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Welcome to Miramar Ranch Elementary GATE/Seminar Parent Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Miramar Ranch Elementary GATE/Seminar Parent Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Miramar Ranch Elementary GATE/Seminar Parent Meeting
Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011 Welcome to Miramar Ranch Elementary GATE/Seminar Parent Meeting October 22, 2015

2 Miramar Ranch GATE Team
Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011 Miramar Ranch GATE Team Principal – Peggy Grane GATE Lead – Susan Darragh GATE DAC Reps – Amy Hill & Jennifer Andrews Site School Psychologist – (Name) Fill in with the relevant names for your own school site

3 GATE at the District Level
Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011 GATE at the District Level Stephanie Ceminsky, Manager Michelle Crisci, Coordinator Leslie Caporale, Administrative Assistant April Dorman, GATE Programs San Diego Unified School District District 504/ADA/Title IX/GATE Department Education Center, 4100 Normal St., Rm 2129 Phone: (619)

4 Where to Go for Information
At School: Your child’s Teacher Your GATE-DAC Representative GATE Team Leader Administrator in charge of GATE (at elementary site this will likely be your principal) Site School Psychologist At Central office: GATE Office (619) Related/Specialized Services-School Psychology Services (858)

5 GATE at the District Level
Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011 GATE at the District Level gifted-and-talented-education-gate Become familiar with this GATE website (currently being redesigned) Many resources posted there Notices, meetings, articles The GATE office also used to organize and tape the “Distinguished Lecture Series” and the videos used to be posted on the website but they seem to have disappeared and I am not sure whether they are still holding the lecture series or not and whether the videos will reappear once the website re-design is finished.

6 Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011
District Setting Area 6 – Crawford, Hoover and Scripps Ranch Cluster The Scripps Ranch Cluster includes SR High School; Marshall Middle; and E.B. Scripps, Dingeman, Jerabek and Mirarmar Ranch elementary schools. Area 6 Superintendent – Fabiola Bagula Graciela Gutierrez, Administrative Assistant Phone: (619) Board of Education – District B Kevin Beiser Fill in with the relevant information for your own school site

7 Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011
GATE Testing Testing protocol has recently changed No longer using Raven test – Board decided in June 2015 to change the test Incoming students in will now be tested using CogAT (& re-tests) Schools decide when – but school choice deadline is Feb 15! All Grade 2 students are tested unless parents opt out Refer parents to the Q&A handout given to us at the October DAC meeting

8 Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011
Historical Context (from Board presentation 23-June-2015 see BoardDocs tab on SDUSD website) September BOE approved elimination of initial GATE testing after the 5th grade August The five designated GATE Department school psychologists were assigned back to the Related and Specialized Services (RSS) program. RSS then determined a new process for the 83 school psychologists who were now responsible for the GATE testing of more than 13,000 students November The Advanced Placement and School Psychology offices merged to create a Workgroup consisting of community and district stakeholders Spring A sample multi-factor identification matrix was presented to the GATE Workgroup Fall “Newcomer” process was introduced to the Workgroup You can find this complete presentation (given to the Board of Ed) by going to the San Diego Unified School District website, going to the Board page and searching BoardDocs for the date.

9 Recommendations Universal GATE screening at Grade 2 GATE identification process to include multiple sources of data (e.g., tests, teacher input, parent input, etc.) Adoption of a multi-factor GATE eligibility matrix (e.g., economic challenges, transiency, disability, English learner) District policy revision Further exploration of GATE testing that is aligned with CCSS timelines GATE Assessments/Tools that are appropriately normed and administered Use of a computer-assisted GATE identification tool Ongoing examination of the identification process to align with SBAC

10 Immediate Next Steps Board Action Supports and Services
Approve GATE Identification Process (multiple factors and criteria) Approve GATE Assessment Tool (Cognitive Abilities Test/CogAT) Supports and Services Quarterly meetings of the GATE Workgroup Personal/Social support (possible referral to MHRC, SpEd, etc) for some GATE identified students Supports and Services cont. Continued meetings between GATE advisory committee and senior leadership Ongoing program/ progress monitoring and “End of Year” evaluation Focused GATE PD for school psychologists (e.g., during distinguished lecture series)

11 Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011
GATE Testing CogAT = Cognitive Abilities Test Developed by David F. Lohman Consists of 3 parts: Verbal Quantitative Non-Verbal See Lohman, D. F. & J. L. Gambrell (2012) J. Psychoeducational Assessment 30(1):25-44

12 GATE Testing Sample Grades K-2

13 Testing & Identification
Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011 Testing & Identification Identification will be based upon a variety of inputs (including CogAT test scores) as part of a multi-factor eligibility matrix Psychologists are currently being trained to administer the CogAT CogAT is done via computer so IT services are still working on rolling it out As a result, the new testing may not be ready until the Spring, after the Feb 15 School Choice deadline If your child is identified as Seminar and your school doesn’t offer it, you may request to be placed into the next closest school (geographically) that does I

14 Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011
Cluster At least 25% of each GATE Cluster Class identified in PowerSchool is comprised of students identified as GATE; the remainder of the students in the class must reflect the diversity of the school’s population. Seminar A minimum 50% of each class identified as Seminar in PowerSchool is comprised of students identified as GATE Seminar; the remainder of the students in the class are identified as GATE Cluster. Source: Handout that is available for download on the SDUSD GATE website – found under “GATE Support Materials” – see “A Short Guide to the GATE Cluster (or Seminar) Program

15 GATE District Advisory Committee (GATE DAC)
Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011 GATE District Advisory Committee (GATE DAC) The District has a GATE Advisory Committee Meets monthly at Ballard Ctr (Old Town) Schedule is posted on SDUSD GATE website Your school DAC reps are: Amy Hill & Jennifer Andrews They attend these meetings on your behalf and report back to parents Meetings are from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Harold J. Ballard Parent Center Auditorium, 2375 Congress Street San Diego, CA 92110 Childcare and Translation Services (and free parking in lot at rear of building) provided. If you have questions or concerns regarding the GATE DAC, please call (619) Meeting Schedule for School Year: September 14, 2015 October 12, 2015 November 9, 2015 December 14, Steering Committee - No childcare or translation services. January 11, 2016 February 8, 2016 March 14, 2016 April 11, 2016 May 9, 2016 June 13, Steering Committee - No childcare or translation services.

16 GATE District Advisory Committee (GATE DAC)
Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011 GATE District Advisory Committee (GATE DAC) Monthly DAC Meetings are intended to: Inform parents about important issues in the district Inform parents about what to expect from, and ask for, at their schools Give parents a chance to network with other schools in their high school feeder pattern Educate parent representatives and the parents at their sites about gifted education and timely issues Official Description posted on the SDUSD website under board-and-district-committees: “The goals and objectives of the GATE DAC are to advise district leadership on gifted program development, planning and implementation as required by state law, act as regional liaison to school sites for development of gifted programs, act as resource persons for district-wide parent meetings, channel community questions concerning district-wide programs for follow-up and action, set DAC priorities for program review, discussion and explanation during monthly meetings, and review district program objectives, activities, budget timelines and annual evaluation.”

17 GATE DAC Inform, Educate, Engage
Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011 GATE DAC Inform, Educate, Engage The DAC is a volunteer organization Led by parent coordinators (Katie Anderson & Elizabeth Nagy) Needs new leaders to join Dec 14th Steering Committee Meeting

18 Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011
You Can Help Your Child by Getting Involved! Participate in parent/ teacher Conferences Participate in GATE parent meetings at your school site Become involved in the GATE District Advisory Committee (DAC) - 2nd Mon monthly Participate in your Site Governance Committee/SSC Attend School Board Meetings Connect with other GATE parents Source: from GATE page on SDUSD website, in the dropdown menu on the left side called GATE Support Materials. Taken from the “Students Newly Identified as GATE – powerpoint”

19 Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011
Parent involvement leads to greater student achievement!

20 Parent Involvement Opportunities
Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011 Parent Involvement Opportunities Letters to the Board of Education Letters to Legislators Help with/attend DAC meetings Participate in SENG parent support groups Talk to your teacher!!!! They need your support!

21 Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011
We want to hear from you! Questions you have for DAC? Send to your DAC Reps! Want to access other parents learning about the social and emotional needs of GATE students? We have info! 5th grade parents moving onto Marshall with questions? Let’s consolidate them! Interested in organizing a GATE Open House to showcase student work?!!?

22 Innovation Middle School Orientation - June 1, 2011
Resources San Diego Unified Schools GATE Department California Association for the Gifted Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted National Association for Gifted Children Hoagies Gifted Education

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