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Progress Reporting Committee Recommendations to the PSD Board of Directors June 21, 2012.

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1 Progress Reporting Committee Recommendations to the PSD Board of Directors June 21, 2012

2 Purpose of the Committee  This committee was created as a request from DAC (District and Administration Committee/negotiations team)  It was designed to respond to ongoing questions and concerns around parent/teacher conferences and other ways of communicating with parents

3 Committee Members Karen Tollefson (HHts) Amy Nelson (ESC) Sarah Drinkwater (ESC) Carol Rivera (GDMN) Katja Rimmele (Purdy) Amanda Naylor (GHHS) Mike Benoit (HRMS) Tim Winter (PHS) Barrie McDougall (Purdy) Claudia Thompson (ESC) Michelle B-Dumpert (GHHS) Claudia Yeaman (ART) Jim Falcocchio (PEA) Dan Gregory (ESC)

4 Benefits of Conferences and Progress Reporting  Teachers and Parents working together to benefit students – Relationship Building  Provides a format for accountability of the teacher, parent, and student in the learning  Builds understanding of how students are doing at school (academics and beyond)  Provides insight of the student from the teacher and parent perspective

5 Recommendations  Continue the practice of holding an Open House in every school Initial contact between teachers and parents and the beginning of relationship building Schools choose date, time, format There must be coordination with feeder schools

6 Recommendations  High Schools will send a progress report midway through each semester and Report Cards at the end of each semester  PreK-8 will hold fall conferences October 18 (extend into the evening) and October 22 (extend into the evening)  PreK-8 will have an early release on October 19 (Friday) and October 23 (Tuesday)  Kindergarten teachers will be compensated for the October 18 extended day conferences

7 Recommendations  K-8 Report Cards will be sent out at the end of each trimester  Evening attendance of K-8 teachers at conferences is now part of the PEA negotiated agreement

8 Recommendations  At the High Schools focus in early fall will be on interventions for freshmen, especially those having academic difficulty or difficulty making the transition to high school. A plan for identifying and monitoring At Risk freshmen should be in place at each high school for the 2012 – 2013 school year.

9 Common Topics for PreK – 8 Conferences: Personal and Social Development Self-control, cooperation, following, rules, transitions, punctuality, effective communication skills, listening skills, etc. Work Habits; participation, following directions, staying on task, timely work, independence, organization of self and materials, etc.

10 Common Topics, continued  Pertinent Test Scores and Assessment Information  Classroom Routines and Procedures  Addressed Questions from the Parents

11 Progress Reporting Calendar  SeptemberOpen Houses / K-12  OctoberPreK - 8 Conferences  NovemberPreK – 8 Report Cards  January9 – 12 Report Cards  MarchPreK – 5 Conferences PreK- 8 Report Cards  JunePreK- 12 Report Cards

12 Anticipated Benefits  New and positive ways for teachers to communicate with parents about their students  More dialogue about the student, rather than the report card  Increased opportunity for working parents to attend student conferences  As a result of focused conversations, better support structures for all students to achieve their potential

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