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EC Project Idea: connected Work – e-Learning - Networks Political Objectives bring the standards of connected work (mobile work, telework, tele- co-operation.

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Presentation on theme: "EC Project Idea: connected Work – e-Learning - Networks Political Objectives bring the standards of connected work (mobile work, telework, tele- co-operation."— Presentation transcript:

1 EC Project Idea: connected Work – e-Learning - Networks Political Objectives bring the standards of connected work (mobile work, telework, tele- co-operation etc.) to the associated countries and help to establish the necessary infrastructure in these countries Commonly establish of a computer-aided qualification infrastructure according to EC-standards in the associated countries Commonly establish networks and communities of users, developers and manufacturers of connected work tools and applications in the associated countries, with special respect to the support of small and medium enterprises bring tasks of qualified connected work to the associated countries in order to avoid the exodus of qualified personnel from these countries to Western Europe.

2 EC Project Idea: connected Work – e-Learning - Networks E-Learning Qualification Computer Workplaces in the Networks User Communities Networks Transfer of qualification know how E-qualification offers and curricula Qualification infrastructure Specialists communities Details of the Structure of the Project Idea Connected work in/ between small and medium enterprises Guides for the establishment of teleworking Building up telecentres Support of SME Consulting networks Qualification networks Forums user-developer Forums user-user Specialists communities User communities on special issues

3 EC Project Idea: connected Work – e-Learning - Networks Details of the Project Idea Connected Work – Telework NET@PLACE make new workplaces for connected work and telework in less structured regions make guidelines for establishment and use of telework and connected workplaces, especially for SME promote the tele-cooperation between SME with a view to the improvement of their market position studying the influence of telework and connected work on the regional development and the regional settlement policy of SME

4 EC Project Idea: connected Work – e-Learning - Networks Details of the Project Idea E-Learning – Qualification for connected work establish a qualification infrastructure for connected work and telework and a solid supply of e-learning projects make guidelines for the establishment qualification infrastructure and supply of e-learning projects promote e-learning for SME in different project in connection of the improvement of Internet use studying the branch specific and regional requirement for internet- based ICT qualification

5 EC Project Idea: connected Work – e-Learning - Networks Networks and Communities Details of the Project Idea establish branch specific and regional networks of the main players in the field of ICT qualification establish branch specific and regional networks or forums for SME for the purpose of promotion and dissemination of telework, connected work and tele-cooperation Use of these networks for the public presentation of best practice cases in the field of telework and connected work

6 EC Project Idea: connected Work – e-Learning - Networks Suggestion for Potential Partners universities, colleges and private qualification facilities scientific research facilities small and medium enterprises with an high potential of connected computer aided work consulting companies ECAssociated countries D (lead partner)CZ / PL AHU FINEST

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