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Ms Tahira Kausar DA Degree College for Women Ph VII(Ext) Mathematics, Grade XI.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms Tahira Kausar DA Degree College for Women Ph VII(Ext) Mathematics, Grade XI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms Tahira Kausar DA Degree College for Women Ph VII(Ext) Mathematics, Grade XI

2 SEQUENCES Objectives 21 st Century skills 21 st Century Approaches Bloom’s Taxonomy

3  Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to develop higher order thinking in students.  To relate 21 st century approaches with 21 st century skills in order to promote student centered learning.

4 Analysis By the end of this lesson student will able to distinguish between different sequences and make a chart of different sequences. Evaluation By the end of this lesson students will able to why sequences are useful and evaluate by a quiz. Creation By the end of this lesson students will able to generate more applications of sequences and deliver a presentation to their fellows.

5 TopicSequences 21 st Century ApproachGiving direction, observing & monitoring, questioning skills. Techniques/ModesQuizQuiz & presentation. 21 st Century SkillsCommunication skills, creativity, self direction & media literacy.

6 Name: ___________________ Date: _____________________ Arithmetic Sequence Quiz 1)An ordered set of numbers formed according to a definite rule is called________________ a.Series b.Sequence c.Row d.Set 2)If b,c,p,q,r are in A.P? prove that b+r = c+q = 2p --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 3)Is 75 a term of Sequence -3,3,9,15, ______________? o Yes o No 4)The common difference of the sequence 7,3,-1,…… is a.4 b.-4 c.10 d.-10 5)Find the three numbers in A.P whose sum is 15 and the product is 45.

7 “The idea of a Being who interferes with the sequence of events in the world is absolutely impossible”The idea of a Being who interferes with the sequence of events in the world is absolutely impossible


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