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Internet and Website Development (Our Virtual World)

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1 Internet and Website Development (Our Virtual World)


3  Web Address -  No need to sign in (guest will do)  Exercises & PowerPoint slides will be uploaded in “Classroom Notes” folder in a week-by-week bases

4 This course aims to develop a student’s knowledge and understanding, confidence and creativity in analysing, designing, developing and evaluating information and software technology solutions

5  Knowledge and understanding of a range of computer software and Hardware  Problem-solving and critical thinking skills in order to design and develop creative information and software technology solutions for a variety of real-world problems  Responsible and ethical attitudes related to the use of information and software technology  Knowledge and understanding of the effects of the past, current and emerging information and software technologies on the individual and society  Effective communication skills and collaborative work practices leading to information and software technology solutions for specific problems

6  You are encouraged to work together, develop problem solving skills through a variety of learning activities by  Analysing  Designing  Developing  Testing  Documenting  Implementing and  Evaluating your own work

7  Digital Media  Internet and Website Development There will be a mixture of theoretical and practical work on the following topic areas:-

8  Projects: Design Produce and Evaluate  Hardware  Software  Data Handling  Past, Current and Emerging Technologies  Issues with Technology

9  Dreamweaver Website Creation  Microsoft Word Folio  Internet Research Sub-Tasks

10  A4 Folder and A4 notebook (lined with holes for folder) or 5 subject spiral notebook (250 pages)  Coloured Pens, pencils, highlighters, eraser, ruler and pencil sharpener  Diary Not essential but beneficial  USB Pen Drive You are required to bring the following to each lesson

11  Gain access to a computer and type out the class expectations and rules  Make sure you print a copy of your work and glue it in your book.


13 The internet is a publicly available, global network of computers It interconnects billions of Users. For example: –Businesses –Citizens –Governments –Academic Institutions –Research Centers –Libraries –Etc. Provides a Common Communications System for Diverse Computing and Network Environments Still Rapidly Expanding Involves Numerous Technologies (Not a Single Technology)

14 ARPANETINTERNET 1969 ARPANET R&D Project 1991 World Wide Web Released by Tim-Berners Lee 1974 Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn Initiated TCP/IP 1983 DOD Mandated Adoption of TCP/IP 1983 ARPANET Split into ARPANET and MILNET 1985 NSFNET founded by The National Science Foundation 1993 Web Browser “Mosaic” invented by Mark Andreesen

15  The internet is used for a many of applications. For example:  WWW  Email  Instant messaging

16 The world wide web is a sophisticated system for universal information capture and delivery The world wide web consortium (W3C) definition of the web: "The World Wide Web is the universe of network-accessible information, an embodiment of human knowledge" Provides information access in ways not previously possible –Hyperlinked (Hypertext) –Graphical user interface –Pictorial and non-text information –Information that changes rapidly –Immediate access –Anyone can author a web site –Multi-user access to the same information (try that with a book) –Easily searchable information

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