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A - K. In the year of our Lord AUC/Ab Urbe Condita CE/Common Era.

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Presentation on theme: "A - K. In the year of our Lord AUC/Ab Urbe Condita CE/Common Era."— Presentation transcript:

1 A - K

2 In the year of our Lord AUC/Ab Urbe Condita CE/Common Era

3 Before noon

4 A tragically weak or vulnerable point

5 To infinity…and beyond

6 To the point of (sea) sickness



9 Things to be done

10 Agwra /forum

11 Food and drink of the gods


13 Delos Delphi

14 Eris Wedding of Peleus and Thetis



17 God of War

18 Cretan Princess Some-time bride of Theseus, Dionysus

19 Delos

20 Mentes, Parthenos

21 Odyssey, Athena goes to Telemachus disguised as the family friend, Mentes. “Mentes” tells T. to call a meeting to remove his mother’s (Penelope) suitors and come with “him” to Pylos and Sparta to learn of his father, Odysseus.


23 Titan Father of the Hesperides, Calypso

24 Entry room of a house or building Atrus-a-um - black

25 Octavian Great nephew & heir of Caesar 31, near Actium on Ionian Sea, defeats Antony and Cleopatra 27, Augustus, the First Emperor

26 Gaius Julius Caesar Ides of March 44 BC

27 Seize the day Quam credulens minimun postero

28 Dido Punic Wars Hannibal

29 Beware of the dog

30 Pluto’s pet

31 Cao s Nothingness, a void

32 Ferryman of the Styx


34 Flavian Amphitheatre

35 Co-head of Republican Government, two per annum

36 Horn of plenty

37 Son of Uranus and Gaia King of the Titans

38 Also sons of Uranus and Gaia Locked in Tartarus, freed by Saturn Polyphemus

39 Apollo The Python Pythia

40 Goddess of Harvest


42 Vergil, lettuce

43 Many people like food for breakfast e.g. eggs

44 I

45 The home of the blessed


47 God of Desire Son of Aphrodite/Venus

48 Ides of March, 44 BC Kai su, teknon

49 And the other (things)

50 From the books

51 Clotho spins it Lachesis measures it Atropos cuts it

52 The end (of a scene) Finisterre

53 Fresh painting, accomplished on drying plaster Matrix of tesserae

54 Erinyes: Alecto, Tisiphone, Megaera Euminides

55 Colchis King Aetees, Jason, Medea Simple gold panning or an Allegory of Metallurgy?

56 Stheno, Euryale and Medusa

57 Underworld Husband to Proserpina

58 Carthaginian general, 2 nd Punic War Elephants Cannae Zama, 202 BC

59 Man-killing Hektor Champi0n of Troy Doppelganger of Achilles

60 Of Troy…but she’s actually Greek.


62 Sister /wife of Zeus Mother of Hephaestus Enemy of Aeneas

63 Strangled serpents 12 Labors Argo

64 Messenger god

65 Goddess of the Hearth

66 Iliad, rage Odyssey, man Chios

67 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000

68 That is (to say)

69 Boy who flew too high & his inventor father Escape from Crete Hubis

70 15 March 44 BC Usually on the 13 th Kalends, nones, ides

71 Illion Illium= Troy 2 nd century BC, Alexandria

72 …And the Argonauts Argonautica Medea Colchis

73 Juppiter Jovial=sanguine, happy, ebullient

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