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Palmer Open House Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015 8 th Grade Teachers: Janet Ruff, Gary Werner, Cynthia Lohse, Dan Peterson, Charlene Cruz, and Ratib Al-Ali.

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Presentation on theme: "Palmer Open House Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015 8 th Grade Teachers: Janet Ruff, Gary Werner, Cynthia Lohse, Dan Peterson, Charlene Cruz, and Ratib Al-Ali."— Presentation transcript:

1 Palmer Open House Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015 8 th Grade Teachers: Janet Ruff, Gary Werner, Cynthia Lohse, Dan Peterson, Charlene Cruz, and Ratib Al-Ali Counselor: Madeleine Lekas

2 Where to Start? Eligibility Letter! – Received @ school on 9/15

3 Application Process opens on October 1 st and closes on December 11, 2015, register for Selective Enrollment Test & IB Information Session Please only submit once you are sure that the information is correct. Students and parents can email questions and

4 Which school is best for me? Different Types of High Schools & Programs 1. CCA/CTE- College and Career Academy Programs o Example: Roosevelt offers nursing, medical fields, technology, culinary arts, and education Admission: Apply online or in paper (no info session or test to take) 2. International Baccalaureate (IB) Example: Amundsen, Prosser, Taft, Schurz, Lincoln Park (If your child’s score qualifies they will have the school listed), very rigorous curriculum Admission: Must go to an informational meeting

5 High Schools Continued Magnet and Magnet Cluster: special interest like arts or science o Examples: Disney II and Von Steuben (Science and Scholars program: must have a certain percentile to be eligible) Admission: Depends on school, Von Steuben Scholars need to have a recommendation/ essay. The Science Program does not. Military/Service Leadership Academy o Example: Rickover Naval Academy o Admission: Must go to an informational meeting and take a survey Ex: Rickover

6 High Schools Continued Selective Enrollment o Examples: Northside College Prep, Lane Tech, Whitney Young, Jones, Walter Payton Admission: Must take Selective Enrollment Exam Neighborhood/Standard o Example: Taft and Roosevelt (already accepted) o TAFT AVID Program requires a paper application. Admission: need to fill out an standard application by paper (Amundsen) Charter School o Example: CICS Northtown Admission: Must fill out a paper application with proof of birth/ address. There is an on line option.

7 High School Chart Selective Enroll. I.B. Programs MagnetMilitary/ Service CTE/CCA Programs Neighbor- hood About: Very rigorous, college prep/level courses Rigorous, college prep, often specialty interest (music, science) Rigorous, college prep curriculum, community service Career- based programs, some technical or college prep General curric- ulum Example(s): Northside College Prep, Lane Tech Lincoln Park IB, Amundsen IB Von Steuben, Disney II Rickover Naval Academy Roosevelt Culinary Arts Roosevelt, Amundsen Admission: Selective Enrollmen t Exam (Saturday) Attend IB Info Session (Saturday) Depends on school (i.e. letter of rec, essay) Attend Military Information Session Apply online (no info session or test) None if in attendance boundaries

8 Notifications Letters will be mailed to your house the last week of February. (Magnet, IB, Military, Selective Enrollment, and CTE) Make sure your correct address is on file with the office or else their letters will be sent to the wrong location You may get letters of notification at a later date (for example: lottery)

9 As a parent what can I do Talk to your child about the different options out there for school, factor in transportation and if it is possible to get to the school. Listen to their choices and what they want for their education. Visit high school fairs and websites. Encourage them to keep doing well in school, enjoy being an 8 th grader this year, and reward appropriately for good grades (ex: scholastic books). You and your child should attend a sporting event or musical at a high school you are interested in attending as a way to further get to know the school.

10 News to Come You will be getting the updated 8 th grade promotion policy to sign at report card pick up. Beaubien High School Fair – October 14 th High School Fair – Tuesday, October 20 th Please contact me with questions:

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