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Hosted by Hamza, Dana, Alex, and Morgan!! 100 200 400 300 400 RhetoricSPAM Speeches Misc. 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Hamza, Dana, Alex, and Morgan!!

3 100 200 400 300 400 RhetoricSPAM Speeches Misc. 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 Give an example of a rhetorical question in “Ain’t I a Woman?” Answers may vary.

5 1,2 The real name of Sojourner Truth Isabella Baumfree

6 1,3 Main topic dealt with in both speeches Women’s Rights

7 1,4 Define oligarchy A system of government in which power is held by a small group.

8 2,1 An Example of Figurative Language in “Ain’t I a Woman?” and its purpose/meaning. “If my cup…measure full?” –Relate to Women’s Rights.

9 2,2 Both Speakers were exposed to this group or their ideas The Quakers

10 2,3 Susan B. Anthony refers to this text as support for her argument The preamble of the Federal Constitution

11 2,4 Define kilter Good condition; order or form

12 3,1 Explain the impact of “old Sojourner” (Need appeal and effect) Ethos; answer must include credibility of speaker

13 3,2 This person dedicated their life to women’s suffrage Susan B. Anthony

14 3,3 What does the audience Member whisper in “Ain’t I a Woman?” “intellect”

15 3,4 The year in which women received their right to vote And the amendment number. 1920- 19 th Amendment

16 4,1 Give an example of Pathos in each speech and its effect in terms of the overall purpose of the speech. Answers may vary, but must show a thorough understanding of each text.

17 4,2 The audience of each speech. (Requires two answers; one for each speech.) Truth- Women’s Covention, Anthony- 29 postal districts of Monroe County, New York

18 4,3 DAILY DOUBLE!! Make an offer. Explain the significance of the saying “Ain’t I a Woman?” and identify an example presented by Truth as support.

19 4,4 Give an example of a rhetorical Question in “After Being…” And its effectiveness to the Message of the speech. Answers may vary.

20 5,1 Summarize the logical appeal made by Truth, identify the allusion, and explain the effect Summary will vary, biblical allusion, effect will vary.

21 5,2 The purpose/message of each speech. (Requires two answers from each speech). Truth- Women are human beings, Anthony- Women are citizens therefore deserving of right to vote

22 5,3 Identify the sentence which Summarizes the speech “After Being…” “Woman are citizens…privileges or immunities.” - Last paragraph.

23 5,4 What occurred within Sojourner Truth when she was Living with the Van Wagenens And where is it seen in her speech? Spiritual/Religious Awakening; supported with appropriate example from the speech.

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