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The Cell The 3 Principles of Cell Theory:

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Presentation on theme: "The Cell The 3 Principles of Cell Theory:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cell The 3 Principles of Cell Theory:
The cell is the basic unit of life All cells come from pre-existing cells (mitosis, meiosis, fertilization) All organisms are made of one or more cells

2 The scale Of Things!

3 What are cells so small?

4 Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells
Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Primitive modern Simple complex DNA is in nucleiod region DNA is in nucleus No membrane bound membrane bound organelles organelles Smaller (1-3 µm Ave.) Larger (10-30 µm) Bacteria, Archae Protists, Fungi, Plants Animals

5 Prokaryotic Cell

6 Eukaryotic Cell

7 Plant Cell vs. Animal Cell
Cell Wall Chloroplasts Central Vacuole Plant Cell

8 Plant Cell vs. Animal Cell
Centrioles Cilia and Flagella More Lysosomes Animal Cell

9 Organelles: The Nucleus
Controls cell activities Contains the DNA (DNA = hereditary material) Parts: Nuclear envelope Pores Nucleolus (RNA)

10 Organelles: Ribosomes
Ribosomes = site of protein synthesis (can be free floating or attached to ER)

11 Organelles: ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum)
Rough ER = has ribosomes Smooth ER = no ribosomes So difference in function? Rough has protein synthesis occur on it and smooth does not Form channels of membrane for transport of materials in cell

12 Organelles: Golgi Apparatus
Sorts and packages materials

13 Endomembrane System

14 Organelles: Lysosomes
Contain hydrolytic (digestive) enzymes Breakdown worn out parts of the cell


16 Organelles: Mitochondria (powerhouse)
Function: Cellular Respiration releases energy for the cell to use Parts: Outer membrane Inner Membrane Cristae Matrix

17 Organelles: Chloroplast (plastid)
Function: produce and store food Parts: Outer Membrane Inner Membrane Grana Stroma

18 Chloroplast and Mitochondria
Semi-autonomous organelles Both have double membranes Both have their own DNA Both make some of their own proteins Cells on their own at one time??

19 Organelles: Vacuoles Animals: small vacuoles Plants: central vacuole
Stores toxins Water regulation Lysosomal function Outside membrane= tonoplast

20 Microbodies: convert harmful substances
into useful ones i.e. peroxisome 2H2O2  2H2O + 2O2 Peroxisome converts hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen

21 Cytoskeleton: movement of organelles, shape and support
Microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments

22 Organelles: Cilia and Flagella

23 Structure of cilia and flagella
(9 + 2 arrangement)

24 Cell to Cell Junctions: Plants-Plasmodesmata

25 Cell to Cell Junctions: Animal Cells
Desmosomes Gap junctions Tight Junctions

26 Cell Membrane: Fluid-Mosaic Model

27 Cell Membrane: made of phospholipids and proteins

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