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Corneal Staining Pure Vision 10 Persons (20 eyes) of the university staff (usual contact lens wearers) were subjected to corneal staining analysis. The.

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Presentation on theme: "Corneal Staining Pure Vision 10 Persons (20 eyes) of the university staff (usual contact lens wearers) were subjected to corneal staining analysis. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corneal Staining Pure Vision 10 Persons (20 eyes) of the university staff (usual contact lens wearers) were subjected to corneal staining analysis. The Corneal staining was evaluated: 1. Before using the lens; 2. After 2 hours of lens use; 3. After for hours of lens use

2 We use an image analyzing software to obtain objective and quantitative results. The following classification has been used -Micropunctate : Area ≤ 0.002 mm 2 -Macropunctate: 0.002 ≤ Area ≤ 0.01 mm 2 -Coalescent macropunctate: 0.01 ≤ Area ≤ 0.3 mm 2 -Patch: Area >0.3 mm 2 The analysis has been carried out only on the zones (classified according to the five-zone method) with clinical relevance and not on the whole corneal area. CCLRU staining grading scale has been employed to classify the staining type

3 19 Eyes didn’t present staining. We observed staining only in one case. Corneal Staining was in the zone 2 of the cornea and was classified as: Type 2 Extension 1 Corneal Staining Analysis 1

4 Corneal Staining Analysis 2 After two hours The 60% of the subjects presents corneal staining in the zone 5. Type 3 (i.e. coalescent macropunctate) dominates

5 Corneal Staining Analysis 2 After two hours The extent according to our classification was 1-2 Extent grading scale (Lecce Proposal) 0 = absent (o < 1%) 1 = from 1% to 3% surface involvement 2 = from 3% to 10% surface involvement 3 = from 10% to 30% surface involvement 4 = >30 % surface involvement

6 Examples

7 Corneal Staining Analysis 3 After four hours Staining severity decrease. Only in one case we can observe a staining worsening


9 Conclusion In our opinion there are NO interaction between the Pure Vision Lens and the solution (non so il nome) for the lens care. The staining investigated are probably due to the secchezza (Dryness???) of the eyes caused by normal activity of the university staff (i.e. prolonged use of the pc monitor).

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