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义务教育教科书(人教)九年级英语上册. 2.Amy 过去性格外向。 3. Tina 过去有一头直的长头发。 3. Tina 过去有一头直的长头发。 Mario used to be short. Amy used to be outgoing. Tina used to have long and.

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Presentation on theme: "义务教育教科书(人教)九年级英语上册. 2.Amy 过去性格外向。 3. Tina 过去有一头直的长头发。 3. Tina 过去有一头直的长头发。 Mario used to be short. Amy used to be outgoing. Tina used to have long and."— Presentation transcript:

1 义务教育教科书(人教)九年级英语上册

2 2.Amy 过去性格外向。 3. Tina 过去有一头直的长头发。 3. Tina 过去有一头直的长头发。 Mario used to be short. Amy used to be outgoing. Tina used to have long and straight hair. 1.Mario 过去总是很矮。 1.Mario 过去总是很矮。

3 4. 他过去常戴眼镜。 He used to wear glasses. 5. 你过去弹钢琴吗?不,我不弹。 6. 你曾经留长头发吧?是的,我曾。 Did you use to play the piano? No, I didn’t. Did you use to have long hair? Yes, I did.

4 7. 你过去是直发吗? 是的。 Did you use to have straight hair? Yes, I did. 8. 你过去常游泳, 是吗 ? You used to swim, didn’t you ?

5 Used to 的用法 used to 过去常常,过去惯常,用来表示以往的事实或状 况。其后要接动词原形. 即 : used to do 1)I used to go on Saturday, but now I no longer do so. 2)My parents used to live in South America and I used to fly there in the holidays. 3)Tom used to walk to school, now he rides a bike to school.( 过去反复的动作 ) 4) There used to be a church here.( 过去存在的状况 ) used to 否定形式可为 didn’t use to , used not to 也可为. 疑 问句式也有两种: Did…use to? 或 Used … to? He used to be short. Did he use to be short? =Used he to be short?

6 Used to ; get(be) used to 与 be used to do 1.used to “ 过去常常,过去惯常 ” ,只用于过去时, to 后要 接动词原形. used to …(get used to …) “ 习惯于 ” , 可用于任何时 态,该短语中的 to 为介词,后跟名词或动名词。 3. be used to do “ 被用来做 …”, 常用于被动语态中. used 是动词 use 的过去分词. I used to get up early. I am used to getting up early. I used to travel by air. I am used to traveling by air. The robot can be used to do some dangerous work. The knife is used to cut fruits.

7 P.E. class

8 painting pictures

9 music class

10 ants and other insects

11 I used to like playing games with friends. I used to like listening to the music. I used to like painting pictures. I used to enjoy swimming. I used to enjoy eating candy.

12 1c 1._____ I didn’t use to like tests. 2._____ We used to walk to school. 3._____ I used to hate gym class. 4._____ I used to be on the soccer team. √ √ √

13 1d In the past Now I didn’t use to like ________. We used to_____every day after school. We used to _____ to school. I used to hate ______. I don’t worry about _______. We ________ all the time. We have to ____________ to school. I __________ gym. tests play study walk take the bus gym love

14 go to school by bus = walk to a place = ride to a place = drive to the shop = fly to Beijing = take the bus to school go to a place on foot go to a place by bike go to the shop by car go to Beijing by air / plane

15 1e Pairwork A: I used to eat candy all the time. B: Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.

16 当堂练习 (1) 1.Some students think that studying grammar is not helpful______. A. Not at all B. at all C. all D. very 2.Jean practices English by _____ English-language videos. aloud B. reading aloudly C. read aloudly D. reading aloud 3.I sometimes learn English by ____ English-language videos. A. Watch B. watching C. looking D. looking at 4.-____ do you study for an English test?- By making vocabulary lists. A, What B. When C. How D. Who 5.My pronunciation is not good._______ reading aloud to practice pronunciation? A. How B. What C. What about D. Can B D B C C.

17 6. Mother told her son _____ in the street. A. not play B. to not play C. doesn ’ t play D. not to play 7.He saluted her by_____ his hat. A. raising B. to raise C. raise D. raised 8. I learn English ____ writing letters ____ my pen pal. A. in; to B. by; to C. in; with D. on; with 9. This box is _____ heavy _____ I can ’ t carry it. A. too; to B. so; that C. very; that D. too; that 10. Maybe you can ____ vocabulary lists. A. made B. make C. do D. did D A B B B

18 1. 新学员常常犯语法错误 2. 它不是最新款的手机之一它过时了 3. 最好的减肥方法就是少吃多运动 4. 我在回家的途中碰到了简 5. 他们毫不困难的找到了他家. The new learners always make mistakes. It is not one of the latest mobile phones.It is out of style. The best way to lose weight is eating less and doing more sports. (exercising more). I met Jane on my way home. They have no trouble finding his home.

19 自古以来学有建树的人,都 离不开一个 “ 苦 ” 字

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