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EarthResourceML Background Bruce Simons GeoScience Victoria.

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1 EarthResourceML Background Bruce Simons GeoScience Victoria

2 2 EarthResourceML Background Information Model for Exchange - Australian Mines Atlas Scenarios - deliver data to Australian Mines Atlas - mineralisation investigation over an exploration lease - land use planning to aid land use decisions. - a mine site hazard study - examine mineral system potential Governance - Australian Government Geologists Information Committee (GGIC) - Mineral Occurrence Task Group - Extension of GeoSciML Demonstration



5 Mines Atlas Response provided annually centralised database manually reformatted limited information Other ID Name Project Status State Long Lat 100 K Map 250 K Map Loc. Method Accuracy Comments Source Commodities

6 More Data Available GeoScience Australia Mines Database Contains: Reserves Resources Grade Tonnage …

7 EarthResourceML Scenarios an explorer conducts an investigation of mineralisation over an exploration lease a land use planner investigates potential resources within an area to aid land use decisions. a mining engineer conducts a mine site hazard study a project generation geologist examines mineral system potential deliver mineral occurrence data to the Australian geoscience mineral occurrence portal (Mines Atlas)

8 EarthResourceML Governance Australian/NZ Government Geologists Information Committee (GGIC) Commenced work in November 2006 MineralOccurrences v1.0 released March 2007 EarthResourceML v1.1 released July 2009 Production services by GSV, PIRSA, MRT, GSWA, NTGS Consumed by AuScope Portal ( Proposed INSPIRE standard (December 2009) CGI-IUGS requested to take-over governance (August 2010)

9 Methodology Lessons learnt from GeoSciML development: - No right or wrong way, just agreed way - Use UML to capture model - Don’t maintain classes you don’t have to - Re-use other domain classes (GeoSciML, GML) Identify Use Cases from Scenarios - Required for testing Community standard data model - an ‘Application schema’ - In a serialized form used for data transfer (i.e. ‘standard exchange format’) In general this is different from the storage format Goal One normative artefact – the UML model Documentation generated automatically ‘How to’ and ‘Cookbook’ documentation Map users data to model – modify model if necessary Establish WFS – modify model if necessary

10 Earth Resource Material Commodity Mapped Feature Ore Measure Resource Reserve Endowment Mineral System Mineral Deposit Model (komatiite hosted nickel) Mineral Occurrence Geology View of Earth Resources

11 Mining Activity Commodity Product Mining Feature Occurrence Mined Material Mineral Occurrence Mine Human Activity View

12 Mining Activity Commodity Product Mining Feature Occurrence Mined Material Mineral Occurrence Mine Earth Resource Material Mapped Feature Ore Measure Resource Reserve Endowment Mineral System Mineral Deposit Model (komatiite hosted nickel)

13 Earth Resource Material Commodity Mapped FeatureMineral System Mineral Deposit Model (komatiite hosted nickel) Mineral Occurrence Geology View of Earth Resources

14 MineralOccurrence type Geology View supergene Modification SupergeneProcesses depth material type 0..* MineralSystem associationType geneticDescription InorganicFluid fluidDescription 0..* 0..1 classification MineralDepositModel mineralDepositGroup mineralDepositType 0..1 commodityDescription Commodity commodityGroup commodityName commodityImportance commodityRank source 1..* composition EarthResourceMaterial earthResourceMaterialRole material proportion 0..* parent child 0..1 0..* NonMetallic Occurrence GeoSciML EarthResource sourceReference dimension expression form linearOrientation planarOrientation shape GeologicFeature observationMethod purpose MappedFeature observationMethod positionalAccuracy GeologicEvent eventAge eventEnvironment eventProcess occurrence 0..* geologicHistory preferredAge 0..* 0..1 EarthResourceML extends GeoSciML

15 Mineral mineralName EarthMaterial color purpose ConstituentPart proportion role ParticleGeometry Description particleType aspectRatio shape size sorting Inorganic Fluid Organic Material MetamorphicDescription metamorphicFacies metamorphicGrade peakPressureValue peakTemperatureValue protolithLithology FabricDescription fabricType PhysicalDescription density magneticSusceptibility permeability porosity CompoundMaterial compositionCategory geneticCategory RockMaterial consolidationDegree lithology material 0..1 part 0..* particleGeometry 0..1 metamorphicProperties 0..1 fabric 0..* physicalProperty 0..1 EarthMaterial

16 Earth Resource Material Commodity Mapped Feature Ore Measure Resource Reserve Endowment Mineral System Mineral Deposit Model (komatiite hosted nickel) Mineral Occurrence Human Interaction - Economic Estimates

17 EarthResource sourceReference dimension expression form linearOrientation planarOrientation shape MineralOccurrence Type: MineralOccurrenceTypeCode Commodity commodityGroup commodityName commodityImportance commodityRank «DataType» OreMeasure calculationMethod date dimension proposedExtractionMethod] sourceReference ore «DataType» Endowment includesReserves includesResources «DataType» Reserve category: ReserveCategoryCode «DataType» Resource category: ResourceCategoryCode includesReserves «DataType» CommodityMeasure commodityAmount cutOffGrade grade «CodeList» MineralOccurrenceTypeCode district field lode mineral deposit occurrence ore deposit prospect province «CodeList» ReserveCategoryCode probable ore reserves proved and probable ore reserves [JORC] proved and probable ore reserves [non-JORC] proved ore reserves «CodeList» ResourceCategoryCode indicated mineral resource inferred mineral resource measured and indicated mineral resource measured mineral resource measured, indicated and inferred mineral resource [JORC] measured, indicated and inferred mineral resource [non-JORC] NonMetallicOccurrence source 1 commodityDescription measure Details 1..* oreAmount 0..* commodity OfInterest 1..* Type: MineralOccurrenceTypeCode category: ReserveCategoryCode category: ResourceCategoryCode 1..*

18 Mining Activity Commodity Product Mining Feature Occurrence Mined Material Mineral Occurrence Mine Earth Resource Material

19 MiningActivity activityDuration activityType oreProcessed Mine endDate mineName sourceReference startDate] status MineName isPreferred mineName Product productName sourceReference grade production recovery MineStatusCode abandoned care and maintenance feasibility not operating operating continuously operating intermittently pending approval retention unknown unspecified MiningActivityTypeCode adit decline diggings dredging multiple open cut and underground mining open cut mining reworking shaft sluicing solution mining underground mining unspecified RawMaterialRoleCode gangue ore MinedMaterial material proportion rawMaterialRole MiningFeature MiningFeatureOccurrence observationMethod positionalAccuracy rawMaterial 0..* specification occurrence0..* source Commodity produced Material 1..* 0..1 relatedMine 0..* relatedActivity 1..* associatedMine 0..1 resourceExtraction 0..* deposit EarthResource sourceReference dimension expression form linearOrientation planarOrientation shape source Commodity commodityGroup commodityName commodityImportance commodityRank commodityDescription MineralOccurrence Type 1..*

20 Key points Describes Earth Resources independent of human activities ­NiS mineral occurrence Caters for description of Mineral Occurrences using: ­Mineral Deposit Models (e.g. remobilised NiS) ­Mineral Systems (Geodynamic context) ­Crustal processes Utilises GeoSciML ‣ Mapped Feature to describe spatial representation ‣ Earth Material to describe host and associated materials

21 AuScope Portal Demonstration

22 AuScope Portal






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