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GPS Communication Interface Thomas Walter Will Hovhannessian.

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Presentation on theme: "GPS Communication Interface Thomas Walter Will Hovhannessian."— Presentation transcript:

1 GPS Communication Interface Thomas Walter Will Hovhannessian

2 VVVVery impressive technology (Localize anything on earth) OOOOrigines : U.S Army (24 satellites around earth) AAAApplications : WWWWar NNNNavigation (cars, boats, planes) AAAAgriculture 3333 satellites are needed to have a localisation GPS Communication Interface

3 The NMEA Protocole NNNNational Marine Electronics Association DDDData protocol for communications between marine instrumentation NNNNMEA sentences are all ASCII SSSSentences begin by a $ EEEExemple : $GPAAM,A,A,0.10,N,WPTNME*43

4 Java GGGGood language to use the NMEA protocole RRRRealisation of a Parser in java EEEEmulation of a gps by a XML file. PPPParser is used to parse this XML file in order to collect the information of the localisation (lattitude, longitude,altitude…)

5 C# Program SSSStudying a program (C# language) used for GPS interface treatment MMMMain goal : communicate with the GPS CCCCollect continu informations=synchronisation problem UUUUsing NMEA protocol

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