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Nationalism in Europe. Nationalism’s Transformation: From Liberal Idea to Conservative Reality How to make sense of Nationalism in the 19 th century How.

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Presentation on theme: "Nationalism in Europe. Nationalism’s Transformation: From Liberal Idea to Conservative Reality How to make sense of Nationalism in the 19 th century How."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nationalism in Europe

2 Nationalism’s Transformation: From Liberal Idea to Conservative Reality How to make sense of Nationalism in the 19 th century How to make sense of Nationalism in the 19 th century National Identity as a Social Construct National Identity as a Social Construct Italian Unification Italian Unification –From Liberal Idea to the Conservative Achievement of Piedmont-Sardinia (1860) German Unification: German Unification: –From Liberal Idea to the Conservative Achievement of Germany (1871) –Role of War 17891914184818301854-185618601871 1866 Crimean War Italian Unification Austro-Prussian War German Unification Series of Liberal Bourgeois Revolutions 1870 Fr-Prussian War 3 rd French Republic LIBERAL CHALLENGECONSERVATIVE REALITY Terms: Benedict Anderson “Imagined Community” Giuseppe Mazzini Victor Emmanuel II Count Camillio di Cavour Giuseppe Garibaldi Otto von Bismarck Realpolitik Franco-Prussian War

3 Lithuania (1989/1991) Estonia (1991) Latvia (1991) Ukraine (1991) Belarus (1991) Croatia (1991) Slovenia (1991) Macedonia (1992) Czech Republic (1993) Slovakia (1993) Bosnia (1995) Greece (1830) Belgium (1830) Serbia (1830) Italy (1861) Romania (1862) Hungary (1867/1920) Germany (1871) Bulgaria (1878) Finland (1917) Poland (1920) Ireland (1921) Making Sense of Nationalism: The Creation of Nation States

4 Conservative Achievement of Italian Unification Led by Kingdom of Piedmont- Sardinia under leadership of Victor Emmanuel II (1849-1878) and his conservative Prime Minister Count Camillo di Cavour (1810-1861) Led by Kingdom of Piedmont- Sardinia under leadership of Victor Emmanuel II (1849-1878) and his conservative Prime Minister Count Camillo di Cavour (1810-1861) Unification as Means to Strengthen Kingdom and Expand Power Unification as Means to Strengthen Kingdom and Expand Power 1859—War with Austria 1859—War with Austria Help of Democratic Republic Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807- 1882) Help of Democratic Republic Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807- 1882) –Allured by unification and seeming parliamentary reforms in Piedmont Sardinia (1848 brings “constitutional” government) –Rallying Cry of “Italy and Victor Emmanuel!” VERDI March 1861: Victor Emmanuel declared himself King of Italy March 1861: Victor Emmanuel declared himself King of Italy Piedmont-Sardinia Congress of Vienna Settlement (1815) Piedmont-Sardinia By 1860

5 Garibaldi leading his “Red Shirts” to Victory over Neapolitan Army, May 1860 Italy by 1870 Unification of Italy by 1861 but not the Democratization of Italy 1848 Constitution of Piedmont Sardinia now Constitution of Italy Resentment of Garibaldi and Republicans Conservative Monarchical Regime with weak framework of constitutional government Problem of Regional Divisions (language in particular) Italian Unification

6 Germany in 1860

7 Otto von Bismarck Minister-President of Prussia 1859 Directs Prussian drive to control German states Instigates war with Denmark (1864), Austria (1866), and France (1870) Works closely with military leadership: Helmut von Moltke Policy of realpolitik

8 German Unification 1871

9 Louis Napoleon, Emperor of the French, 1852-1870 February 1848: Attempt to set up Second Republic Influence of Louis Blanc’s ideas April elections brought more conservative elements into gov’t Gen. Cavignac puts down government Louis-Napoleon runs as “Bonaparte” Early career as dreamer and schemer Dec. 1848 elected President 1852 declared Emperor Use of referendum

10 1870: Franco-Prussian War A war over words: The Ems Telegram 19 July 1871: French declare War Battle of Sedan (French defeated by 1 Sept) – –348,000 Prussians vs. 270,000 Frenchmen Napoleon III – –Prisoner of war in September – –Abdicates and goes into exile in England Final capitulation on 28 January 1871 May 1871: Treaty of Frankfurt – –Germany gains Alsace and Lorraine – –French pay war debt of 5 billion francs France: Establishment of Third Republic Wars Leading to Unification

11 18 January 1871: Declaration of German Empire at Palace of Versailles18 January 1871: Declaration of German Empire at Palace of Versailles Wilhelm I becomes German emperorWilhelm I becomes German emperor Germany now an imperial federation of statesGermany now an imperial federation of states Similar limits to representational government as earlier Northern Confedertion Real power in hands of emperor Chancellor responsible to emperor not legislature Federal Bundesrat and Reichstag elected by universal malehood suffrage German Unification

12 Hall of Mirrors, Palace of Versailles

13 Nationalism and the Nation-State Central feature of modernityCentral feature of modernity Connections between economy, and military powerConnections between economy, and military power Nation-state as most efficient form of governmentNation-state as most efficient form of government North German Confederation in 1867 mirrors economic alliance of ZollvereinNorth German Confederation in 1867 mirrors economic alliance of Zollverein Continuing problem of Klein Deutschland vs. Gross DeutschlandContinuing problem of Klein Deutschland vs. Gross Deutschland

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