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Demystifying RFI’s, RFP’s and Proposals to Win Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Demystifying RFI’s, RFP’s and Proposals to Win Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demystifying RFI’s, RFP’s and Proposals to Win Business

2 Moderated By Robert Sivek CSEP, CERP COO The Meetinghouse Companies

3 Panel of Experts Katie Ellis Director of Marketing Event Architects

4 Panel of Experts Susan Katz Director Corporate Events and Travel True Value Company

5 Panel of Experts Andrew Schorr President In The Loop-Chicago

6 The RFI

7 A RFI: Request For Information is a process whose purpose is to collect written information about the capabilities of various suppliers. What Is…

8 A RFP: Request For Proposal is a stage in procurement distributing an invitation for suppliers, often through a bidding process, to submit a proposal on a specific commodity or service. What Is…

9  How often and when do you distribute a RFI?  At what stage in your planning is it distributed?  What information are you seeking?  Do you use a template when distributing a RFI? RFI’s – A Buyer’s Perspective

10  What are the key pieces of information you need?  How critical is the information you receive in making your decision?  With the internet, are RFI’s still necessary? RFI’s – A Buyers Perspective

11  How often do you receive RFI’s?  What are some of the standard questions you receive?  Do you respond to RFI’s or send clients to your website instead? RFI’s – A Supplier’s Perspective

12  What do you add to make your company stand out?  Have you found that responding to RFI’s increases your chances in winning business? RFI’s – A Supplier’s Perspective

13 The RFP

14  When distributing a RFP, what information do you provide?  Do you provide specifics or just general details?  How much if at all does procurement play a role in the RFP process?  Do you encourage contacting previous suppliers? RFP - Buyer

15  What are some of the common mistakes a Supplier can make when responding to a RFP?  Do you submit an “apples to apples” template to be used for evaluations?  Does your company have a three bid requirement? RFP - Buyer

16  What information would you like to see in a RFP that you currently don’t see?  What are some of the common mistakes a Buyer can make when submitting a RFP? RFP - Supplier

17  How do you ask if the Buyer is obligated to request 3 bids even if they know they cannot use you?  How often have you had to bid on a piece of business for a long time existing client? RFP - Supplier

18 Buyer / Supplier  What are the key elements needed in creating a winning bid? RESPONDING TO A RFP

19 What format do you use in creating a winning bid?  Word Document  Power Point  Story Boards RESPONDING TO A RFP Supplier

20  How creative do you get? Descriptive paragraphs, renderings, photos…etc.  How much lead time do you need for a standard proposal? How much lead time do you typically get?  How much does the lead time effect your creativity? SUBMITTING THE PROPOSAL

21  What is your #1 frustration when receiving a proposal?  What does the supplier have to do to set them apart? RECEIVING THE PROPOSAL

22  What are the reasons you may not select a company?   How much is the creativity necessary? Are you just looking at the bottom line? EVALUATING THE PROPOSAL

23  Do you allow in person presentations? Why or why not?  How much follow up after a proposal has been sent is expected? How much is too much? EVALUATING THE PROPOSAL

24  Do you share information from one bidding company to another?  Do you rebid based on best ideas?  Do you Respond to unsuccessful Buyers?  Do you rebid with winning Buyer based on information gained in the process? ETHICS - Buyer

25  How do you protect your intellectual property?  What else do you expect the Buyer to do or not do? ETHICS - Supplier

26  Can RFI’s and RFP’s be used as a negotiating tactic?  How much is negotiable?  When do you walk away? Some Random Thoughts


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