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Photoshop Editing Work Flow A Guide to the Full Meal Deal.

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Presentation on theme: "Photoshop Editing Work Flow A Guide to the Full Meal Deal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photoshop Editing Work Flow A Guide to the Full Meal Deal

2 Opening Files Use Explorer to open files and drag onto Photoshop Use File- Browse in Photoshop

3 Cropping and Resolution Crop using composition guidelines and to a size of 8 X10 – 8 X 12 Set Resolution according to pointers below. Resolution refers to the number of small squares known as pixels that that will be printed per square inch. The resolution is determined by the number of pixels or dots along the width and height of the image (ppi or dpi). High Resolution 200 ppi or higher has more pixels, therefore larger file size than a low resolution (72 ppi or 92 ppi) If you are working on an image to just learn Photoshop use 72 dpi, if it is one you would like to print the use 180 or 300

4 Creating the Ideal Crop Experiment! What will the Crop Look Like? Convert the background layer to a regular layer by double clicking the background layer

5 Now when you crop, drag rectangle over image and from tool options bar select hide option

6 Straighten Horizon You can do this in any program Easy way: When cropping in photoshop hold curser over corner until you get curved arrow, left click and rotate Watch you don’t lose part of the photo outside cropped area Second way: Use the measure tool (ruler) to measure a reference point

7 Straightening using Measure Tool Select the measure tool, from under the eyedropper tool in the toolbox (Shortcut I). Click at one point on the horizon, the hold the mouse button and drag across, releasing the mouse button at the other end of the horizon. ( Along what should be level). It does not have to be the horizon; it could be a fence line, a roofline, the edge of a shelf, or anything else you know should be perfectly horizontal. Go to Image, rotate canvas > arbitrary. The rotate canvas dialog appears with a number already filled in. Click OK.

8 Creating Duplicate Background Layer ctrl J This will allow you to edit the image The next adjustment layers must be done in order

9 Adjustments All the following start at the Images the adjustments drop down menu:

10 #1 Levels move the outside sliders to “meet” the first peaks Do this for separate channels R then G the B This gives you your solid blacks Shadow areas Highlight areas

11 #2 Shadows/highlight Experiment by moving the slider

12 #3 Hue and saturation 1 to 3 is slightly noticeable, 4 to 7 (max 10) is strong, Above 10 is exaggerated and fake looking. Never touch “Lightness” slider (it reduces quality)

13 #4 Colour Balance Bring some snap and vibrancy to your colours by working with individual channels but don’t create fake images with unrealistic

14 #5 Brightness/ Contrast Experiment to try add depth or softness to your photo

15 #6 Sharpness Correction Finish each image with a sharpness correction. Create a copy of the background layer Filter>Sharpen>Unsharp Mask Rename it “Sharpening” Enlarge to 100% view so you can see results

16 Filter – Sharpen – Unsharp Mask

17 Every photographer has their set of numbers: Try these settings as a starting point: Amount – 85% 100% 150% Radius – 2.7 2.5 0.5 Threshold – 3 0 9 Other suggestions: For people: Amount 150%, Radius 1, Threshold 10 For cityscapes, urban photography, or travel: Amount 65%, Radius 3, Threshold 2 For general everyday use: Amount 85%, Radius 1, Threshold 4

18 Try Combinations

19 Before Printing You need to Flatten your Image And Check your image size.

20 Flatten the layers Layer / Flatten Image (Command - E)

21 To change to Black and White Image- adjustments- desaturate You can also try other filters to create sepia look under Image- adjustment - filter Don’t be afraid to have some fun here!

22 Changing Image Size Check its what you want Image- Image size Be sure your page set up matches your picture dimensions

23 Curves (advanced instead of shadow/highlight and brightness/contrast ) Substitute at #2 create three dots – nudge center dot to create slight “s” curve this will give you more or less contrast to mid tones. “nudge center dot either up for high key or down for low key contrast to the mid tones”

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