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 9:00-9:30Opening/Ice Breaker  9:30-9:45 How We Got Here  9:45-10:15 Website and DVD  10:15-10:30Setting the Stage for our Work Together  10:30-10:45Budget.

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Presentation on theme: " 9:00-9:30Opening/Ice Breaker  9:30-9:45 How We Got Here  9:45-10:15 Website and DVD  10:15-10:30Setting the Stage for our Work Together  10:30-10:45Budget."— Presentation transcript:


2  9:00-9:30Opening/Ice Breaker  9:30-9:45 How We Got Here  9:45-10:15 Website and DVD  10:15-10:30Setting the Stage for our Work Together  10:30-10:45Budget  10:45-11:15Scope and Sequence for Curriculum  11:15-12:15School-Based Implementation Planning  12:15-1:15LUNCH  1:15-1:45Share-Outs from School-Based Groups  1:45-2:15Revisions With School-Based Groups  2:15-2:45Project Documentation and Evaluation  2:45-3:15Support from CD2HS

3  Welcome to CD2HS!  Donna will guide us into small groups…  In your small groups, share: What brings you to this project? Why are you interested in the high school transition in particular?

4  The Superfriends story!

5  View the “Smoothing the Transition” DVD  Review the Website  Share feedback via carousel walk:  What did you see that you already knew?  What did you see that is new to you?  How does this information inform the way you plan to approach the transition work?

6  The project and the grant  Q & A

7  Supply budget  CD2HS will provide Flip cameras and LCD projectors for each school if necessary. If schools already have these supplies, the money will remain in the school’s budget.  Budget for each school with an LCD = approx. $1545  Budget for each school without an LCD = approx. $1000  T.C. Stipends: Jess will discuss stipends with school groups

8  8 th grade curriculum  9 th grade curriculum

9  Meet in school groups  Plan who will teach curriculum and when  Plan when programming will take place and who will coordinate  Discuss other plans, ideas, and concerns


11  Each team presents the ideas developed  Questions and feedback from other groups

12  School-based groups process feedback and discuss possible revisions

13  Discuss documentation ideas  Discuss evaluation requirements

14  The Team  Jess  Intern

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