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EarthResourceML v.2.0 – an upgrade of the CGI- IUGS earth resource data model due to INSPIRE Data specification Jouni VUOLLO, Bruce SIMONS, John LAXTON,

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Presentation on theme: "EarthResourceML v.2.0 – an upgrade of the CGI- IUGS earth resource data model due to INSPIRE Data specification Jouni VUOLLO, Bruce SIMONS, John LAXTON,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EarthResourceML v.2.0 – an upgrade of the CGI- IUGS earth resource data model due to INSPIRE Data specification Jouni VUOLLO, Bruce SIMONS, John LAXTON, Daniel CASSARD and Adele SEYMON 1Geological Survey of Finland, Finland 2CSIRO Land & Water, Melbourne, Australia 3British Geological Survey, UK 4BRGM, France 5AMIRA International, Melbourne, Australia 1 J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012

2 2 INSPIRE data specification influence INSPIRE model Core and Full model – draft version 3.0 Inspire_Id and some INSPIRE attributed outside of ERML 2.0 EarthResourceML version 2.0 RC IUGS/CGI Full model Proposed code lists for EarthResourceMLversion 2.0 J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012 Status report 2011-2012 - INSPIRE

3 3 Potential uptake by international community –European projects INSPIRE - EURARE - ProMine - EGDI – FODD – EuroGeoSource – EMINENT – Circum Artic? EarthResourceML rc v 2.0 released June 2012 –( –After IWG meeting – Wellington 8/2012 ERML v.2.0 Vocabularies for ERML J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012

4 4 OneGeology Uses part of EarthResource ML 2.0 Derived GeoSciML 3.0 IUGS CGI IWG’s ISO OGC INSPIRE Influence – use parts of J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – 34 th International Geological Congress – 5 th – 10 th August 2012 – Brisbane, Australia EMINENT EURARE FODD EDGI Use/extend? AuScope 1G-E Use/extend? Aegos ProMine

5 INSPIRE data specification influence J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – 34 th International Geological Congress – 5 th – 10 th August 2012 – Brisbane, Australia INSPIRE data specifications Overview - see Data models Schemas 5

6 INSPIRE data specification influence At the starting point - to specify the scope of MR for INSPIRE  Reference material have been analysed, and particularly:  Two legal EU texts providing requirements for the data specification: The raw materials initiative (RMI) The management of waste from extractive industries (Directive 2006/21)  The standard data model EarthResourceML for Mineral resources – hosted by IUGS/CGI  The work currently done in European projects 6 J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012

7 Background material – www addresses Legislation: Mining Waste Directive (MWD) Raw materials initiative (RMI) ) Existing standards: EarthResourceML (IUGS/CGI) - GeoScienceML (IUGS/CGI) - Mineral: International Mineralogical Association (IMA) 7 INSPIRE data specification influence J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012

8 8J Vuollo and the INSPIRE TWG Geology&Mineral Resources - 7 th EUROGEO Bologna 12 th to 15 th June 2012 Annex III.21 Mineral resources – data model After the analyses, the TWG decided to provide two application schemas:  the core data model,  related to the main object types and properties requested by all examples of use  the location of mineral resources (Mines and Earth Resources)  the main commodities  the exploitation type  the extension  to address more properties, but optional, able to provide more attributes describing mineral resources,  specially to meet requirements from the Raw Materials Initiative and the Mining Waste Directive Summary of the core data model for Mineral Resources Summary of the extension - data model for Mineral Resources

9 9J Vuollo and the INSPIRE TWG Geology&Mineral Resources - 7 th EUROGEO Bologna 12 th to 15 th June 2012 Mineral Resources (core model): Earth Resource: natural material of potential economic value Mining Feature: working on the Earth Resource Earth Resource: Mineral Occurrence Commodity and Commodity Measure Ore Measure Mineral deposit model Exploration Activity Mining Feature: Mine Mining Activity

10 10J Vuollo and the INSPIRE TWG Geology&Mineral Resources - 7 th EUROGEO Bologna 12 th to 15 th June 2012 Earth Resource: Mineral Occurence Commodity Commodity Measure Mineral deposit model Exploration Activity Ore Measure Mining Feature: Mine Mining Activity Annex III.21 Mineral resources – extension Mineral Resources - core Mineral Resources - extension Earth Resource: Earth Resource Material Supergene processes (ex. alteration) Mineral system Mining Feature: Mined material Products Mining waste

11 11 INSPIRE data specification influence INSPIRE model Core and Full model – draft version 3.0 Inspire_Id and some INSPIRE attributed outside of ERML 2.0 EarthResourceML version 2.0 RC IUGS/CGI Full model Current situation – INSPIRE-> RC 2.0 Proposed code lists for EarthResourceMLversion 2.0 J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012 Status report 2011-2012 - INSPIRE

12 12 EarthResourceML version 2.0: Earth Resource: natural material of potential economic value Mining Feature: working on the Earth Resource Earth Resource: Mineral Occurrence Commodity and Commodity Measure Ore Measure Mineral deposit model Exploration Activity (INSPIRE) Earth Resource Material Supergene processes (ex. alteration) Mineral system Mining Feature: Mine Mining Activity Mined material Products Mining waste (INSPIRE) J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012

13 EarthResourceML v 2.0 - EarthResource 13 J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012

14 14 EarthResourceML v 2.0 – Mining Activity J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012

15 15 INSPIRE data specification influence INSPIRE model Core and Full model – draft version 3.0 Inspire_Id and some INSPIRE attributed outside of ERML 2.0 EarthResourceML version 2.0 RC IUGS/CGI Full model Proposed code lists for EarthResourceMLversion 2.0 J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012 Status report 2011-2012 - INSPIRE

16 EarthResourceML v 2.0 – Code lists 16 Most of the code lists came from the IUGS/CGI (EarthResourceML IWG) - then modified by INSPIRE TWG Some have been completed by the INSPIRE TWG Some are coming from other international organizations – e.g. mineral names from IMA Now the ERML v 2.0 model has 23 code lists 20 proposed to host by IUGS/CGI 3 lists from other international organizations mineral names from IMA Products from Mining Waste types from EIONET Final governance – CGI – discussion PM? J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012

17 17 Code list_Name Organisation hosting 1_ImportanceValueIUGS/CGI 2_CommodityCodeValueIUGS/CGI 3_EarthResourceExpressionValueIUGS/CGI 4_EarthResourceFormValueIUGS/CGI 5_EarthResourceShapeValueIUGS/CGI 6_EarthResourceMaterialRoleValueIUGS/CGI 7_ExplorationActivityTypeValueIUGS/CGI 8_ExplorationResultValueIUGS/CGI 9_MineStatusValueIUGS/CGI 10_RawMaterialRoleValueIUGS/CGI 11_MineralOccurrenceTypeValueIUGS/CGI 12_MineralDepositTypeGroupValueIUGS/CGI 13_MiningActivityTypeValueIUGS/CGI 14_WasteStorageTypeValueIUGS/CGI 15_ProcessingActivityTypeValueIUGS/CGI 16_MiningWasteTypeValueEionet 17_EnvironmentalImpactValueIUGS/CGI 18_EndusePotentialValueIUGS/CGI 20_ReserveCategoryValueIUGS/CGI 21_ResourceCategoryValueIUGS/CGI 22_ClassificationMethodUsedValueIUGS/CGI 23_MineralNameValueIMA EarthResourceML v 2.0 – Code lists J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012

18 18 EarthResourceML v 2.0 – Code lists - examples See - INSPIRE IR and Technical Guidelines documentSee - INSPIRE IR and Technical Guidelines document CGI Code-lists values for interoperability of Mineral Resources data sets and services J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012

19 19 Vocabulary development together with GeoSciML IWG? Finalize all? Testing ERML 2.0 Fennoscandian (FODD) to ERML 2.0 service GTK - SGU – NGU – VSEGEI? Australia GA EU – activities – based on ERML 2.0 EGDI SCOPE 2012-2014 Eurare 2013 -2017 EmiNENT - planned Circum-Arctic Ore Deposit Map – 2012 - 2016 Nordic countries – Russia – USGS – GSC – Russia (VSEGEI) J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012 7. Time frame and deliverables There was a general consensus that the deliverables must include a database and the map product both printed and accessible on web. Further deliverables, e. g. aimed at decision-makers, could be considered. Proposals for the time frame ranged from deadlines at the end of 2014 to mid 2016. Different products could be made available within this time span. Participants: Lawrence D. Meinert, USGS Bruce Kjarsgaard, GSC Lisbeth Hildebrand, SGU Jan-Anders Perdahl, SGU Pekka Nurmi, GTK Karen Hanghøj, GEUS Jochen Kolb, GEUS Sergey P. Shokalsky, VSEGEI Rognvald Boyd, NGU Jan Sverre Sandstad, NGU Tom Heldal, NGU Future plans

20 20 Status report 2011-2012 Future plans EarthResourceML version 2.0 RC - > ERML ver. 2 Work plan to do this ERML IWG – after Rome 2010 meeting New group J Vuollo – B Simons – J Laxton – D Cassard – A Seymon – Wellington 2012 Face-To-Face Meeting – 13 th – 17 th August 2012 ERML - IUGS/CGI – IWG -2010-2012 Bruce Simons - Csiro - AU (Chair) Adele Seymon - Amira - AU Daniel Cassard - BRGM - FR John Laxton - BGS - GB Michael Sexton - GA - AU Stefan Bergman - SGU - SW Tim Christie - GNS - NZ Jouni Vuollo - GTK - FIN

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