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Who was elected President in 1932-33? Did he have an actual plan to fix the Depression when he came into office? What was the first thing he did as President?

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2 Who was elected President in 1932-33? Did he have an actual plan to fix the Depression when he came into office? What was the first thing he did as President? (he did it on his second day as President) Why was/is restoring confidence in our economic system important? What was alphabet soup? What was the purpose of the New Deal?

3 The purpose of the New Deal was to provide immediate relief to Americans in greatest need, help the nation’s recovery by ‘pump priming’, and reform institutions to make future depressions less likely. The New Deal attempted to fix the economic, political, and social woes of our nation.













16 Get young men working…..CCC







23 After Roosevelt’s initial Hundred Days he did not really introduce any more programs…he kind of just waited to see what the results would be. By 1935 not much had changed,the programs were moving too slow. RELIEF and RECOVERY alone were not getting the job done and Americans were getting restless, they needed help. It was at this time that Roosevelt kicked it into high gear and introduced numerous programs to aim directly at helping people get jobs, put money away, and bring the standard of living back up in America. From 1935 on the New Deal aimed at all three R’s, especially REFORM. By 1937 the economy had nearly recovered to 1929 levels. Roosevelt cut back on some programs and kept some others but the U.S. would never be the same. Free market capitalism was gone and U.S. government was now going regulate our economy. Unlike the old days, the government was now going to take a leading role in organizing and making sure our economy continued to grow….that really is Roosevelt’s legacy.

24 As you just read, programs were proposed from 1933-1937. Although things were going well for quite some time, a recession hit in late 1937 and put a halt to much of the progress made over the previous four years. Therefore the government decided that they were just going to run with the programs they had and not introduce anything new. By 1939 FDR actually announced that he would not propose any more programs, instead he would be concentrate his efforts and time on the growing problems in Europe.

25 1. Banking system was stabilized 2. Federal payments help farmers 3. Work relief programs provide jobs 4. New Deal helps to unify the nation 5. Social Security provides a safety net

26 1. Power of the presidency increases. 2. Government takes active role in the economy and peoples lives. 3. Democrats take control of government for many years. 4. Wagner Act protects workers and raises the standard of living. 5. Minorities and women gain positions in government although they do not gain many civil rights. 6. To pay for the New Deal the government spent more money that it was bringing in in taxes. This is called deficit spending. FDR raised taxes on the rich to extremely high levels to help pay these costs.

27 ECONOMIC and POLITICAL CHANGES As a result of regulating businesses, unions grew strong. Workers gained many rights establishing fair business practices. The 40 hour work week was established. Child Labor was abolished. Minimum wage was established. The Democrats come to control the Presidency for the next few decades in American politics. (1929-1968) FDR is elected 4 times in a row.

28 SOCIAL and CULTURAL CHANGES 1933, prohibition was repealed. Many African-Americans were excluded from New Deal programs even though FDR pushed for equality. The SSA became a safety net for people. This program now accounts for nearly 1/4 of the United States yearly budget. 1933, FDR signs an executive order requiring Americans to turn over their gold to the government. U.S. goes on the Gold Standard. Mt. Rushmore was completed with the help of the WPA Empire State building and Hoover Dam was completed The Star-Spangled Banner became our national anthem. 1938, Orson Welles makes his famous War of the Worlds radio broadcast.

29 If you treat people right they will treat you right - ninety percent of the time. Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth. Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds. The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. The country needs and, unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and to try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.

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