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Unit 13 Review Game ■Essential Question ■Essential Question: –What were the major domestic & foreign themes in U.S. history from 1960-1974? ■Cuban Missile.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 13 Review Game ■Essential Question ■Essential Question: –What were the major domestic & foreign themes in U.S. history from 1960-1974? ■Cuban Missile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 13 Review Game ■Essential Question ■Essential Question: –What were the major domestic & foreign themes in U.S. history from 1960-1974? ■Cuban Missile Death Match!

2 Unit 13 Review Game ■In groups of three, respond to each prompt presented: –For each series of prompts, groups will earn points per correct answer –For each incorrect answer, groups will earn 0 points –Groups will earn 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1 bonus points based on scores

3 What Event Caused Each? 1.The beginning of the civil rights movement in 1954 2.The emergence of Martin Luther King as a national civil rights leader in 1955 3.March on Washington in 1963 by CORE, SCLC, SNCC, NAACP 4.Civil Rights Act of 1964 5.Voting Rights Act of 1965

4 ■Brown v BOE → Civil Rights Movement ■Success of the Montgomery Bus Boycott → MLK as leader (& SCLC) ■National attention generated by Birmingham march → March on D.C. ■Birmingham violence on TV and/or March on D.C. → Civil Rights Act ■Violence at Selma march → Voting Rights Act

5 Identify Each JFK Concept: “Best & the Brightest” “New Frontier” “Flexible Response” Bay of Pigs Warren Commission

6 ■“Best & Brightest”: Term for JFK’s White House staff; He increased power of prez by using his staff more than the Cabinet ■“New Frontier”: JFK’s domestic policy, called for liberal reform in education, poverty, & strong stand against USSR ■“Flexible Response”: JFK’s foreign policy of using a variety of tactics, increased nuclear missiles, CIA, Green Berets ■Bay of Pigs: Failed invasion of Cuba 1961 ■Warren Commission: Gov’t investigation of JFK’s assassination (“Oswald did it“)

7 Name 6 components of Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society”


9 Identify Each Vietnam Concept: Ho Chi Minh Ngo Dinh Diem Vietcong Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 1964 Tet Offensive, 1968 Pentagon Papers Vietnamization

10 ■Ho Chi Minh: Communist leader in North ■Diem: Democratic leader in South; JFK gave OK for his assassination in 1963 ■Vietcong: Communists in the South ■Gulf of Tonkin Resolution: Congress gave LBJ all necessary steps to win Vietnam; led to full deployment of U.S. troops ■Tet Offensive: Communist invasion into South; showed that USA wasn’t winning ■Pentagon Papers: Military docs showed U.S. gov’t was distorting truth about war ■Vietnamization: Nixon’s gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops; Let Vietnamese fight

11 Name 1 way each helped Civil Rights from 1948-1965: Harry Truman Dwight Eisenhower Lyndon Johnson Supreme Court CORE SNCC

12 ■Truman: Desegregated military in 1948 ■Ike: Enforced school integration at Little Rock’s Central High School in 1957 ■LBJ: Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965, 24 th Amendment ■Supreme Court: Brown v. BOE in 1954 overturned Plessy ■CORE: Freedom Rides in 1961 ■SNCC: College students inspired by MLK began the sit-in; Later became militant under Stokely Carmichael

13 Name 5 reasons 1968 was one of the most tumultuous years in American history

14 ■Assassination of MLK ■Assassination of Robert Kennedy ■Student protests in Chicago during Democratic National Convention (Humphrey vs. McCarthy) ■Height of the Vietnam War with 500,000 U.S. soldiers deployed ■North Vietnam’s Tet Offensive ■“Black Power” silent protest at Mexico City Olympics

15 Name 5 ideas, events, or people associated with “counter-culture” or the “youth movement” of the 1960s & 1970s

16 ■Mario Savio, “Free Speech” movement, Students for a Democ Society (SDS) ■“Sex, drugs, rock n roll” ■Protest of the Vietnam War; Kent State & Jackson State violence in 1970 ■Timothy Leary “tune in, turn on, drop out” ■Woodstock concert, 1969 ■“Hippies” & alternative communities ■Any of the “power movements” ■Political activism; Dem Convention 1968

17 Identify Each: Dixiecrat Black Power Civil Rights Act Voting Rights Act Thurgood Marshall Nation of Islam (Black Muslims)

18 ■Dixiecrat: Southern Democrats who splintered from the party in opposition to civil rights position of JFK & LBJ ■Black Power: led by SNCC & Stokely Carmichael, advocated economic equality with whites; often militant ■Civil Rights Act: ended segregation laws ■Voting Rights: ended literacy tests & allowed for federal voting registrars ■Marshall: Lead NAACP attorney in the Brown case; 1 st black Sup.Court justice ■Nation of Islam: Led by Malcolm X, advocated a militant, pro-Africa position

19 Identify Each Civil Rights Concept from 1965-1974: Stonewall Riot ERA Roe v. Wade La Raza Cesar Chavez Alcatraz Island, 1969

20 ■Stonewall Riot: Arrests in NY began the gay liberation movement (GLF) ■Equal Rights Amnd: failed amendment to end sexual discrimination; Supported by Freidan & Steinem; Opposed by Schlafly ■Roe v Wade: Supreme Court upheld abortion rights as a matter of privacy ■La Raza: Mexican-American movement dedicated to awareness ■Cesar Chavez: Mexican-Am leader of United Farm Workers of America ■Alcatraz: Indians of All Tribes seized the prison to bring awareness to Indian rights

21 Name the 3 components of Nixon’s détente foreign policy

22 ■Détente: Nixon’s Cold War foreign policy involved: –Easing tensions with USSR –Better relations with China –A gradual withdrawal from Vietnam (Vietnamization)

23 Identify Each Nixon Concept: “The Great Nixon Turn-Around” “Silent Majority” Ping-Pong Diplomacy SALT War Powers Act (1973) Watergate

24 ■Nixon Turn-Around: 90-day freeze on wages helped end a recession in 1971 ■Silent Majority: Conservative minded Americans fed up with liberal reform, Cold War foreign policy, & student protests ■Ping-Pong Diplomacy: beginning of Nixon’s official recognition of China ■SALT: nuclear arms limitation with USSR ■War Powers Act: Restricted military power of president; Congressional approval to send troops for more than 90 days ■Watergate: biggest prez scandal ever

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