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Near Detector Flux and R&D Near Detector Flux and R&D International Scoping Study Meeting 27 April 2005 Paul Soler University of Glasgow.

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Presentation on theme: "Near Detector Flux and R&D Near Detector Flux and R&D International Scoping Study Meeting 27 April 2005 Paul Soler University of Glasgow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Near Detector Flux and R&D Near Detector Flux and R&D International Scoping Study Meeting 27 April 2005 Paul Soler University of Glasgow

2 2 3 rd International Scoping Study Meeting Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Neutrino Factory Beams o Neutrino beams from decay of muons: Spectra at Production (e.g. for 50 GeV muons) Number CC interactions Polarisation dependence

3 3 3 rd International Scoping Study Meeting Rutherford Appleton Laboratory o Near detectors should be able to measure flux and energy of and o Calibration and flux control (see Blondel talk): o Event rates at near detector (McFarland) leading to far detector rates: o Try and develop beam simulations to reproduce these results Near detector beam flux E.g. at 25 GeV, number neutrino interactions per year: 20 x 10 6 in 100 g per cm 2 area.

4 4 3 rd International Scoping Study Meeting Rutherford Appleton Laboratory o Near detector(s) are some distance (d~30-1000 m) from the end of straight section of the muon storage ring. o Muons decay at different points of straight section: near detector is sampling a different distribution of neutrinos to what is being seen by the far detector Near detector beam flux storage ring shielding the leptonic detector the charm and DIS detector Polarimeter Cherenkov d

5 5 3 rd International Scoping Study Meeting Rutherford Appleton Laboratory o Different far detector baselines: ̶ 730 km, 20 m detector:  ~30  rad ̶ 2500 km, 20 m detector:  ~8  rad ̶ 7500 km: 20 m detector:  ~3  rad  If decay straight is L=100m and d =100 m, neutrinos are generated between 30-130 m from detector. E.g. at 8  rad, lateral displacement of neutrinos is 0.25-1.0mm to subtend same angle. Near detector beam flux storage ring shielding the leptonic detector the charm and DIS detector Polarimeter Cherenkov d

6 6 3 rd International Scoping Study Meeting Rutherford Appleton Laboratory o I have inherited some neutrino factory beam, event generator and detector code from A. Cervera and JJ Gomez (Thank you!) o It needs o be adapted to generate events at a near detector o At the moment events are generated from a point neutrino source. o Need to implement decays along straight decay sections o Only looked at fluxes and number of events expected in detectors o Can observe energy shift as a function of distance Near detector beam flux storage ring shielding the leptonic detector the charm and DIS detector Polarimeter Cherenkov d

7 7 3 rd International Scoping Study Meeting Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Near detector beam flux d=30 m, r=0.5 m Flux d=130 m, r=0.5 md=1km, r=0.5 m e Anti   17.8 GeV 15.3 GeV 21.6 GeV 34.1 GeV 29.2 GeV18.5GeV

8 8 3 rd International Scoping Study Meeting Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Near detector event rates d=30 m, r=0.5 m Event rates d=130 m, r=0.5 md=1km, r=0.5 m Anti   e 25.5 GeV 22.3 GeV 26.6 GeV 37.1 GeV 32.5 GeV 23.2 GeV

9 9 3 rd International Scoping Study Meeting Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Far detector flux and event rates d=2500 km, r=20 m Event rates Anti   e 35.8 GeV 30.0 GeV 38.1 GeV 33.3 GeV

10 10 3 rd International Scoping Study Meeting Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Far detector flux and event rates Sofia group are implementinmg full decay along straight sections (500 m) with Polarities +1: Roumen Tsenov, Yordan Karadzhov

11 11 3 rd International Scoping Study Meeting Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Far detector flux and event rates Sofia group are implementinmg full decay along straight sections (500 m) with Polarities -1: Roumen Tsenov, Yordan Karadzhov

12 12 3 rd International Scoping Study Meeting Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Far detector flux and event rates Sofia group are implementinmg full decay along straight sections (500 m) with Polarities +-1: Roumen Tsenov, Yordan Karadzhov

13 13 3 rd International Scoping Study Meeting Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Far detector flux and event rates Sofia group are implementinmg full decay along straight sections (500 m) with Polarities +-1: Roumen Tsenov, Yordan Karadzhov

14 14 3 rd International Scoping Study Meeting Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Plans  We are now getting the beam simulations in place. Need to implement proper decays along straight sections  Need to implement detectors into the beam simulations, and interface to neutrino generators (Genie, home grown?)  Already beam simulations show that you need good granularity in near detector to be able to obtain fluxes that are relevant for far detector and to minimise systematics (plot in radial bins).  Good granularity would imply something like a silicon pixel/strip detector or emulsion to achieve good vertexing and accurate divergence (can emulsion handle the rate??)  DEPFET, Monolithic Active Pixels, Hybrid pixel detectors could do job: detector R&D …..  Need more manpower

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