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Andrew Dawson Program Director Sri Lanka

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1 Andrew Dawson Program Director Sri Lanka
Management of cardiac arrests due to oleander or pharmaceutical poisoning. Andrew Dawson Program Director Sri Lanka Management of cardiac arrests due to oleander or pharmaceutical poisoning. Wellcome Trust & Australian National Health and Medical Research Council International Collaborative Capacity Building Research Grant (GR071669MA )

2 Toxic Cardiac Arrest Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) = Don’t Stop
Albertson TE, Dawson A, de Latorre F, et al TOX-ACLS: toxicologic-oriented advanced cardiac life support. Ann Emerg Med 2001 Apr;37(4 Suppl):S78-90

3 Why did ACLS forget cardiac glycosides?

4 The Toxic CVS mnemonic Atropine Bicarbonate Cations Calcium Mg
Diazepam Epinephrine Fab Digoxin Antibodies Glucagon Human Insulin Euglycaemia

5 A B C D E F G H I DRUG INDICATION DOSE Atropine Vagal 0.6 - 1.2mgs
Organophosphates 50-100mgs B Bicarbonate Alkalinsation Tricyclic, Antipsychotics, Cocaine, Verapamil 1-2 meq/kg in repeated bolus doses. Target pH C Calcium Chloride/ Gluconate Calcium Channel Blockers 1 gram bolus repeated every 3 minutes. Target calcium double normal level D Diazepam Chloroquine Cocaine & Amphetamine Up to 3 mgs/kg in chloroquine, unitl sedated in cocaine E Epinephrine & Inotropics Chloroquine F Fab Antibodies Digoxin & Cardiac Glycosides Dose based on ingestion or concentration or titrated against effect G Glucagon Beta Blockers,Calcium Channel Blockers 5-10 mgs IVI stat then infusion if response H I Human Insulin Euglycaemia Calcium Channel Blockers, Beta Blockers 0.5 us/kg plus glucose see protocol

6 The Case A 70 kg man presents on 1-2 hours following a TCA overdose (3000 mg Amitryptilline) Unconscious Seizure BP 60 Systolic

7 Antidepressants (& Antipsychotics)
Rapidly absorbed Clinical Correlates Asymptomatic at 3 hours remain well Liebelt EL, et al Ann Emerg Med 1995; 26(2): >15 mg/kg associated major toxicity TCA

8 Phospholipid Barrier Passive diffusion depends Ionization status
Lipid solubility [Gradient] Phospholipid Barrier Charged phospholipid barriers Passive diffusion of drugs across the of cell walls is dependent lipid solubility concentration gradient Ionization status of the drug

9 TCA: Amitryptilline Weak Base Highly bound Sodium channel blocker
Albumin: high capacity low affinity alpha 1 glycoproteins: low capacity high affinity Lipids Sodium channel blocker

10 HA H+ +A- Altering Ionization Equilibrium influenced by external pH
The balance of the equilibrium can be expressed by pKa The pKa is the pH where [ionized] = [unionized] Altering Ionization Importance of Pka Chemicals exist in an equilibrium which includes ionized & non-ionized forms The balance between these forms is influenced by external pH (amount of hydrogen ions) The balance of the equilibrium can be expressed by pKa The pKa is the pH at which the [ionized] = [unionized]

11 Phospholipid Cell Wall & Na Channel
Non-ionized drug diffuses through the phospholipid membrane Ionization is pH dependent Bicarbonate transport via cell membrane exchanger block exchanger you lose the bicarbonate effect Wang R,Schuyler J,Raymond R J Toxicol Clin Toxicol ;35:533.

12 Altering Ionization Drugs and Receptors can be considered to be weak acids or bases. Physiologically tolerated changes in pH can have significant effect on ionization Distribution Target binding Metabolism Basic Physiology Most drugs and receptors can be considered to be weak acids or bases. Drugs have to pass through a number of phopho-lipid membranes For some compounds physiologically tolerated changes in pH can have significant effect on ionization

13 Distribution Protein Binding Changing Compartments “Toxic Compartment”
intra v.s extra cellular Between compartments Excretion Concentrations at the target “Toxic Compartment” high concentrations in the distribution phase Ionization Trapping Distribution Between Compartments and therefore excretion At a cellular level Ionisation Trapping

14 Receptor Effects Binding affinity is effected by the charge of both the receptor and the drug Protein Binding important > 90% Enzyme Function binding and catalytic sites Efficacy steep concentration response curve physiologically tolerated change in pH

15 pH: Local anesthetics Sodium Channel Blocker
Non-ionized form to diffuse Preferential binding of ionized form in the channel Narahashi T, Fraser DT. Site of action and active form of local anesthetics. Neurossci Res, 1971, 4, 65-99 Demonstration pH sensitivity pH 7.2 to 9.6 unblock the channel Ritchie JM, Greengard P. On the mode of action of local anesthetics. Annu Rev Pharmacol. 1966, 6,

16 TCA: pH = 7.1

17 TCA: pH= 7.3 200 meq bicarbonate

18 TCA: pH =7.4 200 meq bicarbonate

19 Risk? Shift oxygen desaturation curve
Cerebral blood flow & hypocapnoea CBF varies linearly with PaCO2 ( mmHg) CBF change is 4% per mmHg PCO2 Sodium loading and hypertonicity Variation in response pons and putamen, temporal, temporo-occipital, and occipital cortices a significant relative hypoperfusion during hypocapnia, Ito H. et al Regional differences in cerebral vascular response to PaCO2 changes in humans measured by positron emission tomography. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. 20(8): , 2000 Aug cerebral blood flow (CBF) 30% reduction at PCO 25 Serrador JM et al MRI measures of middle cerebral artery diameter in conscious humans during simulated orthostasis. Stroke. 31(7):1672-8, 2000 Jul

20 Bicarbonate / Alkalinisation: pH manipulation Indications
Should be trialled in any broad complex rhythm associated with poisoning Introduction: pH manipulation Established roles in toxicology possibly unrealised potential. Relevance to areas of medicine not to be confused with the correction of acidosis per sec Effects either Kinetic, Dynamic or both

21 Bicarbonate / Alkalinisation
Indications Tricyclic antidepressants & Phenothiazines Chloroquine Antiarrythmics Cocaine Calcium Channel Blockers ? Organophosphates Dose 1-2 meq/kg in repeated bolus doses Titrated ECG Target pH


23 Yellow oleander cardiotoxicity

24 Oleander poisoning Epidemiology Standard treatment = pharmacokinetics
Mechanisms of toxicity Possibilities for treatment that result from this knowledge Future research??

25 Oleander: Multiple cardioglycosides
22% of all poisonings Mortality N= 4111 3.9% ( 95% CI ) Morbidity Resources: transfer and monitoring

26 Symptoms of substantial oleander poisoning (n=66)
Cardiac dysrhythmias 100% Nausea % Vomiting % Weakness 88% Fatigue % Diarrhoea 80% Dizziness 67% Abdominal Pain 59% Visual Symptoms 36% Headache 34% Sweating 20% Confusion 19% Fever and/or Chills 5% Anxiety 3% Abnormal Dreams 3%

27 Time from hospital admission to death in RCT n= 1500

28 Capacity for clinical observation

29 Cardiac Glycosides: Multiple Mechanisms
Vagotonic effects Sinus bradycardia, AV block Slows ventricular rate in atrial fibrillation Inhibits Na+-K+-ATPase pump  extracellular K+ Myocardial Toxicity ? ATP Na+ K+ (inside cell) (outside cell)

30 Glycosides Na+ Ca++ K+ Block Na+/K+-ATPase pump
Increased intracellular Na+ reduces the driving force for the Na+/Ca++ exchanger Ca++ accumulates inside of cell Increased inotropic effect Too much intracellular Ca++ can cause ventricular fibrillation, and possibly excessive actin-myosin contraction K+ Na+ OUT ATP IN Na+ Ca++

31 Representative Cardiac Cell
Voltage dependent L-type Ca2+ channel Na+ channel Na+/K+ ATPase 2 K+ 3 Na+ K+ channel(s) Ca2+ 3 Na+ β-adrenergic receptor Na+/Ca2+ exchanger SR (Mitochondria) Therapeutic: Digoxin inhibits Na+/K+ ATPase (exchange pump) Increased intracellular [Na+], and increased extracellular [K+] Leads to decreased Na+/Ca++ exchange Which leads to increased intracellular [Ca++] Leading to increased contractility Toxicologic Excessive intracellular [Ca++] Less negative membrane potential (closer to threshold = depolarization) Increased automaticity Tachydysrhythmias Ryanodine receptor Heart muscle Na+/K+ ATPase Na+/Ca2+ Antiporter Representative Cardiac Cell

32 Cell Electrophysiology
2 K+ Phase 2 3 Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ 3 Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ SR (Mitochondria) Ca2+ Therapeutic: Digoxin inhibits Na+/K+ ATPase (exchange pump) Increased intracellular [Na+], and increased extracellular [K+] Leads to decreased Na+/Ca++ exchange Which leads to increased intracellular [Ca++] Leading to increased contractility Toxicologic Excessive intracellular [Ca++] Less negative membrane potential (closer to threshold = depolarization) Increased automaticity Tachydysrhythmias Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Cell Electrophysiology

33 Therapeutic & Toxic MoA
Digoxin K+ = Digoxin 2 [K+] Phase 2 3 [Na+] Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ SR (Mitochondria) Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Therapeutic: Digoxin inhibits Na+/K+ ATPase (exchange pump) Increased intracellular [Na+], and increased extracellular [K+] Leads to decreased Na+/Ca++ exchange Which leads to increased intracellular [Ca++] Leading to increased contractility Toxicologic Excessive intracellular [Ca++] Less negative membrane potential (closer to threshold = depolarization) Increased automaticity Tachydysrhythmias Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Therapeutic & Toxic MoA

34 Consequences of cardiac glycoside binding 1
Rises in intracellular Ca2+ and Na+ concentrations Partial membrane depolarisation and increased automaticity (QTc interval shortening) Generation of early after-depolarisations (u waves) that may trigger dysrhythmias Variable Na+ channel block, altered sympathetic activity, & increased vascular tone.

35 Consequences of cardiac glycoside binding 2
Decrease in conduction through the SA and AV nodes Due to increase in vagal parasympathetic tone and by direct depression of this tissue Seen as decrease in ventricular response to SV rhythms and PR interval prolongation In very high dose poisoning, Ca2+ load may overwhelm the sarcoplasmic reticulum’s capacity to sequester it, resulting in systolic arrest – ‘stone heart’

36 “Hyperkalaemia” :potassium effects 1
Is a feature of poisoning, due to inhibition of the Na+/K+ ATPase. Causes hyperpolarisation of cardiac tissue, enhancing AV block. Study of 91 acutely digitoxin poisoned patients before use of anti-digoxin Fab (Bismuth, Paris): All with [K+] >5.5 mmol/L died 50% of those with [K+] mmol/L died None of those with [K+] <5.0 mmol/L died However, Rx of hyperkalaemia ‘does not improve outcome’

37 Pre-existing hypokalaemia: Potassium effects 2
Inhibits the ATPase & enhances myocardial automaticity, increasing the risk of glycoside induced dysrhythmias Effect of hypokalaemia may be in part due to reduced competition at the ATPase binding site Hypokalaemia <2.5 mmol/L slows the Na pump, exacerbating glycoside induced pump inhibition.

38 Evidence based treatment
Only two interventions have been carefully studied Anti-digoxin/digitoxin Fab Alters distribution Activated charcoal Reducing absorption Speeding elimination

39 Digoxin Fab antibodies
Smith TW et al. N Engl J Med 1976;294: 22.5 mg of digoxin K+ initially 8.7 mmol/l Fab fragments of digoxin-specific ovine antibodies

40 Effect of Fab in oleander poisoning
Eddleston M et al Lancet 2000

41 Effect of anti-digoxin Fab on dysrhythmias

42 Effect of Fab on serum potassium

43 Activated Charcoal: two published RCTs
de Silva (Lancet 2003) MDAC 5/201 [2·5%] vs SDAC 16/200 [8%] RR 0.31 (95% CI 0.12 to 0.83) SACTRC (Lancet 2007) MDAC 22/505 [4·4%] vs SDAC 24/505 [4.8%] RR 0.92 (95% CI 0.52 to 1.60) Why? Different regimen? Poor compliance?

44 What other treatment options are available?
Anti-arrhythmics – lidocaine & phenytoin Atropine & pacemakers Correction of electrolyte abnormalities Correction of hyperkalaemia Glucose/Insulin Fructose 1,6 diphosphate Unfortunately, as yet, no RCTs to guide treatment

45 Classic treatments Phenytoin/lidocaine – depress automaticity, while not depressing AV node conduction. Phenytoin reported to terminate digoxin-induced SVTs. Atropine – given for bradycardias. Temporary pacemaker – to increase heart rate, but cannot prevent ‘stone heart’. Also insertion of pacemaker may trigger VF in sensitive heart. Now not recommended where Fab is available.

46 Atropine Indications (Management of Poisoning: Fernando R) Reality:
< pulse less than 40 beats/minute 20 Block or greater Reality: most patients receive it (and are atropine toxic) No evidence that it decreases mortality Routine use may: Increase oleander absorption and blood levels Decrease effectiveness of gastrointestinal decontamination Mask clinical deterioration

47 Response of atropine-naïve oleander poisoned
patients to 0.6mg of atropine

48 Correction of electrolyte disturbances
Hypokalaemia exacerbates cardiac glycoside toxicity However, in acute self-poisoning (not acute on chronic), hypokalaemia is uncommon. Hypomagnesaemia. Serum [Mg2+] is not related to severity in oleander poisoning. However, low [Mg2+] will make replacing K+ difficult. Theoretically, giving Mg2+ will be beneficial but this was tried in Sri Lanka without clear benefit (but not RCT).

49 Serum potassium on admission

50 Serum magnesium on admission

51 Human- Insulin Euglycaemia
Indications Beta Blockers, Calcium Channel Blockers Dose units/kg bolus then infusion plus glucose Yuan TH et al. Insulin-glucose as adjunctive therapy for severe calcium channel antagonist poisoning. J Tox Clin Tox 1999; 37(4): 463–474

52 Human- Insulin Euglycaemia
Mechanism In shock cardiac metabolism switches from FFA to carbohydrate At the same time shock is associated with: inhibition of insulin release insulin resistance poor tissue perfusion impaired glycolysis and carbohydrate delivery CCB and beta blockers insulin lack or resistance

53 Insulin & Glucose: Dose
0.5 – 1 Unit/kg/hr regular insulin give 0.5 gm/kg/hr dextrose (glu > 100) check glucose every 30 mins initially Vagal stimulation can induce arrythmias in patients with bradycardias

54 Use of insulin/dextrose: Cardiac glycoside
Van Deusen 2003 – single case. No effect – neither dangerous nor beneficial. Reports from India of ‘successfully’ treating yellow oleander poisoning with insulin dextrose when no other therapies were available. Oubaassine and colleagues 2006 – reported case of combined digoxin (17.5 mg) & insulin (50 iu) poisoning with no substantial cardiac effects and no hyperkalaemia. Might lowering [K+] > 5.5 mmol/L be beneficial???

55 Oubaassine 2006 – rat work Rats were infused with 0.625 mg/hr digoxin.
After 20 mins, half received high dose glucose and insulin to keep glucose between 5.5 to 6.6 mmol/L. Time to death recorded Thirty minutes after digoxin infusion, plasma [K+] had risen in control group compared to insulin glucose group: 6.9 ± 0.5 mmol/L vs 4.9 ± 0.3 mmol/L. Effect on clinically important outcomes?

56 Effect of insulin dextrose on survival

57 Fructose 1-6 diphosphate
Extensive human experience for a number of conditions ? Cardiac glycoside

58 Case 19 yo Ms R took 3 seeds of oleander 11 am
Consented to the FDP phase II study 18:45 Sinus Brady (HR 40) for over a minute Then narrow complex tachycardia) for 30sec Intermittent 2nd degree HB

59 22:55 re arrested, 23:20hrs resuscitation ceased
20:45 – Sinus bradycardia & pulseless Adrenaline and atropine given VT and VF a total of 5 DC shocks were given. Ongoing DC shocks for VF – occasionally reverting, but VF refractory At this stage Mg 2g has been given, NaHCO3, atropine, and dobutamine infusion 21:45 60mg/kg of FDP was given as a bolus over 5mins return of spontanous circulation BP 110/70 22:55 re arrested, 23:20hrs resuscitation ceased


61 Fructose 1,6 diphosphate (FDP) 1
Intermediate of muscle metabolism – mechanism?? Markov 1999, Vet Hum Toxicol. Effect of FDP in dog Nerium oleander poisoning. 12 dogs infused with 40mg/kg oleander extract over 5min Then half the dogs were infused with 50mg/kg FDP by slow IV bolus, followed by constant infusions.

62 Response of dysrhythmias to FDP

63 Response of blood pressure to FDP

64 Response of plasma [K+] to FDP

65 Conclusions Pharmaceuticals may require non-intuitive treatment
Treatments should be based on our understanding the mechanism Cardiac glycoside toxicity Anti-digoxin Fab are effective but expensive Probably the reason for ACLS failure to create guideline Requires clinical trials Insulin and Dextrose is available and logical FDP still appears promising

66 OpenSource Toxicology Teaching
Acknowledgements Michael Eddleston (Scottish Poison Centre) Prof Kent Olson (San Francisco Poison Centre) Dapo Odujebe (New York Poison Centre) OpenSource Toxicology Teaching

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