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NREN view towards SDN- enabled services and Cloud- Federations Peter Kaufmann/DFN FIA, Athens, 19th March 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "NREN view towards SDN- enabled services and Cloud- Federations Peter Kaufmann/DFN FIA, Athens, 19th March 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 NREN view towards SDN- enabled services and Cloud- Federations Peter Kaufmann/DFN FIA, Athens, 19th March 2014

2 Current situation Bandwidth is available Large+flexible bandwidth capacities due to transmission technology: flexible ROADMs, colored interfaces,... Further developments/testbeds towards Tb-technology Services IP-service, Various VPN-services (Lambdas, Ethernet, IP, MPLS,...) New generation of ROADMs increases the flexibility and response time for high capacity VPNs BUT VPNs are configured from NREN/Network providers. Users are „passive“ customers of the VPN-environment Page 2 FIA, Athens, 19th March 2014, P. Kaufmann/DFN

3 SDN Key Aspect seen from NREN SDN (virtual Networks) offer the possibility for better management of VPN New comfortable method to handle the CP NEW possibility for user access to the CP, but... Even with comfortable UserAcces to the ControlPlane –only applicable for advanced users –not for the commodity customers! Thus: Handling of SDN at user level should not be a prerequisit for further general services (e.g. clouds) Page 3 FIA, Athens, 19th March 2014, P. Kaufmann/DFN

4 Cloud-Federations (1) Assumptions Growing demand within NRENs, interference of private and academic (business) communication, usage of same/similar HW. (Big) commercial clouds (Google, Amazon etc.) have no interest for inderdomain/federation approach. Why should they? Commercial power of company clouds is big. No/few chances for general NREN(Community)-Clouds. Page 4 FIA, Athens, 19th March 2014, P. Kaufmann/DFN

5 Cloud-Federations (2) Conclusion for NRENs „Reseller“ of „public“ clouds (some NREN do so or will do), Enrich the public clouds with special offers/services Or looking for niches for NREN (Community)-Clouds –Special functionality –Better performance –Better security/privacy Page 5 FIA, Athens, 19th March 2014, P. Kaufmann/DFN

6 Cloud-Federations (3) Security, Privacy, Trust NSA-Topic: Unclear the medium/long term consequences. Behaviour&requirements of users is hard to estimate. But certainly for buisness: Growing requirements for European-based companies&rules (non-US regulation/control) In Germany: Some discussion about Germany-based security networking (due to US-NSA & British-QCHQ)  Security/privacy issues could increase the needs (apart from  other reasons) and the chances for NREN-clouds (Federation of NREN-Clouds) Page 6 FIA, Athens, 19th March 2014, P. Kaufmann/DFN

7 Cloud-Federations (4) Federations of NREN-Clouds could enlarge the ntl. niche if –Easy to use (e.g. One-Stop Shopping) –Seamless service (self-service), not worse than public clouds –Additional benefits (compared to single NREN-Clouds) –Broad coverage (like EduRoam, a success story) Open issue: Do Cloud-Federations overweight the unavoidable (technical, admin) overhead? We have not yet real use cases! Chicken-and-Egg problem. => But: „Taste and try before you die“ Page 7 FIA, Athens, 19th March 2014, P. Kaufmann/DFN

8 SDN & Cloud-Federations (1) SDN and Clouds (and NFV) are (nearly) indpendent issues! SDN: More important for network providers to manage Networks & Clouds (and for advanced users) NFV: To facilitate the provision of functionality for users by network providers NREN-Clouds (with federations): Users organize their „scientific life“. Combination of SDN&Clouds offers the possibility of „self-defined“ clouds within the NREN-Federation environment for advanced users, but to much complexity at commodity user level => At User Level: Combination is a niche inside the niche? Page 8 FIA, Athens, 19th March 2014, P. Kaufmann/DFN

9 SDN & Cloud-Federations (3) Use cases NREN-Clouds (not reseller): not yet (relevant) in operation NREN-Clouds: Not just a prolongation of HPC (due to costs HPC is no seamless self-service, also missing elasticity) SDN certainly good for Test&Project environment of advanced users (consider: user access to ControlPlane!), currently e.g. in GN3+. For operational traffic: later, when stabilised BUT: Killer application still hard to find! Page 9 FIA, Athens, 19th March 2014, P. Kaufmann/DFN

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