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October 1, 2015 PEP Presenters: Sue Price, Katie Armstrong, Mike Ponza.

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Presentation on theme: "October 1, 2015 PEP Presenters: Sue Price, Katie Armstrong, Mike Ponza."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 1, 2015 PEP Presenters: Sue Price, Katie Armstrong, Mike Ponza

2 Welcome to PEP! We’re glad you’re here!

3 PEP = Parents as Educational Partners When? Fourth Thursday of the month, 5:30-7:30 pm Where? Discovery Elementary School Library Who? You! And your family! (Childcare is provided!) What will we talk about? Who to go to help at school How to get involved in school How to help your child Working at home with your child

4  New name for a new year!  The Discovery PLACE (Parents Learning About Connecting and Educating) )  Same format, same days and times

5 Tonight’s Agenda 5:30--6:00 Dinner 6:00-7:30 Presentation Children are eating dinner and being entertained!

6 Tonight’s Sponsors Discovery PTO & Staff Morgan Orthodontics: Water Williams Martial Arts: Childcare

7 2015-16 PEP Sessions

8  We will meet again Thursday, October 22 during Literacy Night. Join us for a special ELL presentation, then visit another presentation to learn how else to help your child.  We hope you can make it!

9 Oct. 12 th : No School (Columbus Day) Oct. 13 th : PTO Meeting Oct. 22 st : PEP/Literacy Night****Change in childcare Oct 23 rd : Parents Night Out Oct 30 th : End of Quarter 1 and Monster Mash Nov. 2 nd and 3 rd : Teacher Work Days- NO SCHOOL Nov. 11 th : Report Cards sent home

10 Parent Teacher Conferences YES! This is your opportunity to hear how your child is doing in school. Ask questions or share any concerns you have. Ask for ideas on how you can help your child at home.

11 Request a translator for conference if needed. Tell your child’s teacher as soon as possible that you need a translator. If possible, choose an after school day instead of Nov 2 & 3. If you know right now – raise your hand! Conferences

12 Interims are given halfway through the quarter for struggling students. Struggling students may receive some of these interventions: -Reading Intervention -Power Up -PALS Literacy Tutors Other Reports

13 Assessments Grades Effort Work Habits Phoenix

14 Not every assessment will be graded. Our goal is to give multiple opportunities to demonstrate understanding. Assessments may include: Quizzes/Unit Tests critical writing create a chart or comparison

15 Not every assessment will have an E opportunity. (i.e. letter recognition in Kindergarten) K-2 uses 4 letters on the report card & some assignments: E, M, P, B 3-5 uses both letters and numbers to indicate grades: 1, 2, 3, 4 or A, B, C, D

16 Diagnostic Formative Summative

17 Diagnostic assessments do NOT affect the final grade. Diagnostic assessments are given before any instruction has taken place to see what students already know about a topic.

18 Formative assessments do affect the final grade and are entered into Phoenix. Formative assessments are used during the teaching to help teachers see if students are understanding the material being taught. Teachers use formative assessments to plan their lessons.

19 Summative assessments are put in the Phoenix gradebook. They count as a grade. Summative assessments evaluate a student's understanding after the teaching. Summative assessments let us know if a student has mastered the learning.

20 E4E4 M3M3 P2P2 B1B1

21 E4E4 M3M3 Meets Expectations Student demonstrates an understanding of grade level expectations. P2P2 B1B1

22 E4E4 M3M3 Meets Expectations Student demonstrates an understanding of grade level expectations. P2P2 Progressing Student demonstrates partial understanding of grade level expectations and is progressing toward expectations. B1B1

23 E4E4 M3M3 Meets Expectations Student demonstrates an understanding of grade level expectations. P2P2 Progressing Student demonstrates partial understanding of grade level expectations and is progressing toward expectations. B1B1 Below Expectations Student does not yet meet grade level expectations.

24 E4E4 Exceeds Expectations Student exceeds expectations (transfer to other contexts, demonstrates higher order thinking skills). M3M3 Meets Expectations Student demonstrates an understanding of grade level expectations. P2P2 Progressing Student demonstrates partial understanding of grade level expectations and is progressing toward expectations. B1B1 Below Expectations Student does not yet meet grade level expectations.

25 REPORT CARDS Katie Armstrong: Kindergarten Parents Mike Ponza: Grade 1-2 Parents Sue Price: Grade 3-5 Parents


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