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Published byValerie Robertson Modified over 9 years ago
Summary of IWMP Sikkim Sl. No.Particulars Year of Appraisal Total Batch-I (2009-10) Batch-II (2010-11) Batch-III (2011-12) Batch-IV 2012-13 1No. of Project333211 2Project Area145001403914200694649685 3Project Cost (Rs. in Cr.) 21.750 21.06 21.30 10.42 74.53 4 Fund Received (Rs. In Cr.) Central+State 10.59 2.67 2.54 0.38 16.18 5 Total Expenditure (Rs. in Cr.) 7.06 1.25 1.40 0.04 9.75 6DPR Sanctioned 3 3 under process 6 7Project Closed/ Cancellation Nil 8Timelines for DPRs June 2014 September 2014
IWMP - Abstract of Fund Requirement by SLNA during 2014-15 Sl. No. Particular Ist Quarter IInd Quarter IIIrd Quarter IVth QuarterTotal Unspent balance as on 28/02/20 14 Actual Requiremen t (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1 Batch - I (Sanctioned in 2009-10) 1.03 4.55 6.46 2.64 14.69 3.53 11.16 2 Batch - II (Sanctioned in 2010-11) 0.65 2.88 4.08 1.67 9.28 1.42 7.86 3 Batch - III (Sanctioned in 2011-12) 0.65 2.90 4.11 1.68 9.35 1.13 8.21 4 Batch - IV (Sanctioned in 2012-13) 0.14 0.60 0.85 0.35 1.93 0.34 1.59 Total 2.47 10.93 15.51 6.35 35.25 6.43 28.82
IWMP Monthly Proposed Expenditure During 2014-15 Sl. No.MonthsProposed expenditure (Rs. In Cr.) 1April 0.71 2May 0.71 3June 1.06 4July 1.41 5August 3.53 6September 5.99 7October 10.22 8November 3.53 9December 1.76 10January 1.76 11February 2.12 12March 2.47 Total 35.25
IWMP-FUND REQUIREMENT FOR THE YEAR 2014-15 BATCH-I( PROJECT SANCTIONED IN 2009-10) Rs. In Lakh SL.N O BUDGET COMPONENT TOTAL FUND RECEIVED TOTAL EXPENDITUR E ( 28.02.2014) % EXPENDITU RE FUND REQUIRED FOR THE YEAR 2014-15 REMARKS (TIMELINES ETC.) 1DPR 21.759.8345 - saving on this component is to be transferred to Watershed works component 2EPA 87.0085.9799 - saving on this component is to be transferred to Watershed works component 3TRAINING & IEC 83.9846.835661.92 Dec.14 4ADMINISTRATIVE COST 110.9250.3845167.12 March-15 5WATERSHED WORK 517.07464.1790636.29 March-15 6LIVELIHOOD 96.6617.0218200.48 March-15 7 PRODUCTION SYS. & MICRO ENT. 121.6329.8825252.87 Feb-15 8MONITORING 9.34 - -21.75 Feb-15 9EVALUATION 10.901.971819.78 March-15 10CONSOLIDATION - -108.75 TOTAL 1059.23706.05671468.95 -
IWMP-FUND REQUIREMENT FOR THE YEAR 2014-15 BATCH-II( PROJECT SANCTIONED IN 2010-11) Rs. In Lakh SL.N O BUDGET COMPONENT TOTAL FUND RECEIVED TOTAL EXPENDITUR E ( 28.02.2014) % EXPENDITU RE FUND REQUIRED FOR THE YEAR 2014-15 REMARKS (TIMELINES ETC.) 1DPR 21.0620.8299 - saving on this component is to be transferred to Watershed works component 2EPA 84.2381.6997 - saving on this component is to be transferred to Watershed works component 3TRAINING & IEC 35.649.572772.55 Dec.14 4ADMINISTRATIVE COST 25.6010.2940100.07 March-15 5WATERSHED WORK 75.34 - -544.19 March-15 6LIVELIHOOD 10.05 - -84.23 March-15 7 PRODUCTION SYS. & MICRO ENT. 10.052.2923107.21 Feb-15 8MONITORING 2.01 - -9.27 Feb-15 9EVALUATION 3.01 - -10.74 March-15 10CONSOLIDATION - - - - TOTAL 266.98124.6447928.26 -
IWMP-FUND REQUIREMENT FOR THE YEAR 2014-15 BATCH-III( PROJECT SANCTIONED IN 2011-12) Rs. In Lakh SL.NOBUDGET COMPONENT TOTAL FUND RECEIVED TOTAL EXPENDITURE ( 28.02.2014) % EXPENDITURE FUND REQUIRED FOR THE YEAR 2014-15 REMARKS (TIMELINES ETC.) 1DPR 21.305.332515.97 June 2014 2EPA 85.2075.098810.12 May 2014 3TRAINING & IEC 33.157.322285.95 Dec.14 4ADMINISTRATIVE COST 24.157.1630104.46 March-15 5WATERSHED WORK 67.5140.5260507.10 March-15 6LIVELIHOOD 9.002.012283.20 March-15 7PRODUCTION SYS. & MICRO ENT. 9.003.0334107.73 Feb-15 8MONITORING 1.80 - -9.37 Feb-15 9EVALUATION 2.70 - -10.86 March-15 10CONSOLIDATION - - - - TOTAL 253.81140.4455934.76 -
IWMP-FUND REQUIREMENT FOR THE YEAR 2014-15 BATCH-IV( PROJECT SANCTIONED IN 2012-13) Rs. In Lakh SL.NOBUDGET COMPONENT TOTAL FUND RECEIVED TOTAL EXPENDITURE ( 28.02.2014) % EXPENDITURE FUND REQUIRED FOR THE YEAR 2014-15 REMARKS (TIMELINES ETC.) 1DPR 6.252.98486.87 Sept 2014 2EPA 25.01 - -39.37 July 2014 3TRAINING & IEC 3.13 - -29.53 Dec.14 4ADMINISTRATIVE COST 3.130.902918.79 March-15 5WATERSHED WORK - - -73.82 March-15 6LIVELIHOOD - - -9.84 March-15 7PRODUCTION SYS. & MICRO ENT. - - -9.84 Feb-15 8MONITORING - - -1.97 Feb-15 9EVALUATION - - -2.95 March-15 10CONSOLIDATION - - - TOTAL 37.513.8710192.98 -
IWMP - Financial Target for 2014-15 Name of the state :- Sikkim Rs. In Lakh Sl. No.Components Fund Released up to previous year (28-2-14) Expenditure up to previous year (28-2-14 Unspent Balance as on (28-2-14) Annual Target for 2014-15 Actual Requirment of Grant (10-5) Ist Qtr.IInd Qtr.IIIrd Qtr.IVth Qtr. Total (6+7+8+9) 1234567891011 1 ADMINISTRATIVE COST 163.7968.7295.0727.33121.03171.7970.28390.43295.36 2 MONITORING 13.15 - 2.9713.1318.647.6242.3629.20 3 EVALUATION 16.611.9714.643.1013.7419.517.9844.3429.70 4 ENTRY POINT ACTIVITIES (EPA) 281.44242.7438.703.4615.3421.778.9149.4910.79 5 INSTITUTION & CAPACITY BUILDING 155.9063.7292.1817.5077.48109.9844.99249.95157.77 6 DETAILED PROJECT REPORT (DPR) 70.3651.1119.251.607.0810.054.1122.843.59 7 NRM WORKS (TOTAL) 659.91504.69155.21123.30546.03775.01317.051761.391606.18 8 LIVELIHOOD FOR ASSET-LESS PERSON 115.7019.0396.6826.44117.10166.2168.00377.75281.07 9 PRODUCTION SYSTEM & MICRO ENTERPRISE 140.6735.20105.4733.44148.07210.1785.98477.66372.18 10 CONSOLIDATION - - -7.6133.7147.8519.58108.75 TOTAL 1617.53987.18630.35246.751092.731550.97634.493524.942894.59
No. of persons trained under Capacity Building from April 2012 till 28 th February 2014 Sl. No.Training onResource Person from the Department ofName of the Project No. of beneficiaries 1.Accounts and Book Keeping Central Audit General, GOI and account staff of SLNA EAST I,II & III14 NORTH I47 SOUTH I & II137 2.Fish FarmingDirectorate of Fisheries, GOSEAST II80 NORTH I31 3.Poultry Farming (Vanaraja) ICAR, GOIEAST II101 NORTH I85 4.Broom BindingRed Panda Unit, SamdongEAST I & II177 NORTH I West-I 141 181 5.Basic Beautician Course Cutting Style, TadongEAST I & II29 NORTH I07 6.Pig FarmingAnimal Husbandry & Livestock Veterinary Services, GOS EAST I & II94 NORTH I100 Contd.
7.Bee keepingKhadi Board of Village Industry Commission, GOI EAST I,II&III105 NORTH I66 8.Bamboo CraftRed Panda Unit, SamdongEAST I II & III16 NORTH I West I South I, II & III 09 24 11 9.Angora RabbitAnimal Husbandry & Livestock Veterinary Services, GOS EAST I04 10.Awareness ProgramPIA and experts of SLNASouth I & II West-I 309 152 11.Decorative Candle Making Namchi Designer candleEAST I & III South III 53 57 Total2020 No. of persons trained under Capacity Building from April 2012 till 28 th February 2014 Contd.
Proposed Capacity Building Plan for 2014-15 No. of persons proposed to be trained during 2014- 15 All amounts are Rs. in lakh Level of stakeholder No. of Training No. of Beneficiaries Subject of Training programmeName of Training Institute Proposed Expenditure SLNA level52149GIS, MIS, IWMP, Accounts and Book keeping, etc. NIRD, SIRD, AATI etc 22.35 District level64199IWMP, Accounts and Book keeping, Exposure visit etc. Raleganj Siddhi, YS Parmar University of Horticulture Solan, ICAR, etc. 08.78 WC level (Village) 5786527Poultry, Turkey, Beekeeping, Bamboo craft, Decorative candle making, Angora Rabbit farming, Piggery Farming, Trout farming, Pickle and Jam Making, Ginger and Cardamom processing, Vermi-composting, Exotic and off seasonal vegetables, Horticulture (Peach, Plum, Pear, Apricot), etc. AH,LS&VS, Agriculture Deptt, Fisheries, KVID, ICAR, Red panda Unit, CAE&PHT, YS Parmar University of Horticulture Solan, etc. 219.85 Total250.98
Capacity building consolidated plan for the year 2014-2015 Contd. Sl. No Type of TrainingInstitution /unit Duration of implementat ion Tentative no. of Beneficiaries MWS covered in Training Estimated Total Amount 1 Awareness and institution building SLNA1825186,18,750 2FisheriesDirectorate of Fisheries2143242,14,500 3PiggeryAH & VS210805216,20,000 4Poultry FarmingAH & VS and ICAR211615117,41,500 5Bee Keeping Khadi and Village Industry Commission 35715112,84,750 6Broom BindingRed Panda Unit samdong1880446,60,000 7Bamboo CraftRed Panda Unit Samdong451164439,15,000 8GerberaPrivate farm Pakyong2187262,80,500 9 Account and Book Keeping SLNA Accounts1912368,250 10Training on IWMPHind Sawraj Trust, Maharastra10108418,10,000 11Pickle MakingGreen Grocers72804214,70,000
Capacity building consolidated plan for the year 2014-2015 Contd. Sl. No Type of TrainingInstitution /unit Duration of implementatio n Tentative no. of Beneficiaries MWS covered in Training Estimated Total Amount 12Enterprenureship trainingPvt Institute121154810,35,000 13 House keeping and Catering IHM Rumtek152504928,12,500 14 Decorative Candle making Namchi Designer Candle74405126,25,000 15Processing of gingerAgriculture University3280296,30,000 16SLNA Level NIRD, SIRD, AATI, IBRAD 101495222,35,000 17 Exposure Visit on Village Tourism Gorumara, West Bengal430190,000 18Turkey FarmingCPDO, Bhuwaneshwar2290504,35,000 19Vermi CompostICAR/Agriculture Deptt.7169488,87,250 20Horticulture Agriculture & Horticulture Department 2390505,85,000 21Off Seasonal Vegetables Agriculture & Horticulture Department 2320504,80,000 22 Training on Lac craft making International Institute of Sustainable Development 30101 6,00,000 Total 6875694250,98,000
IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY FOR PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR 2014- 15 Area allocated for 2014-15 (lakh ha) 0.12 No. of Projects 3 No. of Districts 2 Timeline for completing the initial capacity building September 2014 Timeline for completion of DPRs September 2015 Completion of EPA March 2015 Constitution of WCs September 2014 Training of WCs November 2014
Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase of IWMP Name of state: Sikkim Sl No. ItemsFor Projects sanctioned in 2009- 10 For Projects sanctioned in 2010-11 For Projects sanctioned in 2011-12 1Status of empanelment of Evaluating Agencies ICAR Tadong, NIRD Guwahati and Govind Ballabh Pant institute of Himalayan Environment and Development. ICAR Tadong, NIRD Guwahati and Govind Ballabh Pant institute of Himalayan Environment and Development and College of Agricultural Engineering and Post Harvest Technology Sikkim ICAR Tadong, NIRD Guwahati and Govind Ballabh Pant institute of Himalayan Environment and Development and College of Agricultural Engineering and Post Harvest Technology 2Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase (completed/ on-going/ not done) CompletedNot done- 3If evaluation not done then timeline for completion. If completed then status of submission of Evaluation -August 2014Feb 2015 4Report along with ATR to DOLR. (Submitted/ not submitted) SubmittedNot done- 5If not submitted, then time line report submission along with ATR -September 2014March 2015
Status of Evaluation of Work Phase of IWMP Name of state: Sikkim Sl No. ItemsFor Projects sanctioned in 2009-10 For Projects sanctioned in 2010-11 1Status of empanelment of Evaluating Agencies ICAR Tadong, NIRD Guwahati and GB Panth ICAR Tadong, NIRD Guwahati and Govind Ballabh Pant institute of Himalayan Environment and Development and College of Agricultural Engineering and Post Harvest Technology 2Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase (completed/ on-going/ not done) CompletedNot done 3If evaluation not done then timeline for completion. If completed then status of submission of Evaluation -October 2014 4Report along with ATR to Dolr. (Submitted/ not submitted) SubmittedNot done 5If not submitted, then time line report submission along with ATR -November 2014
Status of engagement of Agencies for Concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation Name of State: Sikkim Sl No.Items 1Date of advertisement- 2Status of selection of agenciesAgencies are shortlisted 3If not done then timeline for completion. Completed 4If completed then status of submission of report along with ATR Toto DOLR. (Submitted/ not submitted) Batch I Completed, other batches under progress. 5If submitted, then timeline report submission along with ATR -
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