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December 6, 2015 e-Math for Africa EMIS DOAJ Open Access Journals.

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Presentation on theme: "December 6, 2015 e-Math for Africa EMIS DOAJ Open Access Journals."— Presentation transcript:

1 December 6, 2015 e-Math for Africa EMIS DOAJ Open Access Journals

2 December 6, 2015 Retroactive Digitization JSTOR Göttingen Digitalizierungs Zentrum (Digizeitschriften) NUMDAM Project Euclid Biblioteka Wirtualna Nauki

3 December 6, 2015 INASP/PERI HINARI AGORA OARE JSTOR Subsidized Access Journals

4 December 6, 2015 African Access Initiative Participation: ”JSTOR waives the standard participation fees (the Archive Capital Fee and the Annual Access Fee) for any not for profit institution in a country on the continent of Africa.” May be the single most important resource for African mathematicians (apart from bibliographic databases like MathSciNet and Zentralblatt MATH, of course.) Don’t miss this one: And for the titles and the coverage, here they are….

5 December 6, 2015 Bordeauxthèque Provided by l'Université Bordeaux 1 “A free service for developing countries aimed to support researchers by providing documentation in Mathematics and Computer Science.” Registration needed – fill in an application and I will pass it on … Document delivery from 287 current and 180 discontinued major mathematics journals

6 December 6, 2015

7 of the ICTP eJDS is aimed to distribute free-of-charge scientific articles in the fields of Physics and Mathematics via e-mail to individual scientists residing and working in institutions in developing countries. Registration needed – fill in an application and I will pass it on to the eJDS Journals from: American Institute of Physics American Mathematical Society American Physical Society Elsevier National Academy of Sciences Optical Society of America SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers) World Scientific Publishing Springer

8 December 6, 2015 How to proceed? Apply for eJDS and Bordeauxthèque (personal, not institutional application). Contact your library about username and password for HINARI, AGORA and OARE. If your university isn’t registered for access, make sure this is done (now!). Contact your library about registration for JSTOR! If need be, register as a department!

9 December 6, 2015 Don’t give up!

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