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 Parties and Politics at the Turn of the Century.

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Presentation on theme: " Parties and Politics at the Turn of the Century."— Presentation transcript:

1  Parties and Politics at the Turn of the Century

2 Red vs. Blue  Red State  Typically support conservative agenda  What does that mean?  Who do you think typically votes “red”?

3 Red vs. Blue  Blue States  Typically support liberal agenda  What does that mean?  Who do you think typically votes “blue”?


5 Independents and Third Parties  30-35% of voters define themselves as independents  How do you think independents influence political parties/elections?

6 Independents and Third Parties  Third party refers to political parties other than the two major political parties  Theodore Roosevelt (1912)  Progressive Party  Former Republican  Ross Perot (1992)  Reform Party  Ralph Nader (2000)  Green Party  Previously aligned with Democratic Party

7 Independents and Third Parties  What effect do you think third party candidates have on elections?


9 Re-election  In 1996 Clinton defeated Bob Dole of Kansas.  The only Democrat to win reelection to a 2nd term of office as president since FDR


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