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Undergraduate Business Advising Center Gretchen Leming- Manager Amanda Chambers- Advisor Contact: 615-898-2764 or

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Presentation on theme: "Undergraduate Business Advising Center Gretchen Leming- Manager Amanda Chambers- Advisor Contact: 615-898-2764 or"— Presentation transcript:

1 Undergraduate Business Advising Center Gretchen Leming- Manager Amanda Chambers- Advisor Contact: 615-898-2764 or

2 Jones College of Business Strengths uAACSB Accredited uBeta Gamma Sigma Honor Society uStudent Centered uSuccessful Graduates – Annual Reports uVery Popular Majors uAffordable uSuperior Facilities

3 Student Organizations uAlpha Kappa Psi uAssociation of Information Technology Professionals uBeta Alpha Psi uFinancial Management Association uGamma Iota Sigma uInstitute of Management Accountants uPhi Beta Lambda uPi Sigma Epsilon uSociety for Human Resource Management

4 B.B.A. Degree Programs uAccounting uBusiness Administration uEconomics uEntrepreneurship uFinance uInformation Systems uManagement uMarketing uOffice Management

5 Accounting Coursework in the areas of: * financial accounting *taxation *cost accounting *auditing *governmental accounting

6 Business Administration *Ideal for a student who wants to major in business but does not have a specific field of study *Managerial decision making skills *Small business ownership plans

7 Economics *Students acquire an understanding of economic concepts and processes *Apply techniques of economic analysis to decision making in the public and private sector *The program will interest those considering careers in business, education, government, and law

8 Entrepreneurship *Students may tailor the program to fit their specific needs while acquiring the business background needed to pursue entrepreneurial goals *This major takes a student from the idea they have for a business through completing a feasibility study, writing a business plan and operating the new venture

9 Finance *The business finance and financial institution management emphasis are designed for students interested in entering the fields of corporate finance, banking, investments and securities *The insurance emphasis is designed for students interested in career in insurance, insurance company operations, underwriting, claims adjustment, risk management, sales, estate planning, actuarial science *The real estate emphasis prepares students for careers in real estate operations, brokerage, mortgage financing, property valuation, investment/estate planning

10 Information Systems *Business applications of the computer and the processing, storage, retrieval, and reporting of business information Career Choices: *Junior Systems Analyst (Consultant): works with users in defining business problems/needs; provide systems specifications and systems design for the user *Database Administrators: Coordinate changes to computer databases, test and implement the database applying knowledge of database management systems. May plan, coordinate, and implement security measures to safeguard computer databases *Network and Computer Systems Administrators: Install, configure, and support an organization's local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), and Internet system or a segment of a network system. Maintain network hardware and software.

11 Management *Human Resource Management includes areas of planning for human resource needs; recruiting, selecting, and training employees; assisting managers in placing employees; and facilitating the rewarding of work performance *Production/Operations Management includes the areas of designing, operating, and controlling the production of products and/or services through the efficient/effective use of capital, financial resources, employees, and raw materials *General Management includes administrative work in both areas of management: human resources and production/operations

12 Marketing *Marketing major prepares students for assuming all marketing responsibilities in any organization *The program is designed to prepare students for rewarding careers in such fields as sales, sales management, retailing, business-to-business marketing, purchasing, distribution, pricing, advertising/promotion, public relations, product management, and marketing research.

13 Office Management *Prepares students for careers as office managers, office supervisors, executive secretaries, and word processing managers *Courses are required in the areas of management, communication, and technology *Skills acquired in office organization; selection, training, and supervision of personnel; office automation; and planning and organizing office services, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, software and equipment

14 Other Programs uB.S. Degrees –Business Education o Teaching o Non-Teaching o Non-Teaching Training & Development uGraduate Degrees –M.B.A. –M.B.E. –M.S. in Accounting and Information Systems –M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics

15 Undergraduate Majors

16 Admission to Jones College of Business Minimum of 30 semester hours of degree credits Completion of all high school deficiency requirements Completion of all learning support courses Cumulative GPA of 2.250 on all college-level coursework A 2.000 average among these 4 designated pre-business courses: (Jones College will follow the MTSU repeat policy) ACTG 2110 QM 2610 ECON 2410 ECON 2420

17 Program Sequence General Education, First Two Years Business Core Major Courses, Last Two Years

18 Program Requirements: Degree Audit uAcademic tool used to track your progress uAccessed through PipelineMT Account

19 Scheduling Suggestions Full-time vs. Part-time 12-18 hours is full-time, 14-16 hours is average load Meeting Days MWF = Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 55 minute classes, i.e., 9:10-10:05 MW = Monday and Wednesday MW = Monday and Wednesday 1 hour 25 minutes, i.e., 2:20-3:45 TR = Tuesday and Thursday 1 hour 25 minutes, i.e., 9:40-11:05 TR = Tuesday and Thursday 1 hour 25 minutes, i.e., 9:40-11:05 uStudents will be dropped from courses if payment is not received by January 5 th.

20 Scheduling Reminders uCredit Hours- All required classes are 3 credit hours except Natural Sciences (4 credit hours). Ex.- BIOL 1030/1031 uNatural Sciences and HLTH 1530/1531- You must register separately for the lab portion. You will have 2 CRNs for these classes. Ex.- CHEM 1030 (CRN: 83273), CHEM 1031 (CRN: 83278)

21 Academic Enrichment: ACT/COMPASS Prescribed Courses Examples: MATH 1000 K, MATH 1710 K ENGL 1009 K READ 1000 K UNIV 1010 K

22 MTSU ID Number (aka “M Number”) To help protect your personal information, MTSU now uses “M Numbers” not Social Security Numbers How do I find my MTSU ID number? 1.Login to PipelineMT 2.Click on the “RaiderNet” tab 3.Click on “Personal Information” 4.Last click on “What is my MTSU ID number?” 5. Ex.- M01234567

23 Selecting Your Courses General Education for Business Majors If you plan to be a fulltime student, please select 4 or 5 courses from the General Education category. Do not select more than 1 course per General Education category unless indicated for the upcoming semester. Communication (9 hours) Select 1 or 2 courses: History (6 hours) Select 1 course: ENGL 1010, COMM 2200 ENGL 1020: cannot take until ENGL 1010 is complete HIST 2010, HIST 2020, HIST 2030 Humanities and/or Fine Arts (6 hours) Select 1 or 2 courses: must be from different subject areas Social/Behavioral Sciences (3 hours) Select 1 course: ANTH 2210, ART 1030, ART 1910, ART 1920, DANC 1000, HIST 1010, HIST 1020, HIST 1110, HIST 1120, MUS 1030, PHIL 1030, THEA 1030 AAS 2100, ANTH 2010, EMC/JOUR/RIM 1020, GEOG 2000, GS 2010, HLTH 1530/1531, PS 1005, PS 1010, PSY 1410, SOC 1010, SOC 2010, WGST 2100 Humanities and/or Fine Arts (3 hours) Select 1 course after completing ENGL 1010 and 1020: Social/Behavioral Sciences (3 hours) Business majors must take the following course: ENGL 2020, ENGL 2030, HUM 2610 ECON 2410 Natural Sciences (8 hours) Select 1 course with lab: 2 nd course must be from a different subject area Mathematics (3 hours) Select 1 course: ACTG majors must select MATH 1630 ASTR 1030/1031, BIOL 1030/1031, BIOL 1110/1111, BIOL 2010/2011, BIOL 2020/2021, CHEM 1010/1011, CHEM 1030/1031, CHEM 1110/1111, GEOL 1030/1031, GEOL 1040/1041, PHYS 1110, PHYS 2010/2011, PHYS 2110/2111, PSCI 1030/1031, PSCI 1130/1131 MATH 1630, MATH 1810 Math 1630 requires 2 years of high school algebra and MATH ACT greater than 25 (may need MATH 1710- College Algebra first). MATH 1710 can be used as a Non- Business Elective.

24 General Education Course Descriptions *You have course descriptions in your packets*

25 May Need Permit Section Number Course Reference Number Open Sections List

26 Section Numbers D- Distance Learning H- Honors E- EXL I- International L- Learning Community S- Study Abroad K- Prescribed Courses R- RODP Courses Example: HIST 2010-H04

27 Special Course Sections uRaider Learning Community uTwo Classes Are Paired Together uSection Number Example: ECON 2410 – L09, ENGL 1010 – L01

28 University Honors Admission Requirements uMust have a minimum ACT score of 25 and a minimum high school GPA of 3.5 uRetention in the Honors program is a cumulative GPA of 3.25 uHonors courses will have “Honors” in the title and the section number begins with H

29 Regents Online Degree Program uAll coursework can be completed online, but this is NOT a Business Program. uThese courses require extra tuition and fees in addition to the MTSU fee structure. uThe section number is R50.

30 Study Abroad Opportunities 2007 uInterested in France? uSome general education courses will be offered next summer 2007 in Cherbourg, France uFor more information contact: Dr. Anne T. Sloan (615) 898-5091

31 Advanced Placement (AP) Credit Score required: 3 or above Refer to page 33 of the 2009-11 Undergraduate Catalog for additional Information To have scores sent call 1-888-CALL 4 AP

32 Retention Standards 2.00 for the current term or 00-29.99 quality hours = 1.50 cumulative GPA 30-49.99 quality hours = 1.80 cumulative GPA 50 or more quality hours = 2.00 cumulative GPA


34 One-Semester Extension of Vaccines

35 What Building are we in? The Business and Aerospace Building I do not have to check my campus email. False My professor will remind me when projects are due. False My college class schedule will be similar to my high school schedule. False You can take Principles of Marketing your Freshman year. False





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