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DEAC (2008) DRAFT SMCCCD Distance Education Plan.

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1 DEAC (2008) DRAFT SMCCCD Distance Education Plan

2 What’s DEAC  To-date:  Vision Planning  Platforms chosen  Training  DE Gateway  Data collection  Sense of urgency  Distance Education Plan

3 Plan Purpose  The SMCCCD Distance Education Plan developed by the Distance Education Advisory Committee will provide the colleges with projections for enrollments and suggested demand for courses. These projections can be used as guidelines to identify potential program and course development areas as well as the resources required to implement them. Further, the plan will list "best practices" for increasing distance education success and retention and address processes and criteria for integrating distance education modality into ongoing programs and services.

4 Collective Vision & Goal  Increase student success in distance education to be the highest in Bay Ten.  Achieve and maintain 20% annual distance education enrollment growth (seat count) in the next 10 years to:  increase distance education enrollment to be 10% of total enrollments  bring distance education FTES to be at least the statewide average.

5 Background & Rationale  Vision Planning Recommendation  Clear & Present Need for Plan  We are behind some Bay Ten schools (as measured by distance ed FTES* 06-07 data)  Foothill CCD (15.3%)  West Valley CCD (8.4%)  Ohlone (7.1%)  Statewide Average (6.8%)  Contra Costa (6.1%)  Chabot-Los Posidas (5.3%)  San Jose CCD (4.7%)  SMCCCD (1.9%*)  CCSF (1.7%)  Marin (.4%)  Peralta (.1%) * data from System Office data mart

6 Statewide Picture  DE Growth (96 – 06)  Total number of course sessions: 2,710 to 21,906 (808% increase)  Headcounts: 54,524 to 301,071 (19%/yr), representing 11.8% of all system headcounts  Enrollments (credit only): 102,607 to 605,055 (20%/yr), representing 5.6% of all system enrollments. (SMCCCD: 4.4%)  DE Degree/Programs: 35% colleges (59 colleges responding to survey)  Faculty/student survey feedback: positive

7 SMCCCD  Enrollments & Projections: (Online)  Using Statewide Rate of 20%/yr SMCCCD Annual Growth Rate

8 Untapped Market  People who prefer distance education modality (data pending)  Mobility impaired students; institutionalized and incarcerated  Transportation limited (Coastside, etc)  Workplace learning  International students  Existing university students whose classes are impacted

9 Statewide Picture  Outcomes: (Performance gap narrowing)

10 Statewide & SMCCCD  Outcomes by Age: Gaps remain

11 Statewide & SMCCCD  Outcomes by Ethnicity: Gaps remain

12 Planning for Growth  Course Development  We currently offer a wide variety of courses and many are well attended.  We need to think about:  High demand courses  Courses satisfying various degree/certificates  Access to people who are distance bound, including people with mobility issues

13 Planning for Growth  Program Development  We are very close to using distance education to satisfy Associate degrees requirements. We need:  Oral Communication  Ethnic Studies

14 Planning for Growth  Resources  DE Unique Services & Support  Proctoring services  Tutoring distance learning  Faculty & Staff Support  Human Resources  Library Services  Marketing & Research  Student Services  Technology

15 Planning for Growth  Other Exciting Developments  “Intro to distance learning and college” course planned for all 12 graders in high schools  CAHSEE grant through Peninsula Library System that hooks colleges to high school students

16 Finally – Concrete Process  District-wide:  data  overall goals  progress monitoring  coordination  Colleges:  process  timelines  annual targets  course & program development  resource needs

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