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Quia Tier 3 Quarter 3 Week 1. Accent Name of symbol: ACCENT.

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Presentation on theme: "Quia Tier 3 Quarter 3 Week 1. Accent Name of symbol: ACCENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quia Tier 3 Quarter 3 Week 1

2 Accent Name of symbol: ACCENT

3 Definition: A symbol that indicates a note should be emphasized Accent

4 Slur Name of Symbol: SLUR

5 Definition: This symbol indicates that notes should be sang legato smooth and connected) Slur

6 A slur is always between different notes. If a curved line connects two of the same pitch, it’s a TIE. Slur Circle the slur in the music example

7 Sharps NAME: Sharp Symbol What does a sharp do to a note? A sharp symbol raises a note a half step

8 Sharps G Move up a HALF STEP from G G#

9 Order of the Sharps FCGDAEB There is a certain order that sharps get used in…

10 Fried Chicken Goes Down Awfully Easy Baby Order of the Sharps

11 Sharp Identification What sharps are being used? F# C# G# D#

12 What sharps are being used? Sharp Identification F# C# G# D# A# E# B#

13 What sharps are being used? Sharp Identification F# C#

14 Finding DO No Flats or Sharps Key Signature is C lear SO DO= C

15 Rule for finding DO Take the last sharp and go up to the next note. This note is DO.

16 1.Identify the last sharp D# 2. What is the note name? D# 3.Move up to the next line/space. 4.What is the note name? E=DO Rule for finding DO

17 Is there a sharp on E? NO Is there a sharp in the key signature name? NO Rule for finding DO

18 Finding DO ONE SHARP Do = G

19 TWO SHARPS Finding DO Do = D

20 THREE SHARPS Finding DO Do = A

21 FOUR SHARPS Finding DO Do = E

22 FIVE SHARPS Finding DO Do = B

23 SIX SHARPS Finding DO Do = F# Why F# and not F?

24 SEVEN SHARPS Finding DO Do =C# Why C# and not C?

25 Sharp Solfege WHAT IS DO? D DO MI SOL LA FA

26 Sharp Solfege WHAT IS DO? E DO MI LA TI SOL

27 Sharp Solfege WHAT IS DO? C# DO LA MI TI SOL

28 Quia Tier 3 Quarter 3 Week 2

29 Natural Name: Natural Symbol What does a natural do to a note? A natural symbol cancels out a flat or sharp

30 Rest Values in 6/8 = 1 count = 2 counts = 3 counts = 6 counts

31 Rhythm Counting (1) 2 3 (4_5) 6 1_2_3 (4_5_6) 1_2_3 (4_5_6) (1_2_3_4_5_6)

32 Rhythm Counting 1 2 3 (4_5) 6 (1_2_3) 4 5_6

33 Interval Note Names: A and D 1 and 4 Interval is: FOURTH

34 Interval Note Names: F and C 1 and 5 Interval is:FIFTH

35 Intervals and Solfege What solfege syllable is a fourth above DO? FA What solfege syllable is a fifth above DO? SOL What note is a fourth above C? F What note is a fifth above C? G

36 Quia Tier 3 Quarter 3 Week 3

37 D.C. D.C. stands for… Da Capo English Translation: From the beginning

38 D.S. D.S. stands for… Del Segno English Translation: From the sign

39 Coda A symbol in music that tells you to skip to a new passage of music

40 D.C. Al Coda Definition: Go back to the beginning and sing until you cut to the coda “Da Capo Al Coda” literally means “From the beginning to the Coda”

41 D.S. Al Coda Definition: Go back to the sign and sing until the coda “Del Segno al Coda” literally means “From the sign to the Coda”

42 Ritardando Definition: To Slow Down Abbreviated in music as: Rit. or Ritard.

43 Accelerando Definition: To Speed Up Abbreviated in music as: Accel.

44 A Tempo Definition: Go back to original speed Abbreviated in music as: A Tempo

45 Quia Tier 3 Quarter 3 Week 4

46 Solfege w/ Accidentals DO LI SI SOL FA RIDIDO RE MI FI LA TI


48 Sharp Accidentals LA SI LA LA DO TI SOL LA

49 Sharp Accidentals LA TI DO LA LA SI MI LA

50 Sharp Accidentals LA TI DO TI LA SI SOL LA

51 Quia Tier 3 Quarter 3 Week 5

52 Tie Definition of Tie: Curved line that connects two notes of the same pitch. This line indicates that value of each note should be combined to create a new value. 1 + 1 = 2

53 Circle the tie in the following example. Tie

54 = TWO Counts = SIX Counts = THREE Counts

55 Tie 1_2_3 + 1 + (2) + (3) 1 + 2 +_1 (2)

56 Tie 1_2 e + a 3 + (4) + 1 +_2_+ 3_4

57 Quia Tier 3 Quarter 3 Week 6

58 Flat Key, Sharp Key and 6/8 REVIEW

59 Quia Tier 3 Quarter 3 Week 7


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