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The New Standards: Impact on the Audiology Curriculum Stephanie Davidson The Ohio State University.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Standards: Impact on the Audiology Curriculum Stephanie Davidson The Ohio State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Standards: Impact on the Audiology Curriculum Stephanie Davidson The Ohio State University

2 Initial Decisions Type of Doctoral Degree PhD AuD Some other type of doctoral degree

3 Initial Decisions We decided to develop a clinical track within our existing PhD program Rationale  Ohio State had an existing PhD program  Did not require the approval process necessary for a new degree program  We believe the PhD is “robust” enough to accommodate the new standards without compromising research training  Does not preclude us from changing from an MA/PhD program to an AuD/PhD program at some point in the future

4 Pros and Cons of the PhD Advantages to the PhD Could be implemented relatively quickly Students will graduate with a well- recognized degree Students graduating with a PhD will be prepared to take academic positions

5 Pros and Cons of the PhD Disadvantages to the PhD Requires a longer time commitment  The Ohio State program is designed to be completed in five years Perception, on the part of some, that students will not receive adequate clinical training in a PhD program Difficult to provide student support to increased numbers of doctoral students

6 Initial Decisions Should we keep our existing MA program? We decided to keep it  Several years until 2007  Ohio licensure laws have not changed  Clean breaking point after Year 2

7 Initial Decisions Should we keep our existing PhD program? We decided there was merit in keeping the “traditional” program  Serves speech and hearing science students  Serves practicing clinicians returning to school

8 Program Framework: Years 1 and 2 Year One Courses focus on introductory clinical issues and the scientific underpinnings of the discipline  Didactic classroom activity  Laboratory experiences Practicum experiences are closely supervised and include observations of experienced clinicians Year Two Courses focus on more advanced clinical issues Increased emphasis on off-site practicum PhD students begin research practicum MA awarded for state licensure purposes

9 Differences from Our Previous MA Program Additional Coursework 54 semester hours to 63 semester hours (excluding practicum and thesis/non- thesis hours) Offset by a decrease in practicum hours in Years 1 and 2

10 Differences from Previous MA Program Development of curricular tracks in Years 1 and 2 Scientific Bases, Assessment, Rehabilitation, Special Populations, Research  Allows for future flexibility  Makes the curriculum more cyclical, contextualized, and synthetic  Aids in assessment

11 Differences from Previous MA Program Introduction of a research “practicum” in lieu of a thesis in Year 2 Two in-department research classes Research “practicum” with faculty mentors to prepare for the project which is completed in Year 3  Background reading  Prospectus development  Human subjects approval

12 Program Framework:Year 3 9-12 month experience at an approved clinical site(s) “Full-time” clinical experience Supervised by PhD-level supervisors Obtain advanced clinical experience Complete a clinical research project Meet Ohio PEY requirements

13 Program Framework: Years 4 and 5 Year 4 Statistics sequence Coursework in selected “minor” Seminars in Department Preparation for candidacy exam, including development of dissertation prospectus Candidacy Exam Year 5 Seminars in Department Dissertation Final Oral Exam

14 Formative Assessment Standard IV specifically outlines the minimum required knowledge and skills Prerequisite knowledge and skills Foundations of practice Prevention and identification Evaluation Treatment

15 Formative Assessment Insure that each of the required areas has a “home” in the curriculum—preferably in multiple places Faculty develop and administer assessments to measure student outcomes in designated areas  Written examinations, “practical” examinations associated with laboratory components of courses, final projects Documentation of assessment results is tracked centrally

16 Formative Assessment An opportunity to improve our assessment practices Frustrated with “disconnect” between courses and our comprehensive exams Implementing a more cyclical and contextualized assessment process Knowledge and skills are expected to be cumulative along and across tracks

17 Summative Assessment PRAXIS Available Students need to take it for certification and licensure We’re busy with formative assessments!

18 Challenges Faculty time Extremely time-intensive process  Assign knowledge and skill areas, design assessments, develop tracking mechanisms, track student progress Views of academic freedom Some faculty members are philosophically opposed to this degree of control over their courses

19 Challenges Faculty Size The new standards require more faculty to teach courses and more supervisors/sites for practicum Adjunct faculty positions are being added to help with courses and clinical/research placements Increase in faculty number (particularly adjuncts) causes more difficulty in tracking student progress

20 Challenges—Student Funding Long history of fully funding doctoral students at Ohio State Initially applied that mindset to our post BA doctoral program—especially for students funded coming in We’ve discovered it poses a number of problems Longer program More students (hopefully) Difficulty in Year 3

21 Summary Answer your set of initial questions Put together a framework that works for your program Determine your method for dividing the knowledge and skills Design assessment tools and develop a plan for tracking student progress Wonderful opportunity to rethink the way that we are educating our students

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