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Sasa Espino Franklin Lew Trevor Holleman Robert O’Connell Trauma Surgery 10.04.14 - 10.11.14 Jeffrey Stromberg Stephanie Louka.

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Presentation on theme: "Sasa Espino Franklin Lew Trevor Holleman Robert O’Connell Trauma Surgery 10.04.14 - 10.11.14 Jeffrey Stromberg Stephanie Louka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sasa Espino Franklin Lew Trevor Holleman Robert O’Connell Trauma Surgery 10.04.14 - 10.11.14 Jeffrey Stromberg Stephanie Louka

2 ATTD/RESDATEPATIENTINDICATIONPROCEDURE Ferrada/ Espino Lew 10.06 SBO, incarcerated hernia Exlap, LOA, hernia repair w mesh Goldberg/ Espino 10.06 Chronic wound, s/p GSW Exlap, LOA, anastomosis revision, wound exploration Aboutanos/ Stromberg 10.06 MVCExlap, splenectomy Aboutanos/ Stern 10.06 Ventilator dependence, aspiration, s/p fall Tracheostomy, PEG placement Anand/ 10.07 GSW to chest Exlap, L chest tube placement, pericardial window Whelan/ Espino Lew 10.07 Colostomy, s/p GSWColostomy takedown

3 ATTD/RESDATEPATIENTINDICATIONPROCEDURE Jayaraman/ Espino 10.08 Colostomy, s/p GSWColostomy takedown Jayaraman/ Lew 10.08 Open L arm fasciotomy Washout, debridement, closure of fasciotomy site Anand/ Espino 10.09 Flank herniaRepair of Jayaraman/ Stromberg 10.09 GSWExlap, ileocecectomy Aboutanos/ Espino 10.10 Colostomy, s/p GSWColostomy takedown

4 ATTD/RESDATEPATIENTINDICATIONPROCEDURE Aboutanos/ Stromberg 10.10 MVC Exlap, liver wedge resection, Abthera placement

5 Deaths and Complications Attending/ Resident DATEPATIENTDx/PROCEDURECOMPLICATION

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