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The History of Floral Design. §Egyptian §Greek §Chinese §Roman §Byzantine §Middle Ages §Japanese §Renaissance §Baroque §Flemish §English Georgian §Victorian.

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Presentation on theme: "The History of Floral Design. §Egyptian §Greek §Chinese §Roman §Byzantine §Middle Ages §Japanese §Renaissance §Baroque §Flemish §English Georgian §Victorian."— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of Floral Design

2 §Egyptian §Greek §Chinese §Roman §Byzantine §Middle Ages §Japanese §Renaissance §Baroque §Flemish §English Georgian §Victorian §Modern America

3 Egyptian §Egyptians wore garlands or wreaths of flowers on their heads.

4 Greek § Wreaths were presented to outstanding athletes to symbolize victory and dedication §Cornucopia-horn of plenty

5 Chinese §Philosophies that influenced Chinese designs l Confucius l Buddhism l Folklore

6 Chinese §Seasons-flowers that symbolized each l Winter-White-blossomed plum l Spring-Peony l Summer-Lotus l Fall-Chrysanthemum

7 Roman §Roses were used at evening and formal occasions

8 Byzantine §Symmetrical, conical tree style designs

9 Middle Ages §Little known except that Floral designs were portrayed in Persian art

10 Japanese §Known as Ikebana, meaning the arrangement of living plant materials §Shin-Soe-Tai standing for heaven, earth, and man

11 Renaissance §Period of great change

12 Baroque §The crescent shape became popular

13 Flemish §The designs were portrayed in paintings

14 English Georgian §Nosegay-handheld floral arrangement carried by men as body deodorants §Tuzzy-muzzy-small nosegays placed in bowls to freshen odors in the home. Believed to keep away germs and diseases

15 Victorian §Were poorly designed

16 Modern American §Corsages became popular

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