

44 44 gLite Architecture

45 45 gLite – Access service  All of the gLite services are accessible via APIs and CLIs. API - Application Programming Interface CLI - Command Line Interface

46 46 gLite - Security Services  Authentication identify entities (users, systems, and services) Based on personal X.509 Certificates (issued by trusted CAs).  Authorization allows or denies access to specific services and resources three basic authorization models, classified as agent, push and pull.  Auditing monitoring and providing information for post- mortem analysis of security related events.  Dynamic Connectivity Service tackle the problems that arise when connectivity is restricted by the resource owner.

47 47 gLite - Infomation and Monitoring Services  R-GMA Components: provides a uniform method to access and publish distributed information and monitoring data.  Job Management Services (Application Service) Java logging service, log4j, Apache/Chainsaw (for other languages).  Discovery Service Provides a standard set of methods for locating Grid services  Network Performance Monitoring define a standard interface to monitoring frameworks.

48 48 gLite - Job Management Services  Accounting accumulates information about the usage of Grid resources  Computing element represent a computing resource (a cluster, supercomputers, single workstations).  Workload Management comprises a set of Grid middleware components responsible for the distribution and management of tasks across Grid resources  Job Provenance keep track of the definition of submitted jobs, execution conditions and environment.  Package Manager is a helper service that automates the process of installing, upgrading configuring, and removing software packages from a shared area

49 49 gLite - Data Services  Storage Element (SE): represent a storage resource  Metadate catalog services: keep track of the data location and relevant metadata (filesize,…)  data movement services: allow for efficient managed data transfers between SEs.

50 50 Comparison

51 51 Comparison

52 52 Q&A

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