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Diocese of Broken Bay Staff Day 5 November 2010 © M. Leahy Integroe Partners.

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Presentation on theme: "Diocese of Broken Bay Staff Day 5 November 2010 © M. Leahy Integroe Partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diocese of Broken Bay Staff Day 5 November 2010 © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

2 Agenda 9.30 Prayer & Welcome Julie Kelly, David Penny 9.45 Context Setting Bishop David 10.30 The Past Mary Leahy - Acknowledge and Celebrate 11.30 Morning Tea 12.00 The Present - Examine and Engage 1.00 Lunch 2.00 The Future - Envisage © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

3 Purpose Gather as one in community –Individuals, Team/Agency, Diocese Pre Synod- “Go Make Disciples.” –“..come together to lay foundations for the future direction of the diocese.” –“..celebrate the accomplishments that have been achieved and to recognise the giftedness and the diversity of our people.” © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

4 My role “…is to enable you to do your work!” © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

5 I invite you to… be present be open listen & hear question & clarify engage your imagination think differently! and MULTI TASK! –Multiple hats © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

6 Organisation Booklet Resources Mixed Table groups –Sessions 1 & 2 Agency/Team groups –Session 3 © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

7 Off or silent!!!! © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

8 Session 1 “Acknowledging and Celebrating the Past” Diocese of Broken Bay 25 year Story…… –Characterised by: Need to establish and build an identity Rapid growth Significant change –Leadership –Staffing –Structures –Systems/Processes –Location –etc © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

9 –Situate yourself on the timeline –From your knowledge and experience add to the timeline: Significant events Changes –Record on post-its © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

10 Your contribution..your story! Reflect on your time working with the Diocese: –What has been your personal contribution? skill, expertise, experience personal attribute, capability –What has facilitated your contribution? –How has your contribution enhanced the work of your team, agency, the Diocese? SELF TEAM/ AGENCYDIOCESEE © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

11 Process Individual reflection 5 mins In 4’s share your story 20 mins Identify themes (refer to Mission Statement) …………………………………………… Combine with the other group on your table Compare themes –Share 1 or 2 stories that exemplify the themes Refine themes and record on post–its –“Reflecting on the past we celebrate………….” Feedback © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

12 Mission Statement We the Catholic Church of Broken Bay are, through Baptism, a community of disciples of Jesus. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to work together to extend the Kingdom of God. We will: Proclaim - Proclaim the Good News of Jesus in our words and actions Respond personally - Respond personally to God's unique love for each of us Love each other - Live with each other in the love of Jesus Celebrate - Celebrate and share our Catholic faith and life experience Educate - Educate our people in our Catholic story and beliefs and their implications for our lives Serve - Serve each other, the community and all creation in justice and love Seek Unity - Seek unity with our fellow Christians and meaningful dialogue with people of all faiths © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

13 Session 2 “Examine and Engage” One Diocese many parts Agency Overview –“elevator grab!” –Listen for the uniqueness and the similarities Clarification? –Table discussion © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

14 Engage with the Present as members of the Diocesan Community As we engage with our current reality with a view towards the future, what are the: –strengths (build) –weakness (address) –opportunities (leverage) –threat (diminish) © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

15 STRENGTHSWEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIESTHREATS Engage with the Present © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

16 Refer to the Pastoral Plans –Appendix 1 In table groups –brainstorm and record on 4 separate pages of butchers paper Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Revisit and check for omissions Circle emerging themes © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

17 Diocese of Broken Bay Mission Statement Diocese of Broken Bay Mission Statement Future- Vision Expression of: - Identity - Purpose -Values -VISION a statement of how things should be, not how they were in the past, or how they are now- a realistic, credible, attractive future! challenges are we committed to tackling in the preservation of our identity and mission and in the pursuit of our vision? © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

18 Before lunch Reflect on Bishop David’s 8 Issues In table groups discuss: –have the issues been captured in the SWOT activity? –which issues are particularly pertinent to you/ your team? –why? After lunch –Move to team/ agency groups © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

19 Share SWOT emerging themes © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

20 Diocese of Broken Bay Mission Statement Diocese of Broken Bay Mission Statement Future- Vision Expression of: - Identity - Purpose -Values -VISION a statement of how things should be, not how they were in the past, or how they are now- a realistic, credible, attractive future! challenges are we committed to tackling in the preservation of our identity and mission and in the pursuit of our vision? © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

21 Reflect on the implications of Bishop David’s 8 Issues. –What do they mean for you as: an individual a member of a particular team/agency? Page 6 booklet Based on your reflections and what you’ve heard today, are there issues that have not been identified that will be important for the Synod, for your Team? –Discuss –Record © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

22 Commit to Action What ? Why? So what? –Identify a personal or team action/ goal S.M.A.R.T Tell someone ‘check- in’ © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

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