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Delegation 1879 delegation to Washington D.C. Left to Right, Chief Moses (Sulktalthscosum), Moses' nephew, Chillileetsah, Hiachenie of the Cayuse, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Delegation 1879 delegation to Washington D.C. Left to Right, Chief Moses (Sulktalthscosum), Moses' nephew, Chillileetsah, Hiachenie of the Cayuse, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 delegation 1879 delegation to Washington D.C. Left to Right, Chief Moses (Sulktalthscosum), Moses' nephew, Chillileetsah, Hiachenie of the Cayuse, and Chief Homily of the Walla Wallas. Some of the Native peoples disagreed with the terms of the Yakima Treaty and refused to be removed to the reservation. Among the "non-treaty" Indians were the Columbia-Sinkiuse of Moses Lake, led by Sulktalthscosum, known to the whites as Chief Moses. a group of persons who are chosen to act for others; representatives (p. 333) noun verb: to delegate

2 reconciliation a restoration of agreement between two or more parties (p. 333) noun verb: to reconcile

3 radical a person who favors extreme changes or reforms (p. 335) noun radicallyradical adjective: adverb:

4 unalienable not capable of being given or taken away (p. 338) adjective synonym: inalienable

5 document a written or printed statement that gives official proof and information about something (p. 343) noun verb: to document

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