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Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Longleaf Partnership Council Meeting Biloxi, Mississippi SGA Conservation Planning Update.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Longleaf Partnership Council Meeting Biloxi, Mississippi SGA Conservation Planning Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Longleaf Partnership Council Meeting Biloxi, Mississippi SGA Conservation Planning Update

2  18 Significant Geographic Areas  15 Local Implementation Teams Identify boundaries for restoration and maintenance Define and implement priority management actions Track and report results  Strategic approach Longleaf Stewardship Fund Land protection funding (LWCF) Other funding sources for longleaf restoration and enhancement C ONSERVATION P LANNING B ACKGROUND AND N EED

3  October 2013 – LIT Meeting in Atlanta LITs in various levels of maturity Need for consistent information Dynamic  Conservation Plan Template Conservation Need – Background and Baseline Assessment  Define SGA boundary  Current conditions  Threats  Current capacity C ONSERVATION P LANNING P ROCESS AND T EMPLATE

4 Conservation Outcomes  Short and long-term goals Implementation Plan  Primary strategies  Prioritize activities Monitoring and Evaluation  Metrics Financial Plan C ONSERVATION P LANNING T EMPLATE C ONT.

5  2014 Longleaf Stewardship Fund RFP Draft Conservation Plan  Map with the SGA boundaries and major land ownership  Key 5-10 year outcomes for the SGA  Other info as available  Next steps C ONSERVATION P LANNING S TATUS AND N EXT S TEPS

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