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Passport to Meden You must pass each challenge and have your passport stamped in order to claim your certificate to say you have mastered the basics.

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Presentation on theme: "Passport to Meden You must pass each challenge and have your passport stamped in order to claim your certificate to say you have mastered the basics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Passport to ICT @ Meden You must pass each challenge and have your passport stamped in order to claim your certificate to say you have mastered the basics and are ready to take on the ICT Course at Meden School. Name: Tutor Set: ICT Teacher: Each star a challenge! Sources of information Moodle Audience and Purpose Email Files, folders and saving Printing Internet Safety

2 The Internet is an amazing resource; you probably use it most days. For much of the time you won’t come across any problems. But you do need to be aware of the risks that you might face when you are online. From the Thinkuknow Website, List 8 ways you can have fun on the Internet. Go on: Create a poster to explain some of the dangers of using the Internet. Other websites to help you are: 1)Use sensible file names when saving 2)Set up appropriate folders 3)Make sure all work is organised into folders Is your work finished… and ready to print? Make new folders for all your subjects Print screen your save area and save as “My save Area” in your ICT folder Print off the print screen of your save area using the rules.

3 What is it for? Who is it aimed at? Load the friendship poem and tasks, print off your poems showing the differences been the poems for different audiences. Explain what you have done and the reasons why to make it suitable for the 3 audiences; male child, a female teenage friend and for an adult. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Show evidence of: 1) Sending & receiving an email to & from one person 2) Sending an email to more than one person 3) Sending an attachment 4) Always including a subject in your email and signing it. 5) What BCC and CC mean? CC means ______________________ Bcc Means _____________________ Complete the table below: SourceAdvantage Disadvantage Internet Book Encyclopaedia TV Newspaper DVD What is moodle? ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ __________________________ Why will I use Moodle? ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ I have accessed a worksheet on Moodle

4 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 6 I know 3 or more sources of information I use information from different sources suitable for purpose and audience I can show clear sense of audience I can use emailI can organise my save area. I can submit my work to Moodle I have created a poster to show I understand the risks of using the Internet I can send and receive email from more than one person. I know how to save information using files and folders The challenges you have done help you to achieve these levels in ICT: Congratulations! You have earned your Passport to ict @ meden. Your Name: _________________ Teacher Signature: _________________

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