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Ethics and PR Are they a thing of the past? Ethics Considerations and Recent Events w Politics Lincoln bedroom and whether or not it is for rent Whitewater.

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2 Ethics and PR Are they a thing of the past?

3 Ethics Considerations and Recent Events w Politics Lincoln bedroom and whether or not it is for rent Whitewater Monica Lewinsky w Journalism NBC and GM Wal-Mart, Kathie Lee and “Buy American”

4 Ethics in Society w Standards that are followed in relationships with others - the real integrity of the individual or organization w is it seeking the greatest happiness for the greatest number? Mill’s Principle of Utility

5 Are Ethics Decisions Strictly Personal? w Code of Professional Standards of the Public Relations Society of America practitioners must be scrupulously honest and trustworthy act in the public interest Goal - to enhance public trust of an organization

6 Professional Standards for the Practice of PR w Conduct your professional life in accord with the public interest w exemplify high standards of honesty and integrity w Deal fairly with the public w shall adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and truth w Not knowingly disseminate false or misleading information

7 Professional Standards for the Practice of PR w Shall not engage in any practice that corrupts the integrity of channels of communication w be ready to identify publicly the name of the organization (client or employer) on whose behalf a public communication is launched w Should not serve unannounced purposes w Shall not guarantee the achievement of specific results beyond your control

8 Professional Standards for the Practice of PR w Not represent competing interests without expressed consent of those parties involved w member shall not place himself in a position of personal interest is or may be placed in conflict w safeguard confidences w not intentionally damage the professional reputation or practice of another practitioner

9 Professional Standards for the Practice of PR w Members shall sever all relationships with organizations or parties that do not adhere to said practices of the code w obligation to report offenders to the professional society w members shall not accept fees, commissions or gifts from others except clients or employers for whom services are performed

10 Ethics in Business w Is this an oxymoron? Tobacco, Michael Milken, insider trading w 1987 former SEC head donated $23 million to begin an ethics program at Harvard w Critical that the CEO and management demonstrate a commitment to ethics

11 Business, Competition and Ethics w Recent research demonstrates that 63% of surveyed business leaders feel that adherence to ethical practices leads to strengthened competitive positions w 14% believed that ethics could weaken position

12 Corporate Codes of Conduct w To increase public confidence w To stem the tide of regulation cost to society $100 billion w To improve internal operations w To respond to transgressions

13 Lockheed Martin w Unprecedented commitment to ethics Aims to set the standard w Mailer addressing there commitment to honesty integrity respect trust responsibility citizenship

14 Corporate Social Responsibility w Touches every level of the organization w Product Lines w Marketing Practices w Employee Services training, placement, counseling, diversity w Corporate Philanthropy w Environmental Concerns w Employee Safety

15 Ethics in Government w Sleaze Factor let’s compete on dirt vs. issues w Special Prosecutors w Personal vs. Job Related Morals w Specific Examples of Problems Iran-Contra - Bush and Reagan Keating and S&L’s Clinton and travelgate, Whitewater, Lewinsky

16 Ethics in Journalism w Should not communicate unofficial charges affecting reputation or moral character w guard against invasion of privacy w not pander to morbid curiosity about vice or crime

17 Ethics in Public Relations

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