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DTP Features 1.03C Demonstrate desktop publishing.

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Presentation on theme: "DTP Features 1.03C Demonstrate desktop publishing."— Presentation transcript:

1 DTP Features 1.03C Demonstrate desktop publishing.

2 Special Features of Publications Art Balloon Bleed Caption Dropped Cap Running Headlines/Footers Jumpline Pull Quote Rules Sidebar Text Box Watermark End mark Reverse text

3 Art Illustrations and photographs used to convey meaning and add appeal

4 Balloon A circle or bubble enclosing copy in an illustration Often used in cartoons ???

5 Bleed A print effect in which a color or an object appears to run off the edge of a page Another definition: A print effect in which layout, type or pictures appear to run off the edge of a page.

6 Caption Brief descriptive text (or label), usually accompanying an image Can be in the form of a text box or a balloon. May be called a “call-out”. File Photo (Charlotte Observer)

7 Dropped Cap An enlarged character at the beginning of a paragraph Drops below the line of text Grabs the reader’s attention Sometimes called an “initial cap”.

8 Running Headlines/Footers Running text at the top and/or bottom of a document Used for organization, page numbers, date, author, running title, etc.

9 Jumpline Line which tells readers which page to refer to for the continuation of an article Continued on B3

10 Pull Quote Quotation taken directly from the body of the article Used to draw attention Often made larger Placement − Between columns with word wrap − Alone in a column surrounded by white space − Right justified in the last column − Beneath the headline as a deck Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

11 Rules Horizontal or vertical lines that can be applied to paragraphs, text boxes, and objects in a publication (Also used to direct the flow of a publication and organize its content.)

12 Sidebar Box filled with information related to the main story or to a completely separate article (Smaller self-contained story inside a larger one with its own headline.) GREAT Example Here

13 Text Box Container for text that can be placed and formatted randomly Have borders that display when selected. − Many have sizing handles that appear around the border to resize the box if needed. − Some have a rotation handle that can be used to rotate the box

14 Watermark A semi-transparent image in the background of printed material

15 Endmark (End sign) A symbol that indicates the end of an article or news item Symbols vary  ~ 

16 Reverse Text Dark background and light text; used for emphasis. Text that is the opposite to what the reader is accustomed. Often used in headlines to draw attention Does Reverse Text have to be white on black? No—Any colors can be used as long as the light color is on top of the dark color. Use Sparingly

17 Justified Text Text that is even (straight edge) at both margins. This is an example of justified text. You’ll see that both the left and right margins are straight.

18 Centered Text Text that is centered above a column or body of text. (like a title) A paragraph of text that is centered on the page without any straight edge. This is an example of justified text. You’ll see that both the left and right margins are straight. Centered Title This paragraph of text is centered. This format is often used for invitations and flyers.

19 Vertical Text Words that are perpendicular to other words on the page. This text is perpendicular VERTICALTEXTVERTICALTEXT to this body of text which is going the other way. Adds a new dimension to the page.

20 Enumerated Items Items that are in a sequential order without gaps in numbering. 1.Red 2.Blue 3.Green I.Red II.Blue III.Green a.Red b.Blue c.Green Is a table of contents an enumerated item? No, because there can be gaps in the numbering

21 2.01 Demonstrate desktop publishing.21

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