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2010-2011.  Thought Questions: 1. Why do you think the Pope is crowning Charlemagne? 2. What does this picture tell you about Charlemagne’s Empire?

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Presentation on theme: "2010-2011.  Thought Questions: 1. Why do you think the Pope is crowning Charlemagne? 2. What does this picture tell you about Charlemagne’s Empire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 2010-2011

2  Thought Questions: 1. Why do you think the Pope is crowning Charlemagne? 2. What does this picture tell you about Charlemagne’s Empire?

3  Franks- Germanic ppl living in Gaul select Clovis  Clovis converts to Christianity- makes friends w/ Pope and Roman Christians living in Gaul

4  768 Charles the Great, AKA Charlemagne 2 goals  unite Europe through conquests  convert everyone to Christianity  Successful- double size of Kingdom, more powerful than anyone since Roman Empire


6  Charlemagne asked to Rome to crush a rebellion.  Crowned by Pope Leo III.  “Emperor of the Romans”  Angers Byzantine

7  Ppl taught to obey him in church  Empire divided into self-sufficient manors  Use counts to watch empire  Counts jobs: 1. Maintain small army loyal to emperor 2. Collect taxes 3. Settle disputes  Minstrels sang song glorifying emperor (control of media!)

8  Opened school to train kids of royal officials  Grammar, logic and mathematics  Died in 813, empire divided into weak thirds- (eventual Epic Fail) but known for:  extending Christianity to northern Europe  blending German, Roman & Christian traditions  strong & efficient gov’t

9  Thought Questions: 3. What do you see in this picture? 4. Who are the men on shore? 5. Where have they come from? 6. Why do you think they have landed here?

10  Who were the Vikings?  Traders & explorers from Scandinavia who became pirates  Education unimportant, culture centered on war, pagan polytheistic ppl  Where did they raid and why?  England & Frankish manors & monasteries to obtain money and goods  Explored east coast of N.A- Vinland aka New Foundland  What was their impact on Europe?  After Charlemagne died Vikings divided & weakened empire  Europeans gave up land rather than fight, stayed on manors for protection

11  Read abt development of Feudalism  Answer the Look For and the Reading Check questions

12  Thought Questions: 7. What are some of the differences between the 2 castles? 8. What are some similarities?

13  Motte- (sounds like caught) castle built on mound of dirt to elevate for protection  Keep- stronghold built on top of motte  Bailey- enclosure containing kitchen, stables, workshops, residences for peasants & chapel  Drawbridge- connects motte & bailey, raised to prevent attack.  Ditch- water around motte and bailey

14  Changes to motte & bailey castles  Stone walls  Ventilation slits no windows  Sanitation shaft- waste goes down, “fresh” water comes up  Keep- residence and fortress, usually form of towers w/ several stories  1 st story- servants, pages, squires  2 nd & 3 rd - Lord’s residence, great hall for meals,  Parapet- low wall, had arrow slits  Portcullises- iron gate across entrances

15  Thought Questions: 9. Why do you think some ppl are working & some are not? 10. Who do you think lives in the castle? Who lives in the cottages? 11. What does this tell you about life on a manor?

16  Feudalism- system of life, services exchanged for land. Justified by idea that God intended some ppl to be superior to others.  Monarch- shared top w/ Clergy. Weaker after Charlemagne yet still top.  Lords & Nobles- ruled own land. Hunted, battled, supervised.  Wives had babies & kept house.  Divided land into fiefs to give in return for service.

17  Knights or Vassals- began training at 7, Chivalry- obey lord, respect noblewomen, aid those in trouble, fight fair & honest.  Vassal enters agreement w/ lord- land (fief) for loyalty  Peasants- base of feudal society  Majority serfs- bound to the land, can’t marry w/o permission, can’t own land  Can’t get evicted or forced to serve in military  Freemen- paid for use of land, able to leave



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