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Universal Description, Discovery and Integration Matthew J. Dovey Oxford University ZIG – Washington December 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Universal Description, Discovery and Integration Matthew J. Dovey Oxford University ZIG – Washington December 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Universal Description, Discovery and Integration Matthew J. Dovey Oxford University ZIG – Washington December 2000

2 UDDI Motivation from the “e-business” community Consortium of major computer systems vendors including by Ariba, Microsoft, IBM, Sun Not necessarily “new” concept or technically rich (especially in the current drafts) But lot of enthusiasm and support which is more important for interoperability standard

3 UDDI e-marketplace model –Businesses advertise services –Customers/clients locate services (c.f. registries of Z39.50 services ala IndexData/SeaChange or ILL/NCIP proposed directories) –Client software obtain protocol level information needed to connect and interact with the service (c.f. Explain)

4 UDDI –Data are in XML model –Interaction with the registry (search, update etc.) via SOAP (i.e. XML normally over http) UDDI is a “next layer” in an emerging stack enabling rich Web services. UDDI uses standards-based technologies such as TCP/IP, HTTP, XML and SOAP to create a uniform service description format and service discovery protocol.

5 Data ModelUDDI Amazon Buy Books Buy CD’s http://hostname/buyhttp://hostname/buy? isbn=0123456789& credit=444111222 Hostname= EDI

6 Data ModelUDDI OCLC FirstSearch CORC Z39.50 (ASN.1 or WDSL Spec) Host= Port= Database= (Explain Stuff) Bib-1 UUID Profile Specification (e.g. Bath) Local Profile Specifications (Conformance, Record format) ILL or CIP For Libraries Other Value Added Service

7 Explain and UDDI Alternative mechanism for publishing Explain and Explain-lite (registry of servers) UDDI front to existing Explain Why? Increased visibility of services

8 ASN.1 and WSDL ASN.1 could be recast in WSDL –Could produce the core spec. better suited to XML encodings –Next generation tools would build SOAP/XP layers automagically on discovering the protocol from the UDDI register –Raises the visibility of Z39.50

9 DirectoriesUDDI –Z39.50 Service Registry? –ILL/NCIP Registry? –(Possibly as front to Explain/LDAP?)

10 UDDI Technical Issues –Very naïve search interface at the moment (Z39.50 role?) –Metadata model is still naïve (Role for ISO 2146 like work?) –Issues of global distributed registry (replication) –Multiple related tModels (e.g. reflecting the relationship between protocol, attribute sets, profiles, and service specifics) BUT –Lot of interest/backing THIS IS WHERE TO BE SEEN TO ATTRACT e-CUSTOMERS

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