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Northern Nevada Water Planning Commission Western Regional Water Commission April 7, 2010.

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1 Northern Nevada Water Planning Commission Western Regional Water Commission April 7, 2010

2 Introduction   Amendments to the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan   Draft Consensus Population Forecast   Sustainable Water Resources   Water Demand Projections   Estimated Population that can be supported by Sustainable Water Resources   Recommended Action by Commission

3 Amendments to the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan Compare the Draft Consensus Population Forecast with the estimated population that can be supported by the sustainable water resources identified in the Regional Water Plan Attachment A

4 Amendments to the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan NNWPC reviews draft Consensus Forecast and recommends for or against finding of consistency with sustainable water resources from RWMP WRWC finds draft Consensus Forecast is consistent with sustainable water resources in RWMP and transmits finding to RPC and affected entities Y N

5 Draft Consensus Population Forecast 2010 Population2030 Population 434,519590,533 Attachment B

6 183,250 acre feet Truckee River System Groundwater Basins Sustainable Water Resources Attachment C

7 Water Resources Baseline Table 183,250

8 Water Use Projection 2030 Consensus Forecast Population 2030 Water Use Projection 590,500142,000 acre feet Attachment D

9 Summary 2030 Consensus Population Forecast 2030 Water Use Projection Sustainable Water Resources 590,500142,000 acre feet 183,250 acre feet

10 Conclusions The draft Consensus Population Forecast for 2030 is less than the estimated population that can be supported by the sustainable water resources identified in the Regional Water Plan.

11 Recommended Action Recommend to the WRWC that it determine that the draft Consensus Population Forecast for 2030 is less than the estimated population that can be supported by the sustainable water resources identified in the Regional Water Plan

12 Questions?

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