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Take care when travelling in the holiday. Road Safety Alert Enjoy the 40 th National Day celebrations by driving safely on the roads Be proud to drive.

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Presentation on theme: "Take care when travelling in the holiday. Road Safety Alert Enjoy the 40 th National Day celebrations by driving safely on the roads Be proud to drive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take care when travelling in the holiday

2 Road Safety Alert Enjoy the 40 th National Day celebrations by driving safely on the roads Be proud to drive safe !!

3 40 th National Day You face the same risks commuting in your private vehicle for the National Day holiday as you do for celebrating Eid People take risks and rush getting tired & fatigued We do not want you to die in a car crash and never see your family again

4 Using your private vehicle??  It is best to use PDO approved transport but if you are going to use your private vehicle to go home for the holiday….. make sure you get there safe by following this advice.  Get enough rest before you drive  Do not travel home straight after your shift ends, rest first.  It is best to travel with people for company and share the driving with others if you can.  Avoid driving in darkness, it is a killer.  Always, always wear your seatbelt.  Never drive and use your GSM at the same time.  Never drive at excessive speed, it might the last thing you do.  Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  If you get tired then take a break.

5 28 th Nov. Dodsal Fahud QA Road Is it the start of the driving crazy season? Four rollovers and two LTIs in 3 days shows that some people still.. ……….…do not Listen !!! Why?? These were all caused by Speeding and driving at night Do you listen??nd steer 26 th Nov IECC – Yibal 27 th Nov SOS Bahja 28 th Nov Al Katheery Saih Rawl

6 Tired and Fatigued? Be brave take a break The hidden killer Rest before you travel Fatigue

7 Speed is the number one killer ! Take your time to ensure you arrive alive Don't drive faster than the conditions allow or the posted speed limit Speed

8 Do not Drive at Night !! Avoid driving at night at all times even while using your private vehicles. Ensure you get authorization of your work related journeys by your line supervisor.

9 Rules for Driving: Dust Code Cant See Don’t Go. The dust code is a life saver

10 Remember you are responsible not your family ……… aaaa ah ???? ??

11 How can passengers help? Passengers take note:  ALWAYS wear your seatbelt.  DO NOT distract the driver.  STAY alert yourself.  STOP the driver if he takes risk or violates rules.  HELP the driver by pointing out hazards.  INFORM the Journey Manager if the driver refuses to STOP and be safe.  TELL the driver if he is dozing.

12 Do not become the latest PDO fatality statistic Look after your own health, safety and wellbeing to enjoy your holiday with your family and friends. PDO Corporate Road Safety Team wishes you and your family a very safe and happy 40 th National Day holiday Drive only if fit to do so. Take regular breaks in the journey. STOP and rest if you are tired.

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