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1 Strategic Systems Solutions Cognizant Case Studies, 2004 One Year On! IT Apprenticeships – Dispelling the Myths John Merchant 22nd.

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1 1 Strategic Systems Solutions Cognizant Case Studies, 2004 One Year On! IT Apprenticeships – Dispelling the Myths John Merchant 22nd April 2009

2 2 Strategic Systems Solutions Cognizant Case Studies, 2004 Who are Strategic Systems Solutions?  We provide global IT and BPO services and consultancy  Offices in UK, US, China, Singapore and the Philippines – 800 staff worldwide  Primarily for the Financial Sector; 6 of the top 10 Investment Banks are our customers  Business areas:  Systems Development, Testing and Support  Project Management and Infrastructure Solutions

3 3 Strategic Systems Solutions Cognizant Case Studies, 2004 The Big Issue…  We needed to develop new talent  Aging workforce SSS, clients, industry  Staff change role, leave, retire…  Traditionally replaced by junior developers  Out-sourcing / Off-shoring restrict entry level opportunities  Create next generation of developers  Longer term to create the  Project / team leaders and …  … ultimately the IT managers of the future

4 4 Strategic Systems Solutions Cognizant Case Studies, 2004 Why an Apprenticeship?  What are the Alternatives?  Recruit experienced staff  Graduate trainees  More off-shoring  Apprentices  Opportunity to grow your own talent  Cost effective – Governmental support  Higher retention rate and loyalty

5 5 Strategic Systems Solutions Cognizant Case Studies, 2004 The Benefits…  Long term continuity of service  Short term new service offering  Junior UK Resource  Balanced teams / competitively priced  Senior staff oversee / assure - Blend offshore  Partnerships – Industry / Academic  A good thing to do!

6 6 Strategic Systems Solutions Cognizant Case Studies, 2004 Making IT Happen – 1  Initially going alone…  Speak with e-Skills UK:  Dedicated team  Relevant contacts  Best decision – Partner with local college  Jointly ran recruitment campaign  Developed / customised training program  Industry Qualifications  Unlocked funding

7 7 Strategic Systems Solutions Cognizant Case Studies, 2004 Making IT Happen – 2  Our Clients  Worked closely to meet their needs  Tailored / customised training as appropriate  Work experience roles  Industry Partners  Who is going to use their products and services?  Practical support with training environments, software and education

8 8 Strategic Systems Solutions Cognizant Case Studies, 2004 Today at SSS  Completed 6 month ‘boot’ camp  Specific technical skills  IT development lifecycle  Relevant business knowledge  Professional skills  Placing apprentices with our clients  Regular assessment and day release to college

9 9 Strategic Systems Solutions Cognizant Case Studies, 2004  Run again internally  Help clients create own program  Offer as service to IT community  Talking with ‘new’ Leeds City College  IT Training Hub  Involved with National Skills Academy  Concept can be applied to other:  Technical skills  IT disciplines Next Steps

10 10 Strategic Systems Solutions Cognizant Case Studies, 2004  Started your own Apprenticeship  Developing tailored new talent  For the short and long term  Nodding in agreement that it is indeed:  A Cost effective option  Generating multiple business benefits  True about the support to help you along  On stage telling your story… Where will you be in April 2010?

11 11 Strategic Systems Solutions Cognizant Case Studies, 2004

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