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Bell Ringer: 20 Minutes 1. Using your notes from yesterday and the reading on page 576 of your textbook, write a thoughtful summary: –Detail the causes.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer: 20 Minutes 1. Using your notes from yesterday and the reading on page 576 of your textbook, write a thoughtful summary: –Detail the causes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer: 20 Minutes 1. Using your notes from yesterday and the reading on page 576 of your textbook, write a thoughtful summary: –Detail the causes of the Great Depression AND predict how President Hoover will react to helping Americans based on his philosophy of “rugged individualism”. 2. Turn in your “Untouchables” Viewing Guide and Checkpoint Question if you haven’t already…I see lots of zero’s! Interims next Tuesday!

2 Some Interesting Statistics…. Unemployment: Unemployment: –1929=4% –1932=30-40% –Today=8-10% National Income: National Income: –1929=$80 billion –1932=$47 billion Birth Rate Birth Rate –1929=22.7 –1932-13.4

3 Great Depression Hoover (R) elected in 1928: “Roaring 20’s” Hoover (R) elected in 1928: “Roaring 20’s” “rugged individualism” “rugged individualism” 8 months into his term, things take a turn for the worst…Black Tuesday, economy falters. 8 months into his term, things take a turn for the worst…Black Tuesday, economy falters.

4 The Great Depression begins… Stock market crash (marks the beginning of the Depression) Stock market crash (marks the beginning of the Depression) Banks collapse (“run on banks”) Banks collapse (“run on banks”) Increasing unemployment and business closings Increasing unemployment and business closings Uncertainty of the future Uncertainty of the future

5 Hoover’s Plan: “Ride out the storm” What are the results of each of these measures taken by President Hoover? 1.Reconstruction Finance Corporation: 2.Agricultural Marking Act: 3.Hoover Dam: helps some people in the West 4.Hawley-Smoot Tariff: –Video: What was the Bonus Army? –What was the Bonus March?

6 “Hoovervilles” ”Hoovervilles”

7 Breadlines and soup kitchens…

8 What caused the Dust Bowl ? Who were Okies? What did Steinbeck’s book Grapes of Wrath tell the story of? Who is Dorothea Lange?

9 Election of 1932 What is Roosevelt’s background and philosophy of helping people during the Great Depression?

10 Franklin Roosevelt wins in 1932 (472/59) Roosevelt’s Inaugural Speech 1933: Roosevelt’s Inaugural Speech 1933: "We cannot be content, no matter how high that general standard of living may be, if some fraction of our people--whether it be one-third or one-fifth or one-tenth--is ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill housed, and insecure”…“we have nothing to fear except fear itself” "We cannot be content, no matter how high that general standard of living may be, if some fraction of our people--whether it be one-third or one-fifth or one-tenth--is ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill housed, and insecure”…“we have nothing to fear except fear itself” What does this quote tell you about FDR’s attitude on the economy?

11 New Deal and the 100 Days Who is the Brain Trust? Who is the Brain Trust? First day in office he declares “Bank Holiday” First day in office he declares “Bank Holiday” 100 Days Program: What was his bargain with Congress for this? 100 Days Program: What was his bargain with Congress for this? Fireside Chats: What is this impact? Fireside Chats: What is this impact?

12 Roosevelt’s “New Deal” The 3 R’s: (“alphabet soup” of programs) The 3 R’s: (“alphabet soup” of programs) –Relief: CCC, FERA –Recovery: NRA, AAA, PWA, WPA and CWA –Reform: REA,TVA, SEC, FDIC, (Glass-Steagall Act) and SSA, Wagner Act, Fair Labor Standards How is Roosevelt’s 3 R’s program like your reaction to stepping on glass? How is Roosevelt’s 3 R’s program like your reaction to stepping on glass?

13 Work with your partner to make a poster detailing the following information on 2 of the New Deal programs you are assigned: Work with your partner to make a poster detailing the following information on 2 of the New Deal programs you are assigned: 1. What is the name and initials of the program? 2. Is it part of the 1 st or 2 nd New Deal? 3. What goal did the program or act try to accomplish? 4. How did the program or act attempt to accomplish its goal? 5. Tell the class: of the 2 you researched, which program do you think was more important for America, and WHY?

14 FDR’s Opponents FDR re-elected in 1936, winning all but 2 states in the electoral college, he still has opponents… FDR re-elected in 1936, winning all but 2 states in the electoral college, he still has opponents… –Supreme Court (Schechter Poultry v. United States) What is FDR’s response to this? What is FDR’s response to this? –Huey Long: said FDR wasn’t doing enough for the poor, would have run for President, but was assassinated in 1935 How did FDR’s programs help the Depression and what was their effect on America (short term and long term?)

15 Essential Question: Test Question To what extent did Hoover and FDR’s programs help the American people and what do you believe we can learn today from the actions of the past in “hard times”? – –Turn in on Wednesday, Dec 2 nd worth 15% of your Unit Test grade.

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