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August 2001 Meeting Action Items: Status of unknown Facilities: –Long EZ (Dobosy) – will not participate –XPol (Anagnostou) together with 2D video disdrometer.

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Presentation on theme: "August 2001 Meeting Action Items: Status of unknown Facilities: –Long EZ (Dobosy) – will not participate –XPol (Anagnostou) together with 2D video disdrometer."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 2001 Meeting Action Items: Status of unknown Facilities: –Long EZ (Dobosy) – will not participate –XPol (Anagnostou) together with 2D video disdrometer networked with 5 tipping bucket raingauges will participate if funded. –Office of Army Research multi-beam, passive remote sensing instrument (Back) – still unknown but rather unlikely. Blue: resolved, Red: still to be done

2 Lidar Information: –Complete lidar and radar information (incl. safety procedures) to request waiver from FAA –Specs are complete –UCAR Safety Procedures are on paper –Still missing procedures from other groups –Request permission from Trevino –Make sure, radars are included as well. Aircraft Information: –Communications capabilities on Learjet: Aircraft does not have a Satcom system, only standard VHF. –Aeromet cost estimate: still missing –Falcon cost estimate: received by Tammy

3 Flight Operations –Aircraft tracks –All aircraft tracks have been modified and were posted for review –Flight tracks now show horizontal as well as side views –Produce flight tracks on FAA backgrounds for play book and provide to FAA –Tentative schedule for all planes available –Appropriate realism for flight hours –Meeting with military representatives will take place on 13 November 2001. –Smaller aircraft meeting took place prior to November planning meeting.

4 Flight Operations (cont.) –Details about Naval Aviation Survival Training for NRL P-3 Scientists has been posted on IHOP web site. –Project Office visited Longmont FAA and looked at their tactical display system. Define how useful the system will be to IHOP. –Aircraft utilization: –Parsons will follow up with NASA on how to increase the number of flight hours (30-35 hours allocated right now) on the DC-8. –Could the Falcon get more funding?

5  Dropsonde and Upsondes –Come up with a realistic plan for dropsonde usage (400 total). –Settle on an aircraft(s) for dropsondes after looking at heights, on station time, length of time at the experiment: Aeromet Learjet. Cost estimate was requested 22 October 2001 – 420K for 120 hours and participation during the entire project. –4 versus 8-channel system: 8-Channel system will require twice the space on the aircraft and an additional operator. IHOP will stick with the 4-channel system, which NCAR can provide. –Define how many sondes (up and down) can be in the air at the same time. –Real-time data communication: not available on either the Aeromet Learjet or the Falcon.

6 Mobile Armada –Check cell-phone coverage in IHOP area and identify gaps –Produce map with all paved roads (list of roads with clay?) –Develop Plan B if Freewave system doesn’t work. –Decide on secondary Ops Center for mobile facilities Surface Stations –Provide recommendations to Van Baelen regarding location of additional GPS sensors – done, 9 additional sensors will be provided by Meteo France. –Carry out land-use survey, GIS data base (ABL) – responsibility of LeMone et al.

7 Surface Stations (cont’d) –Provide S. Richardson with any additional data requirements from OK Mesonet (non-qc’ed soil moisture data and FTP access) – discussions were started but need to be finalized with Jeff Batata. –Priority list was provided to Cress: what ARM data streams are most important and what data are needed in real time (any additional)—(general) disseminate discussion related to ARM involvement in IHOP to Cress, Lilligren and Voyles

8 Ops Center –Identify people by name for Project Control responsibilities: partially done. –Forecasting: Determine who does the forecasting and nowcasting (SPC, HPS, NESDIS etc.) Determine holes Recruit outside help (weather channel, Ed Szoke) Set up forecast team planning meeting –Produce logistics questionnaire (determine # of people at ops center, analysis center etc.) –Solve communications issues (with airplanes, with mobile facilities etc.; Phone recording at Ops Center) –Finalize timing of daily meetings –Identify staff for all systems in the field (logistics questionnaire)

9 Data Streams and Archival –Real-time access of level II for list of sites and archival of WSR 88D data and provision in real time to Ops Center (Kelvin discussion) –Archival of two military radars (Vance and Frederick), can we get real time data? –High resolution ASOS data: Koch to arrange to get data to JOSS Data Archive –Availability of GOES rapid scan (CERA-NESDIS) –Can we get dropsonde data on GTS: yes but not in real-time. Is there a difference in getting CLASS and GLASS data on? –Produce data questionnaire: on line

10 Modeling: –Get modelers more involved in experimental design –Will any one else step up besides FSL and CAPS with planning? –Make sure all data on modeler list gets into the models –Make sure NESDIS filters are not on and GTS works start to finish (check ARM data etc.) –Parallel model evaluation team for nowcast and short time forecasts (0-9 h) Other –Strong need for interagency communication at funding level - done


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