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STUDENT BOARD OF EXAMINERS (BOE) START 1. FYP subject registration 3. Begin FYP activities 5. Assessment 6. Submit result END 2. Confirmation on the FYP.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT BOARD OF EXAMINERS (BOE) START 1. FYP subject registration 3. Begin FYP activities 5. Assessment 6. Submit result END 2. Confirmation on the FYP."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDENT BOARD OF EXAMINERS (BOE) START 1. FYP subject registration 3. Begin FYP activities 5. Assessment 6. Submit result END 2. Confirmation on the FYP title 4. Complete & submit FYP report 9. Completed FYP? No Yes SENATE SUPERVISOR/ FYP COORDINATOR 7. Recommend 8. Approve Revision: 0.0Effective Date: 05.10.2015 Version: 1.0 Doc. No: MMU/ACAD/SOP&WI-06 FINAL YEAR PROJECT (FYP) ACADEMIC DIVISION PAGE 1 of 2 No Yes No Yes

2 Reference No. DescriptionForm/Report 1Final Year Project (FYP) is a part of requirement of degree/diploma completion. Student has to achieve the requirement set by their respective faculty/department/academic center before they can proceed with FYP. Student shall register the FYP during the subject registration exercise coordinated by ERU. 2Student may propose his/her own project title to the supervisor or he/she may choose title proposed by the supervisor. Faculty will keep proper records on all confirmed FYP title for the student. For some student, the FYP are divided into two parts which are ‘FYP Part 1’ and ‘FYP Part 2’. FYP title requisition form (ACAD/FORM/07) 3Student shall start doing the FYP and carry out activities according the schedule specified by their respective faculty and the supervisor. 4Student shall complete the FYP activities and submit the report to the faculty. Note : For FCM submission will be on presentation and creative works. 5Student shall make presentation to the supervisor and review panel about the project by end of the project. The supervisor and review panel shall evaluate and assess the students report and performance. The FYP report and evaluation form submitted by the supervisor will be reviewed and the final grade for the student will be decided by the FYP committee. FYP report and evaluation form (ACAD/FORM/08) 6Supervisor or FYP coordinator shall compile all students result grade and enter the final marks into CamSys as per requirement set by ERU. For FCI/ FIST/ FOE/ FET/ FOL, if the students pass the FYP Part 1 then the Faculty shall enter ‘CON’ grade in the CamSys to notify ERU that the students will register and continue FYP Part 2 in the coming trimester. For FOB/FOM, if the students pass the FYP part 1 the Faculty shall enter actual grade in the CamSys and continue FYP Part 2 in the coming semester. FYP results 7The FYP result will be deliberated in the Board of Examiners (BOE) meeting for recommendation. 8The recommended FYP result will be approved by the Senate and the results shall be released to students. 9For FCI/ FIST/ FOE/ FET/ FOM/ FOB/ FOL students, if a student has not completed FYP Part 2 then he/she is required to register FYP subject for Part 2 (with condition that the student has passed FYP Part 1) and repeat step 4 to 10 again. Otherwise, the student shall consider completed and passed his/ her FYP subject. Note : As for Part 2, there's a pre-requisite for students to go through ITP before being allowed to register for Part 2 only applicable for FOE and FET. Revision: 0.0Effective Date: 05.10.2015 Version: 1.0 Doc. No: MMU/ACAD/SOP&WI-06 FINAL YEAR PROJECT (FYP) ACADEMIC DIVISION ) PAGE 2 of 2

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