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Major Key Signatures- Sharps # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # C G D AE B F# C# Count 5 from each letter inclusive to the right.

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Presentation on theme: "Major Key Signatures- Sharps # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # C G D AE B F# C# Count 5 from each letter inclusive to the right."— Presentation transcript:


2 Major Key Signatures- Sharps # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # C G D AE B F# C# Count 5 from each letter inclusive to the right to find the next key e.g C D E F G etc. Add one sharp (#) as you go round the circle to the right All the white notes on the keyboard

3 Major Key Signatures- Flats b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b C F BbBb EbEbAbAb DbDb GbGb CbCb Add one flat (b) as you go round the circle to the left Count 4 from each letter inclusive to the left to find the next key e.g C D E F etc. All the white notes on the keyboard

4 Circle of Fifths

5 Key Signatures What is the sentence to work out our key signatures? ______________ ____________ _______ _________ ____ _______ _____________ FatherCharlesGoesDown AndEnds Battle We say the sentence backwards for the flat key signatures

6 Key words Tone and semitones can be described as? Steps A chromatic scale is made up of? Semitones A major chord sounds? Happy A minor chord sounds? Sad

7 For the sharps – say the sentence and go up one letter in the alphabet Father (F goes to G) For the flats – say the sentence but stop on the last but one flat of the key signature Battle Ends (Battle = Bb ) F (G major)B E (Bb major) F C G D A E B (C# major) (C major)F C (D major)B (F major)B E A (Eb major) F C G D (E major)B E A D G C F(Cb major) F C G (A major)B E A D (Ab major) B E A D G (Db major) Can you work out these Major Key Signatures?

8 Minor Key Signatures Each Major key signature has its cousin - the relative minor key signature. They share the same key signature. To work out the cousin we count back 4 semitones from the original Major key signature. C Major’s cousin is A minor 12 3 4

9 Minor Key Signatures To work out the cousin we count back 4 semitones from the original Major key signature. If we end up on a black note we look at the key signature to see if we call it a sharp or flat after the name of the note. Gb Major’s cousin is Eb minor 1 23 4

10 Minor Key Signatures- Sharps # C G D AE B F# C# A minor E Minor B Minor F# Minor D# Minor G# Minor C# Minor A# Minor

11 Minor Key Signatures- Flats b C F BbBb EbEbAbAb DbDb GbGb CbCb D Minor G Minor C Minor Ab Minor Eb Minor Bb Minor F Minor

12 Minor Key Signatures See if you can work out these minor key signatures 1.Work out the Major key signature first 2.Then count back 4 semitones from the original key (E minor) (G minor) (A# minor) (A minor)(B minor)(D minor)(C minor) (C# minor)(Ab minor) (F# minor) (F minor) (Bb minor)

13 We will now give you the name of the key signatures. To work out how many sharps or flats there are in the key signature and what they are we reverse the earlier process G major – a step back from G is F Say the sentence = Father = F# B major – a step back from B is A Say the sentence up to the letter A = Father Charles Goes Down And = F# C# G# D# A# SHARPS FLATS Bb major – Say the sentence and add a word = Battle + Ends = Bb Eb Db major = Battle Ends And Down + Goes = Bb Eb Ab Db Gb

14 Try these ones out yourself How many sharps or flats are there in these key signatures and what are they? D MajorDb Major Cb MajorC# Major Eb MajorF Major = ( Just say the first word!! ) C MajorA major F# MajorE major

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